Jim Jordan Questioning Merrick Garland right now.

What would you deem as wasteful? I do think the budget needs revamped.

step 1 - cut defense spending by 1/2 to 1%.
On Medicare and SS - remove caps and or increase tax by a nominal %. Taxpayers would notice very little change.
2 try to limit handouts for disabilities. The majority on disability are truly abled they just don't want to work.
3. tell the republicans to stop putting so much earmarks or pork in their bills (ok tell both sides) but republicans have been worse
4. Interest is going to become a massive issue that is going to be so difficult to tackle with potential of decreased demand for bonds. I would give partial interest with tax benefits included on the bonds.
5. Whatever increased taxation occurs needs to not decrease the growth of the economy. That is a tough obstacle but not impossible.
6. As to the green agenda I am conflicted. I can see the increased damage that global warming is causing. Currently the current green agenda, the technology or resources is not there to implement it.
I think that’s a good list.
LOL I don’t know if it’s meant as a compliment but I did in fact volunteer at my kids schools. I also worked, was active in my neighborhood association, and was even a precinct worker as a…Democrat. 😵‍💫
I would have probably enjoyed you as a Democrat. Thankfully I never suffered a severe blow to the head and I am still a Democrat.
I simply do not identify with the majority of Democrats on details but…I voted for a Democrat as my City Councilman in July. And I would have voted for a Democrat for Governor had Gwen Graham been the candidate in 2018.
What a load of bullshit. "Details"? GMAFB. You're a republican so you vote republican even though you don't support what republicans are trying to do. It's one of the major issues we have in our country right now.
The only reason I had hope for Joe was his history in the Senate of being a deal maker and somewhat of a compromiser. His advisers (handlers) have not permitted that.
Joe has done yet one helluva job as a compromiser. He has kept the Dem votes and a lot of stuff has gotten done.
Joe’s an old school Dem…and he has a lot resistance from his own but has held them together as a whole. The problem lies with about 20 Repubbers in House and Senate. They are 100% “contra” everything that can be negotiated… and simply, without compromise, there is no place in politics for these folks. Politics is product of compromise. “My way or the highway” accomplishes nothing…and has no chance of ever accomplishing a thing.
Accept Season 4 GIF by Billions
Why would ever think I’m not supportive of gays or gay marriage? Persons born with other sexual orientation than mine are human beings worthy of my respect.
Authoritarian tendencies? I see that as another matter of opinions.
Let’s see, Trump lost an election, told everyone it was being stolen from him. Fed Fox News with it even as many advisors told him he lost. He wanted to manipulate to try to retain power. Called Georgia told them to find 13,000 votes then says it was a perfect call.

DeSantis has removed 2 democratic attorneys. He tried to to punish Disney because they came out with a position different than his. Then has continued to punish and try to outmaneuver on principle while it is beginning to harm Florida tourism. Making Disney target from republicans and democrats not going to Florida because the governor doesn’t seem welcoming.

90% of rationale people would say that have authoritarian tendencies. I don’t think it just a matter of opinion.
I’d still give my life savings if someone showed up with a book/kindle and just read during the entire hearing. Pause briefly to say no comment when someone stops, and then back to the book.
“Why did you request a pardon? What laws do you think you broke?”, would be asked more than once.
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I am sorry you said you agreed with most of what I said . . . where could have I gone wrong. You think it is ethical then to accept gifts from someone that you have given beneficial judgements to in the past. That is totally normal right. I could care less about hearings 30 years ago. This is current actions. You think that is appropriate. Or is it ok because he got creative with it? Because that is what you think a supreme court Justice should be. As an aside I see you no where near the moderate line at all. I have not seen a single moderate position by you once on here.
She defends educators sometimes…but that’s it.
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Anita Hill was only “abused” by the handlers who put her up to lying.
Was Joe Biden ever smart enough to verbally abuse anyone? I mean we hear stories now about his tantrums but supposedly that’s common in people suffering from dementia.
This take continues to make you look silly. Stop with the dementia crap about someone smarter than you.
What a load of bullshit. "Details"? GMAFB. You're a republican so you vote republican even though you don't support what republicans are trying to do. It's one of the major issues we have in our country right now.
What a load of bs. GMAFB. You’re allegedly a democrat so you vote democrat even though you’re a closet socialist.
And yes that is a major issue in our country right now.
See how assumptions get turned around?
Let’s see, Trump lost an election, told everyone it was being stolen from him. Fed Fox News with it even as many advisors told him he lost. He wanted to manipulate to try to retain power. Called Georgia told them to find 13,000 votes then says it was a perfect call.

DeSantis has removed 2 democratic attorneys. He tried to to punish Disney because they came out with a position different than his. Then has continued to punish and try to outmaneuver on principle while it is beginning to harm Florida tourism. Making Disney target from republicans and democrats not going to Florida because the governor doesn’t seem welcoming.

90% of rationale people would say that have authoritarian tendencies. I don’t think it just a matter of opinion.
It’s very obvious those 2 act like dictators who don’t want to be questioned.
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What a load of bs. GMAFB. You’re allegedly a democrat so you vote democrat even though you’re a closet socialist.
And yes that is a major issue in our country right now.
See how assumptions get turned around?
Democrats=“closet socialists but”…….
Republicans = “closet Fascists”….

The Logic is FLAWLESS ain’t it, mom?
What a load of bs. GMAFB. You’re allegedly a democrat so you vote democrat even though you’re a closet socialist.
And yes that is a major issue in our country right now.
See how assumptions get turned around?
No. Because I voted for more republican Presidential candidates that Democratic before Trump. I've been extremely Independent throughout my voting eligibility. On the other hand, you are an ignorant rube. One who states, very clearly, advocate of issues that Democrats advocate yet you still support right wingers.

It's fun watching you get exposed. But only in the intellectual sense - no one wants to see that.
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More waste from House Republicans.

The revenge tour continues.

They only have one motive and that is trying to discredit the Justice Dept. ahead of Turd's trials.

Fvcking disgusting pricks.
Don't you think the Democrats and especially the Democratically controlld DOJ have fully discredited themselves over the course of the last twenty years or so, and especially over the past seven?
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Don't you think they havre fully discredited themselves over the course of the last twenty years or so, and especially over the the past seven?
Newt taught the Republicans the importance of snatching defeat from the jaws of (political) victory! And thankfully for Democrats, he had plenty of willing students to mentor.
Hail to Newt Gingrich… the King of Political heels! He made Bill Clinton a great President and started tge Republican Party on its quick slide to self-destruction.
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I cannot wait for gym jordan to rot in the depths of hell next to hitler, bin Laden and trump.
You’re unhinged. The fact you put these 4 together shows how far the left has fallen.
Propaganda and dehumanizing your political opponents with hyperbole is right out of the textbook for authoritarianism. Maybe we should put the MAGAs in camps next? They threaten democracy right? They are pigs, I mean scum right? Only the left can protect America from the evil policies of the MAGAs. They are unclean, stupid.

The manner with which some of you label your political opponents on here is straight out of the manual.
But do you agree let’s really stop the waste and mismanagement and THEN see if we need an increase - and for how much?

Short answer, no, we need both. We need to increase funding to new and underfunded programs. The costs of new/improved would outweigh the fat that will be taken back by putting many departments on a diet.

I think we should be pulling as many levers at once and it will certainly cost more money in the short term.... that increase should be funded by increased taxes, resolving govt waste, reductions in govt giveaways to profitable industry that ISN"T returning the investment to the govt in the form of dividends.
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He's not asking you how you form your opinion.

Why, specifically, do you think Garland would have been a dud?

Garland's successes seem to have come when he was in a position with lots of structure and lots of guidance. In places such as college, Law school, working under senior leadership ... places where there are rules of behavior and where you are never a decision maker. He was a follow-the-leader type guy. He collected lots of honors and lots of accolades probably for prodigious regurgitation of whatever the latest legal thinking was at the time.

He was educated but until he reached the top, he did not have to think. A lot of life is this way.

Once he got the top leadership role in his field, he was expected to be the guy who set up the framework from which everyone took guidance. He has failed miserably at this task.

In fact, he has so disregarded the presumed role of AG, that I think it is fair to say that for the first time in his life, he does not understand it. He does not perceive the magnitude of his influence on the future history of this country, and even on the world.


He has demonstrated himself to be a very stupid (and for the record and a different thread) a very vindictive individual. He is not up to his current task, and most certainly would not have been a Supreme Court Justice of distinction.

He clearly would have been a dud ... someone who served without any particular insight, but who just kind of filled a slot and wrote a lot of legalese gibberish with no long-term impact on the course of legal thinking in this nation. There would never have been a "Garland Rule" or a Garland Precedent." He would have at some point been simply lost to history.

A dud!!
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Newt taught the Republicans the importance of snatching defeat from the jaws of (political) victory! And thankfully for Democrats, he had plenty of willing students to mentor.
Hail to Newt Gingrich… the King of Political heels! He made Bill Clinton a great President and started the Republican Party on its quick slide to self-destruction.
For the record, no less a luminary of the Right than Arthur Laffer hails Bill Clinton as one of the best presidents of the century (along with Warren Harding, Jack Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump).

All hail Bill Clinton!
More waste from House Republicans.

The revenge tour continues.

They only have one motive and that is trying to discredit the Justice Dept. ahead of Turd's trials.

Fvcking disgusting pricks.
You're just a repubphobe... you're a bigot and fear what you don't understand.

I think I did this right
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For the record, no less a luminary of the Right than Arthur Laffer hails Bill Clinton as one of the best presidents of the century (along with Warren Harding, Jack Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump).

All hail Bill Clinton!
There’s little disagreement among those who worked with or knew him that he was an extremely intelligent man and in today’s atmosphere he wouldn’t be libby enough for the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party.
Garland's successes seem to have come when he was in a position with lots of structure and lots of guidance. In places such as college, Law school, working under senior leadership ... places where there are rules of behavior and where you are never a decision maker. He was a follow-the-leader type guy. He collected lots of honors and lots of accolades probably for prodigious regurgitation of whatever the latest legal thinking was at the time.

He was educated but until he reached the top, he did not have to think. A lot of life is this way.

Once he got the top leadership role in his field, he was expected to be the guy who set up the framework from which everyone took guidance. He has failed miserably at this task.

In fact, he has so disregarded the presumed role of AG, that I think it is fair to say that for the first time in his life, he does not understand it. He does not perceive the magnitude of his influence on the future history of this country, and even on the world.


He has demonstrated himself to be a very stupid (and for the record and a different thread) a very vindictive individual. He is not up to his current task, and most certainly would not have been a Supreme Court Justice of distinction.

He clearly would have been a dud ... someone who served without any particular insight, but who just kind of filled a slot and wrote a lot of legalese gibberish with no long-term impact on the course of legal thinking in this nation.

A dud!!
Thank you. Well stated.
Short answer, no, we need both. We need to increase funding to new and underfunded programs. The costs of new/improved would outweigh the fat that will be taken back by putting many departments on a diet.

I think we should be pulling as many levers at once and it will certainly cost more money in the short term.... that increase should be funded by increased taxes, resolving govt waste, reductions in govt giveaways to profitable industry that ISN"T returning the investment to the govt in the form of dividends.
If you’ll re-read my post I don’t really disagree but the waste that we allow to just roll over every year is huge! Truly go after that and then see how much more we need to add to redirected funds to get things done that we probably agree on.
For the record, no less a luminary of the Right than Arthur Laffer hails Bill Clinton as one of the best presidents of the century (along with Warren Harding, Jack Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump).

All hail Bill Clinton!
LOL - supply side economists said Bill Clinton's raising of the top tax rate would kill the economy, yet it boomed. Arthur Laffer is well named.
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There’s little disagreement among those who worked with or knew him that he was an extremely intelligent man and in today’s atmosphere he wouldn’t be libby enough for the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party.
Neither was Obama, nor is Biden. But Trump is just right for the right wingers.

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