Jobs report - not good

If we just print more money more people will have money to spend.

That has been the GOP/Con SOP for the past several years,,,,,but NOW it's the Dems fault? Jeeeeeebus keeeeeeerist guys.....get a friggin' memory! Trump's 4 years of administration were dedicated to deflection and denial of the economics of a good economy....
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Yep. When the Trump administration released two stimulus packages, it was ok. When Biden does it, it's a handout we can't afford.

Neither are ok and we cant afford either stimulus package. We were fvcked before COVID and now we are even more fvcked.
Neither are ok and we cant afford either stimulus package. We were fvcked before COVID and now we are even more fvcked.
Anybody who watched the town hall and has confidence in creepy joe helping the economy is a loon.
Earnings reports aren't good either. Markets other than crypto aren't reacting well. Looks like crypto is replacing precious metals as a safe haven. Dems will be tempted to throw more stimulus money at the problem instead of solving underlying problems.

New York (CNN Business)Another 861,000 workers filed for unemployment benefits for the first time last week, according to seasonally adjusted data released Thursday from the Labor Department.
That's nearly 100,000 more claims than economists had predicted and the highest number in a month. it was also an increase from the week before -- which was revised higher as well.
America's jobs recovery has really lost steam and last week's initial claims were four times higher than in the same period last year.
The anniversary of the benefit claims spike is only a month away. Last year, initial claims jumped to 3.3 million in the week ended March 21 before peaking at 6.9 million in the following week as the pandemic forced the US economy to shut down.

Nearly a year later, the weekly numbers are much lower again, but haven't meaningfully improved in months. Weekly claims dropped below a million in August, but their most recent adjusted low was 711,000 -- several times higher than the pre-pandemic average.

Sounds like you are saying Dems will do exactly what the previous admin did. They spent trillions
Pretty silly comment since the new admin has been trying to get a stimulus package thru that Trump was trying to get thru. Only thing that has changed is the guy in Oval Office.
CURRENTLY - the S&P is annualized to be up over 30%. Nasdaq over 65%.

If you are in Finance I don’t think you are very good at it.
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How many wars did we fight under Trump? Compare that to how many we fought under Obama and get back to me. Agree with you on the Bush era, not a fan of his foreign policy.

Well, if your definition of war is the same under Trump as it appears to be under Obama, several. However, I was primarily pointing the finger at Bush since the "wars", as you seem to call them, are a direct consequence to Junior's foreign policy. Your definition of a war and mine appear to be different, however.

The second part of that statement was directed more at Trump, although I probably should have added corruption to that as well.
If you're Walmart, you give employees raises and 80% of that money goes right back through Walmart.
LOL. If only our nation had spent like the Republican presidents and congress critters did in 2000-2008 and 2016-2020, we would have been ok...

It's the fault of all the dolts on both sides of the aisle. And as citizens we deserve it with our pathetic confirmation bias. It's a very serious problem that I believe has passed the tipping point. A global adjustment is not far away. It will involve loan defaults by the United States. I fear this will be the day China owns the earth. It ain't gonna be good.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at the ratio of between our national debt and GNP.

Come on man...... let's add a couple trillion more and pay off college loans. As I stated, it's the fault of both parties.
What do you think the underlying problems are and how do we fix them?
Frankly, the problem is we are so worried about saving every single damn person from dying from covid, we are not doing the smart thing. We should not have given vaccines to the elderly first. It should have been those that support the economy and add to the GDP. Maybe even college kids first. That would have slowed the transmission much faster and helped to save the economy. Too late at this point.
It's the fault of all the dolts on both sides of the aisle. And as citizens we deserve it with our pathetic confirmation bias. It's a very serious problem that I believe has passed the tipping point. A global adjustment is not far away. It will involve loan defaults by the United States. I fear this will be the day China owns the earth. It ain't gonna be good.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at the ratio of between our national debt and GNP.

Come on man...... let's add a couple trillion more and pay off college loans. As I stated, it's the fault of both parties.
Whenever the position of the rich and powerful is threatened as in 08 and the spring of 20 suddenly trillions and trillions of previously "unaffordable" dollars can be materialized out of thin air to save them.

Of course those same rich and powerful people through their propaganda arms like Fox News and the late and not lamented Rush Limbaugh have convinced a large swath of the population that any trillions not directed directly at the rich and powerful are "wasted" or are ineffective or even counterproductive.

It's a long running bullshit scam.
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Please...tell me more about the rules in California. I always enjoy hearing about my backyard from people thousands of mile away.

I flew out to LA in late January. Looks like you guys lifted your stay at home Order since then. Mind yours orders and hopefully kids will be back in school in 6 months which will make an 18 month absence.
How many wars did we fight under Trump? Compare that to how many we fought under Obama and get back to me. Agree with you on the Bush era, not a fan of his foreign policy.

Well, 5. or 6. Depending on how you count.

War in Afganistan
Involvement in Somalian Civil War
US Intervention in Iraq
Intervention in Syria
And some involvement in Libya and Yemen

The Iraqi war ended under Obama. So Obama is +1.

And with all the talk of Trump bringing troops home, I'd expect us to be involved in less. Obama was wrong. So was Trump, but he promised more and delivered less.
I flew out to LA in late January. Looks like you guys lifted your stay at home Order since then. Mind yours orders and hopefully kids will be back in school in 6 months which will make an 18 month absence.
Ah, another genius who knows all things California. kids schools never closed longer than the first week last March.
But keep up the good work, you’re batting 1.000

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