Jim Jordan Questioning Merrick Garland right now.

Admonishing…or pushing back ???
That’s how I see it. And I know lefties aren’t used to conservatives pushing back when we’re attacked.
I don’t follow. You “pushed back” on Riley for doing what you do on here all the time. Why?
That platform is basically President Biden's. Help him fully enact it with a Dem House and filibuster proof Senate. The GOP is dead and never coming back. It needs to go the way of the Wigs at the ballot box.
Dead again? This is crazy.
I wasn't happy about him taking his sweet ass time on Trump, but I am happy to see he is not backing down to MAGA.
His presentation of the information in his report was an unmitigated disaster for which he still owes penance but glad to see him punching back.

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