Jim Jordan Questioning Merrick Garland right now.

I am sorry you said you agreed with most of what I said . . . where could have I gone wrong. You think it is ethical then to accept gifts from someone that you have given beneficial judgements to in the past. That is totally normal right. I could care less about hearings 30 years ago. This is current actions. You think that is appropriate. Or is it ok because he got creative with it? Because that is what you think a supreme court Justice should be. As an aside I see you no where near the moderate line at all. I have not seen a single moderate position by you once on here.
And conversely I wouldn’t really be able to say that your posts are indicative of someone just a bit left of center. So are we square?
Plane rides are bribes? How many cases involving Mr. Crow have come before Thomas?
And conversely I wouldn’t really be able to say that your posts are indicative of someone just a bit left of center. So are we square?
Plane rides are bribes? How many cases involving Mr. Crow have come before Thomas?
In addition, Crow has been connected to several groups that over the years have lobbied the supreme court through so-called “amicus briefs” that provide legal arguments supporting a plaintiff or defendant.
In addition, Crow has been connected to several groups that over the years have lobbied the supreme court through so-called “amicus briefs” that provide legal arguments supporting a plaintiff or defendant.
Filing amicus briefs is legal, is it not?
And conversely I wouldn’t really be able to say that your posts are indicative of someone just a bit left of center. So are we square?
Plane rides are bribes? How many cases involving Mr. Crow have come before Thomas?
Lets label it -

I am fiscally conservative (however this actually deviates from Republicans as they have been unable to show any fiscal restraint - as to democrats

I am strong proponent of enforcing borders, and improving legal immigration (supports both right and left)

I am pro choice (obviously left leaning)

I support the 2nd amendment - I also am fully supportive of more gun laws to lower the murder and suicide rates. (both)

I am not fond of stimulus checks or debt forgiveness - Pay for what you recieved.

I am a proponent of Vaccines and Covid Vaccines, I was also a proponent of not shutting down schools and wanted them open especially in the fall of 2020.

Looks a lot more moderate than your positions, but please feel free to post them
Lets label it -

I am fiscally conservative (however this actually deviates from Republicans as they have been unable to show any fiscal restraint - as to democrats

I am strong proponent of enforcing borders, and improving legal immigration (supports both right and left)

I am pro choice (obviously left leaning)

I support the 2nd amendment - I also am fully supportive of more gun laws to lower the murder and suicide rates. (both)

I am not fond of stimulus checks or debt forgiveness - Pay for what you recieved.

I am a proponent of Vaccines and Covid Vaccines, I was also a proponent of not shutting down schools and wanted them open especially in the fall of 2020.

Looks a lot more moderate than your positions, but please feel free to post them
Your a real Republican or basically a Joe Biden Democrat in 2023 like me.
Honestly, Joe is too old for me. At least Joe is somewhat down the middle, but he was 1000 times better option than Trump. Politics is an absolute shit show right now.
His positions are basically yours and please do the right thing in 2024 as he's standing in the way of Authoritarianism.
His positions are basically yours and please do the right thing in 2024 as he's standing in the way of Authoritarianism.
Some of the positions are, handouts are not. He really isn't trying to run a balanced budget which will continue to build the debt. Beyond that yes I am much more comfortable with him in the presidential chair than 90% of the candidates the republicans have thrown out there.
The MAGAt base is pleased though.

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Lets label it -

I am fiscally conservative (however this actually deviates from Republicans as they have been unable to show any fiscal restraint - as to democrats

I am strong proponent of enforcing borders, and improving legal immigration (supports both right and left)

I am pro choice (obviously left leaning)

I support the 2nd amendment - I also am fully supportive of more gun laws to lower the murder and suicide rates. (both)

I am not fond of stimulus checks or debt forgiveness - Pay for what you recieved.

I am a proponent of Vaccines and Covid Vaccines, I was also a proponent of not shutting down schools and wanted them open especially in the fall of 2020.

Looks a lot more moderate than your positions, but please feel free to post them
These are close to my views as well. A political party based on these fundamental positions would get 75% of the vote. What I'm really asking is, Will you be my president?
Some of the positions are, handouts are not. He really isn't trying to run a balanced budget which will continue to build the debt. Beyond that yes I am much more comfortable with him in the presidential chair than 90% of the candidates the republicans have thrown out there.
Need a Senate proof filibuster the House and Presidency and the tax revenue will increase to offset the investments you mentioned with the Billionaires and Corporations actually paying.
Need a Senate proof filibuster the House and Presidency and the tax revenue will increase to offset the investments you mentioned with the Billionaires and Corporations actually paying.
Increased taxation is needed. As much as billionaires need increased taxes and to avoid loop holes to increase their effective tax rates. Lower income individuals do as well. I would cut the EIC wither completely or in half. You have several individuals keeping income low to maximize EIC and lower taxes due. We can not lower the debt with out increasing taxes on the middle class, and or having the lower level tax base at least pay minimal or no taxes and not receive massive tax credits. Just my opinion.
Increased taxation is needed. As much as billionaires need increased taxes and to avoid loop holes to increase their effective tax rates. Lower income individuals do as well. I would cut the EIC wither completely or in half. You have several individuals keeping income low to maximize EIC and lower taxes due. We can not lower the debt with out increasing taxes on the middle class, and or having the lower level tax base at least pay minimal or no taxes and not receive massive tax credits. Just my opinion.
The 1% must pay substantially more at minimum and that takes a filibuster proof majority in Senate as the GOP will not do the right thing on literally anything.
Lets label it -

I am fiscally conservative (however this actually deviates from Republicans as they have been unable to show any fiscal restraint - as to democrats

I am strong proponent of enforcing borders, and improving legal immigration (supports both right and left)

I am pro choice (obviously left leaning)

I support the 2nd amendment - I also am fully supportive of more gun laws to lower the murder and suicide rates. (both)

I am not fond of stimulus checks or debt forgiveness - Pay for what you recieved.

I am a proponent of Vaccines and Covid Vaccines, I was also a proponent of not shutting down schools and wanted them open especially in the fall of 2020.

Looks a lot more moderate than your positions, but please feel free to post them
I actually agree with all of your points.
I am not opposed to 2A but I strongly dislike guns.
I am pro choice but opposed to PBA’s.
I am vaccinated. I wore masks.
I supported open schools
I am a fiscal conservative
I support loan repayment
I support border control and immigration reform
We are far closer than you seem to care to admit.
Here is what I think why doesn't a 3rd party try to be created with this platform. I think they would get a ton of votes.
That platform is basically President Biden's. Help him fully enact it with a Dem House and filibuster proof Senate. The GOP is dead and never coming back. It needs to go the way of the Wigs at the ballot box.
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Increased taxation is needed. As much as billionaires need increased taxes and to avoid loop holes to increase their effective tax rates. Lower income individuals do as well. I would cut the EIC wither completely or in half. You have several individuals keeping income low to maximize EIC and lower taxes due. We can not lower the debt with out increasing taxes on the middle class, and or having the lower level tax base at least pay minimal or no taxes and not receive massive tax credits. Just my opinion.
Not sure about increased taxation without SERIOUS overhaul of wasteful spending.
Here is what I think why doesn't a 3rd party try to be created with this platform. I think they would get a ton of votes.

Stunning right? Seems so obvious and as the extremist drag the parties away from the middle, it should be more and more obvious it it needed. I've been clamoring for years for a legit, 3rd party. Even folks here say "they wouldn't be able to afford the price of entry" which may, to some degree, be true. But doing the right thing is never easy.
Honestly, Joe is too old for me. At least Joe is somewhat down the middle, but he was 1000 times better option than Trump. Politics is an absolute shit show right now. However the last time I voted for a presidential Republican nominee was Bush.
The only reason I had hope for Joe was his history in the Senate of being a deal maker and somewhat of a compromiser. His advisers (handlers) have not permitted that.
Not sure about increased taxation without SERIOUS overhaul of wasteful spending.
What would you deem as wasteful? I do think the budget needs revamped.

step 1 - cut defense spending by 1/2 to 1%.
On Medicare and SS - remove caps and or increase tax by a nominal %. Taxpayers would notice very little change.
2 try to limit handouts for disabilities. The majority on disability are truly abled they just don't want to work.
3. tell the republicans to stop putting so much earmarks or pork in their bills (ok tell both sides) but republicans have been worse
4. Interest is going to become a massive issue that is going to be so difficult to tackle with potential of decreased demand for bonds. I would give partial interest with tax benefits included on the bonds.
5. Whatever increased taxation occurs needs to not decrease the growth of the economy. That is a tough obstacle but not impossible.
6. As to the green agenda I am conflicted. I can see the increased damage that global warming is causing. Currently the current green agenda, the technology or resources is not there to implement it.
The only reason I had hope for Joe was his history in the Senate of being a deal maker and somewhat of a compromiser. His advisers (handlers) have not permitted that.
and neither have the Right. There has been very little across the aisle work.
LOL I don’t know if it’s meant as a compliment but I did in fact volunteer at my kids schools. I also worked, was active in my neighborhood association, and was even a precinct worker as a…Democrat. 😵‍💫

I actually agree with all of your points.
I am not opposed to 2A but I strongly dislike guns.
I am pro choice but opposed to PBA’s.
I am vaccinated. I wore masks.
I supported open schools
I am a fiscal conservative
I support loan repayment
I support border control and immigration reform
We are far closer than you seem to care to admit.
Then why do you vote for Republicans? They like guns, they are pro life, anti-vaccination to some extent, and they sure as hell aren't fiscally conservative.
Then why do you vote for Republicans? They like guns, they are pro life, anti-vaccination to some extent, and they sure as hell aren't fiscally conservative.
I actually agree with all of your points.
I am not opposed to 2A but I strongly dislike guns.
I am pro choice but opposed to PBA’s.
I am vaccinated. I wore masks.
I supported open schools
I am a fiscal conservative
I support loan repayment
I support border control and immigration reform
We are far closer than you seem to care to admit.
With not being a huge 2A supporter I am surprised at your position. However you are not supportive of LGBTQ. I find supporting all people to be key. However you are also supportive of Desantis, how has actively attacked LGBTQ and also immigration. He was against Covid protocols and vaccinations. You seem to be much more tolerant of authoritarian tendancies than I am. Trump and Desantis. Quite the pair.
With not being a huge 2A supporter I am surprised at your position. However you are not supportive of LGBTQ. I find supporting all people to be key. However you are also supportive of Desantis, how has actively attacked LGBTQ and also immigration. He was against Covid protocols and vaccinations. You seem to be much more tolerant of authoritarian tendancies than I am. Trump and Desantis. Quite the pair.
Why would ever think I’m not supportive of gays or gay marriage? Persons born with other sexual orientation than mine are human beings worthy of my respect.
Authoritarian tendencies? I see that as another matter of opinions.
Then why do you vote for Republicans? They like guns, they are pro life, anti-vaccination to some extent, and they sure as hell aren't fiscally conservative.
I simply do not identify with the majority of Democrats on details but…I voted for a Democrat as my City Councilman in July. And I would have voted for a Democrat for Governor had Gwen Graham been the candidate in 2018.
  • Haha
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