Jim Jordan Questioning Merrick Garland right now.

I would talk so much shit back to them.
You mean Garland of course.
Regardless of what you and others think of Jordan, Merrick Garland would have been a dud on the Court.
We need more duds on the court and less bought and paid for house servants like that feckless and ethically challenged hack Clarence Thomas.
Why do you assume I allow Fox News to tell me anything? Do you just have to bleat out some poorly thought out response?
Well if you’re coming up with the dumb shit you say on your own that’s even more embarrassing for you.

I’d take the easy out and admit you’re being spoon fed bullshit from right wing media. At least it allows you to retain some dignity..
Sure. I’ll just copy and paste your post. Why are you bringing her up? If you’re trying to reference not so bright females on the Court then Sonia Sotomayor is currently available.
Housewife calls this CV holder not-bright:

In 1976, Sotomayor graduated summa cum laude with her bachelor's degree in history, gaining election into Phi Beta Kappa along the way. Before continuing to Yale Law School the next year in pursuit of her J.D., she wed her high school boyfriend, Kevin Noonan (the two would divorce seven years later). At Yale she began to display the thought processes that would shape her legal mind. She published a noteworthy article on Puerto Rico's right to offshore minerals and was known for always making persuasive arguments. She co-chaired the Latin American and Native American Students Association and worked as an editor for the Yale Law Journal.

You are an embarassment Goldy.
I watch things online - hardly ever anything from Fox, but often CNN or clips on the internet…and I have formed my own opinion of the man. I do not consider him an intellectual heavyweight in any instance.
What qualifications do you have - former housewife - to be judging the legal minds of people that actually graduated at the top of their classes at Ivy League schools?
Housewife calls this CV holder not-bright:

In 1976, Sotomayor graduated summa cum laude with her bachelor's degree in history, gaining election into Phi Beta Kappa along the way. Before continuing to Yale Law School the next year in pursuit of her J.D., she wed her high school boyfriend, Kevin Noonan (the two would divorce seven years later). At Yale she began to display the thought processes that would shape her legal mind. She published a noteworthy article on Puerto Rico's right to offshore minerals and was known for always making persuasive arguments. She co-chaired the Latin American and Native American Students Association and worked as an editor for the Yale Law Journal.

You are an embarassment Goldy.
So ANYONE who graduates from an Ivy law is a super intelligent person and should never be questioned re their capability?
You be sure and stick with that thought…cause I’ll be watching.
Luckily I don’t care if you think I’m an embarrassment…
Well if you’re coming up with the dumb shit you say on your own that’s even more embarrassing for you.

I’d take the easy out and admit you’re being spoon fed bullshit from right wing media. At least it allows you to retain some dignity..
You’re on a tear today aren’t you?
Sit down.
Housewife calls this CV holder not-bright:

In 1976, Sotomayor graduated summa cum laude with her bachelor's degree in history, gaining election into Phi Beta Kappa along the way. Before continuing to Yale Law School the next year in pursuit of her J.D., she wed her high school boyfriend, Kevin Noonan (the two would divorce seven years later). At Yale she began to display the thought processes that would shape her legal mind. She published a noteworthy article on Puerto Rico's right to offshore minerals and was known for always making persuasive arguments. She co-chaired the Latin American and Native American Students Association and worked as an editor for the Yale Law Journal.

You are an embarassment Goldy.
Hold on. Let's see Goldie's resume before we assume Sotomayor is more intelligent.
I watch things online - hardly ever anything from Fox, but often CNN or clips on the internet…and I have formed my own opinion of the man. I do not consider him an intellectual heavyweight in any instance.
Garland is about as independent as u can be when rising to this level. Both sides don't care for him in some instances. He was also loved in many Republican circles before the balance of the court could be manipulated. Garland is a victim of well done PR campaign done by R wing media. Is he a saint no way and obviously makes mistakes. But based on his resume he would have been better as qualified or more qualified than anyone on the court currently.
There are probably four judges that don't belong on the court. Kagan, Thomas, Alito , and Barret. Either due to light resumes or being ethically compermised.
We need more duds on the court and less bought and paid for house servants like that feckless and ethically challenged hack Clarence Thomas.
My my my. - House servant?
It must be difficult for a really successful sports journalist like yourself to have to talk to all the athletes who look like a House Servant…
So ANYONE who graduates from an Ivy law is a super intelligent person and should never be questioned re their capability?
You be sure and stick with that thought…cause I’ll be watching.
Luckily I don’t care if you think I’m an embarrassment…
No, and it could very well be true that you don't watch Fox or OAN, but then maybe you could articulate what capabilities Garland lacks that others on the court possess instead of just parroting exactly what we hear from those networks.
You mean Garland of course.
Regardless of what you and others think of Jordan, Merrick Garland would have been a dud on the Court.
I'm sure your rich legal background and thorough review of Judge Garland's DC Circuit opinions have lead you to that conclusion. Alternatively, you're just vomiting back subliterate Fox News talking points. I'm guessing the latter. But surprise me!
Hold on. Let's see Goldie's resume before we assume Sotomayor is more intelligent.
My resume? Last time I checked it says as a US citizen I’m allowed to think what I want about the people we have in place who can make decisions that affect all of us.
Right, left, center. Those who pass laws and those who have a job determining if those laws are constitutional.
You have your opinion and I have mine. I think that’s still allowed.
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I hate to see this ugly devolving battle between two of my favorites on this board in goldmom and torbee. But insofar as substance is concerned I have to side with torbee in this matter. I think it best if both would abandon this thread.
I appreciate your admiration and you’re also entitled to your opinion.
I watch things online - hardly ever anything from Fox, but often CNN or clips on the internet…and I have formed my own opinion of the man. I do not consider him an intellectual heavyweight in any instance.
He runs circles around Kavanaugh. I think Barrett isn't terrible, but still far from a moderate, and does appear to lean towards ideological tendencies. Also I am glad that you have deemed that he is not an intellectual heavyweight. I am sure your IQ is so much higher than his.
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I watch things online - hardly ever anything from Fox, but often CNN or clips on the internet…and I have formed my own opinion of the man. I do not consider him an intellectual heavyweight in any instance.


Harvard, summa cum laude
Harvard Law School magna cum laude
Harvard Law Review Articles Editor
Clerk for Judge Friendly
Clerk for Justice Brennan
Arnold & Porter
US Attorney
Assistant Attorney General
Led Oklahoma bombing, Kosinski, and Olympic bomber prosecution teams
US Court of Appeals - DC Circuit Court
Chief Judge
Attorney General of the United States
I went back and looked at your other posts in this thread and I didn't realize that your opinions were formed from "clips on the internet." Please accept my humble apologies for doubting your opinion.
Why am I not surprised that you would try to be clever?
Try harder, Sparky.
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He runs circles around Kavanaugh. I think Barrett isn't terrible, but still far from a moderate, and does appear to lean towards ideological tendencies. Also I am glad that you have deemed that he is not an intellectual heavyweight. I am sure your IQ is so much higher than his.
I would hope that every person who sits on that bench has a high IQ, don’t you?

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