Johnson decries Olympic opener for mocking christianity

The Last Supper is one of the most parodied pieces of art in history. There's Simpson's last supper, South Park last supper, Sopranos Last Supper. You can go on and on. And for the most part nobody cares about these in fact most people think they are fun. People are upset about the drag queens.

The blue dude made it pretty clear to me that this wasn't a Last Supper performance but that's just me.
Wait the chick in the dress with the beard and C&Bs isn't a woman?
these are great and important corrections.

i've edited my comment

You should change it to Christians. Period.

Christians were offended.

The Olympics are suppose to be about diversity, inclusion, and bringing people together. Instead the opening ceremony insulted the world's largest religion. Olympics are suppose to include Christians too.

Now if taken at face value and it wasn't purposeful it shows complete incompetence to not see how it would be taken as an insult. If I'm in a more cynical mood I find it highly odd that they decided to reference some unknown painting in Dijon and pretend like the whole world would get the reference.
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Haven't watched one minute of the olympics and won't. Not a huge fan of the French. I guess you are happy with high gas prices, food prices, energy prices and interest rates.

If you work, which I doubt, you're looking forward to higher taxes to pay for socialized support of millions of illegal immigrants.

Let us not forget mandates to drive electric cars. Drive 300 miles then wait an hour to charge before hitting the road again. Great for productivity. Not to mention higher costs for vehicles and energy. Let's not forget China wins big time on this.

I'm retired and living very nicely, my concern is for my grandchildren. FWIW, I would be fine without SS, will you?

If you are happy with the way things are going, vote for the party that hand picked their candidate and disinfranchised 11 million people, democracy? I don't think so! Keep gagging on state run media and high tech. interference.

Thanks for tying this all together in a succinct way. Clearly most of the others who are responding to you aren’t seeing the forest for the trees like you are.

You should change it to Christians. Period.

Christians were offended.

The Olympics are suppose to be about diversity, inclusion, and bringing people together. Instead the opening ceremony insulted the world's largest religion. Olympics are suppose to include Christians too.

Now if taken at face value and it wasn't purposeful it shows complete incompetence to not see how it would be taken as an insult. If I'm in a more cynical mood I find it highly odd that they decided to reference some unknown painting in Dijon and pretend like the whole world would get the reference.
let's compromise and say "some christians, mostly conservatives" were offended...because it defintiely wasn't all christrians

its a performance art piece...its going to offend some people. if this was 20 years ago, many of the same people would have been freaking out that heavy metal music (which is OBVIOUSLY SATANIC) was involved

when the very concept of "diversity" and "inclusion" is offensive to some people, it's not really possible to do anything without offending someone
let's compromise and say "some christians, mostly conservatives" were offended...because it defintiely wasn't all christrians

its a performance art piece...its going to offend some people. if this was 20 years ago, many of the same people would have been freaking out that heavy metal music (which is OBVIOUSLY SATANIC) was involved

when the very concept of "diversity" and "inclusion" is offensive to some people, it's not really possible to do anything without offending someone

I don't remember previous opening ceremonies insulting major groups or religions. Seems like that job had to be left up to the French who do not respect people's religious beliefs no matter what they are. It does not escape my notice that in France it is illegal for muslim women to wear religious garb. It is illegal to enter a state building sporting any sort of religious insignia or symbol.

I have come to believe from having been there and other things that happened that respecting the religious beliefs of others is not a value in French society. Their general society is just as insulting to Muslims as the nuttiest most Islamaphobic Christian pastors are here. But here they are an outlier, there that appears to be normal.
My suspicion is that in these very early periods people were getting together for a Sabbath meal. Over time the meal portion was reduced to a Eucharist. In beginning it was more meal less worship, now it is less meal more worship.
Or at the very least, as in the painting, a Seder meal.
You should change it to Christians. Period.

Christians were offended.

The Olympics are suppose to be about diversity, inclusion, and bringing people together. Instead the opening ceremony insulted the world's largest religion. Olympics are suppose to include Christians too.

Now if taken at face value and it wasn't purposeful it shows complete incompetence to not see how it would be taken as an insult. If I'm in a more cynical mood I find it highly odd that they decided to reference some unknown painting in Dijon and pretend like the whole world would get the reference.

If it was intended as an insult (which I disagree with), what ever happened to turn the other cheek? :)

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So back sometime between 49 AD and 119 AD this dude named Plutarch wrote about Alexander, the King of Macedon. Alex would end up earning the title The Great after taking his Dad's(Phillip II) army and conquering the entire known world.
Phillip was a member of the Argea dynasty and a very interesting dude. His line liked to claim that their great great great greatish granddad's were decended from Hercules. Eventually he ended up beating a bunch of Greek city states into submission by leading his troops into war and consolidating them into the League of Corinth. It was said that Phillip II left a part of himself on every battlefield he ever fought on, literally.
Well, just like a lot of ancient kings that loved war, Phil also loved wives. He ended up with seven throughout his life, and it was his fourth that gave him his eventual heir in Alexander.
That fourth wife is known as Olympia and she was a hoot! This lady may have slept with live snakes in her bed and was a true believer and member of the cult of Dionysus; the Greek god of wine, drunkenness, fertility, orchards, parties, insanity, religious ecstacy and a bunch of other sexy stuff. Apparently this contributed to her already fierce reputation, which must have been something considering she was a woman of ancient times. Suffice to say there isn't a whole lot surviving from the era and most of that focuses on the boys, so she must have been quite the character for her to have risen to her eventual station of leading armies and governing Greece in Al's absence.
Olympia grew up in this place called Epirus up in the northwest section of Greece with her dad, Neoptolemus I. That guy was not only the king of his chunk of Greece for awhile, but also liked to boast about being a descendant of another guy named Neoptolemus whose dad happened to be pretty fair with a sword and spear. His name was Achilles.
Achilles was pretty famous for having a scrap with a guy named Hector after Hector's brother, Paris, stole the wife of a brother of this king named Agamemnon.

I have glossed over quite a few details and facets of the story (Like Phillip getting pissed of at his son during a party and drawing his sword on Al, causing him and Olympia to flee until everyone sobered up and the right people got assasinated) but, when all of that is taken into account I think it clear and undeniable to anyone that has taken the time to get acquainted with the source material that these stories are pretty damn cool.
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