Johnson decries Olympic opener for mocking christianity

Sorry if this derails the conversation, but I'm honestly curious and understand you might not want to get further into this. Do you find Monty Python's religion themed skits and films to be offensive?

Example?? I am only mainly familiar with Monte Python and the Holy Grail, the dead bird sketch and I think the Spanish inquisition one is Monte Python.
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Example?? I am only mainly familiar with Monte Python and the Holy Grail, the dead bird sketch and I think the Spanish inquisition one is Monte Python.
monty python you cant win son GIF

monty python brian GIF
Watched some clips and read about it on Wikipedia. I don't see much about it that bothers me. I note that Wikipedia kind of shows that it mocks the followers more than it mocks Jesus. I am all for mocking Christians who purposefully ignore major parts of Jesus's message for their own ends.
The mocking goes after the ridiculousness of dogma, artifacts, religious politics, unverified history.
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Was it?

Or was it just inspired by Greek traditions?

It was inspired by the last supper and uses a very similar setup. It just changes it from the last supper with Jesus to a party with the Greek God's.

It takes a pretty high level of incompetence to not see how it might be interpreted as a mocking of The Lasr Supper.
Watched some clips and read about it on Wikipedia. I don't see much about it that bothers me. I note that Wikipedia kind of shows that it mocks the followers more than it mocks Jesus. I am all for mocking Christians who purposefully ignore major parts of Jesus's message for their own ends.
Monty Python mercilessly mocks all religions and all religious ideas. They definitely do not focus solely on Christians but they also mock them.
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Monty Python mercilessly mocks all religions and all religious ideas. They definitely do not focus solely on Christians but they also mock them.

I also note that Monte Python is a comedy group, not the Olympics opening ceremony. Olympics are suppose to bring people together. Comedy usually insults one group or another. Although the insults might vary as to how hard hitting they are
It was inspired by the last supper and uses a very similar setup. It just changes it from the last supper with Jesus to a party with the Greek God's.

It takes a pretty high level of incompetence to not see how it might be interpreted as a mocking of The Lasr Supper.
And Da Vinci based the LS on "The Feast Of The Gods"...

Which brings us back to square one here...
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It was inspired by the last supper and uses a very similar setup. It just changes it from the last supper with Jesus to a party with the Greek God's.

It takes a pretty high level of incompetence to not see how it might be interpreted as a mocking of The Lasr Supper.
Counterpoint: how many things did Christianity steal from pagan religions? Given the similarities, it really wouldn’t surprise me to see that the images of the Last Supper were inspired by the Feast of Dionysus.

Also, France is a pretty strongly Catholic country. The only people that seem offended are Americans.
Counterpoint: how many things did Christianity steal from pagan religions? Given the similarities, it really wouldn’t surprise me to see that the images of the Last Supper were inspired by the Feast of Dionysus.

Also, France is a pretty strongly Catholic country. The only people that seem offended are Americans.
If that's the case why take down the opening ceremonies from their site and issue an apology instead of just telling America to stick it?
Counterpoint: how many things did Christianity steal from pagan religions? Given the similarities, it really wouldn’t surprise me to see that the images of the Last Supper were inspired by the Feast of Dionysus.

Also, France is a pretty strongly Catholic country. The only people that seem offended are Americans.

France is atheist; more so than America even.
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No one asked for my opinion so I’ll give it:

Watched the whole show. The “fashion show” on the bridge was a parody incorporating both Dionysys and The Last Supper. Now that the blue Smurf guy has spoken and we understand the intent was to be a little racy.

At a minimum that was unessecary. The Chinese pulled off a ceremony the world still remembers 16 years later and was completely G rated.

At a minimum, the IOC could have promoted the broadcast partners to make a statement that the show contains suggestive content and parental discretion is advised. I was not happy watching with my child the suggestive threesome scene.

Yes, some Christians are overreacting. I mean, it’s the French! I knew something racy was coming. Christ Himself was not parodied so I’m going to sleep fine tonight. At the same time, I think it is also acceptable to call out globally televised smut, which is what part of the show was.

Progressives lose the argument about protecting children when they allow a child to be near a free-baller on global television.
Glad I didn’t watch the opening ceremonies.
Perhaps these morons should have gotten an education instead of trying to ruin everyone else’s.

Dearest Gentle Reader,

I’m about to step on some toes in regard to the Opening Ceremony at the Paris Olympics.

The headless woman was Marie Antoinette. She ruled over France and was found guilty of treason, conspiracy, and stealing from the country.

Sound familiar?

Also, it was not the Last Supper. It was a depiction of an ancient Greek Bacchanal… because, you know, the Olympics are ancient and Greek. Surprise!

And if you didn’t know, a Bacchanalia is an uncontrollably promiscuous, extravagant, and loud party. The parties often spanned several days which honored the god of wine, Bacchus (the blue guy covered in grape vine). He is also known as Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, later known as the god of wine and pleasure.

And finally, it was not Death on a pale horse. It was Sequana, Goddess of the Seine, the River in which the boat precession took place. She was meant to be the representation of the Olympic spirit and of Sequana.

If some of you weren’t so busy trying to end the Dept. of Education, you might know this.

Loosen the clutch on your pearls.

Yours truly,
Lady Francis
-Marla Francis

“Paris is back on its feet, jubilant, flamboyant, creative and open. Free,” - Thomas Jolly, the artistic director.
Speaker Johnson is a bootlicker on Trump. Trump is so anti-christian yet Johnson keeps fawning over trump just to keep his job. Johnson, like Trump is going for power, greed, power over others, extreme stances against citizen freedoms and so much more.
Watched some clips and read about it on Wikipedia. I don't see much about it that bothers me. I note that Wikipedia kind of shows that it mocks the followers more than it mocks Jesus. I am all for mocking Christians who purposefully ignore major parts of Jesus's message for their own ends.

Thanks for answering my question. I can see your perspective.
Should it have been?
Maybe? I mean isn't there an expectation that if you bump into someone on accident, you say excuse me, my apologies, I'm sorry about that...intent isn't always a required element for an apology. There was zero empathy that they realized how their artistic vision could have been (easily) misinterpreted.

The show went for shock value, not wholesome family entertainment and they succeeded. This was choreographed, rehearsed, written, approved, and intentional. Nobody went rogue or offscript. This was the script. This was the visceral reaction they wanted.
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I also note that Monte Python is a comedy group, not the Olympics opening ceremony. Olympics are suppose to bring people together. Comedy usually insults one group or another. Although the insults might vary as to how hard hitting they are

I wasn’t talking about the Olympic Opening Ceremony - which for the record also was not comic.
Maybe? I mean isn't there an expectation that if you bump into someone on accident, you say excuse me, my apologies, I'm sorry about that...intent isn't always a required element for an apology. There was zero empathy that they realized how their artistic vision could have been (easily) misinterpreted.

The show went for shock value, not wholesome family entertainment and they succeeded. This was choreographed, rehearsed, written, approved, and intentional. Nobody went rogue or offscript. This was the script. This was the visceral reaction they wanted.
All I’ll say about their opening ceremony as a whole was that it get to me like there was an awful lot that went over my head because I didn’t get the cultural references. Have a feeling that accounts for a lot of the “outrage”, or they didn’t bother to try to understand at all.
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It was a Greek show, Cletus.

Go read a history book, and learn a little bit outside of your MAGA bubble.
Haven't watched one minute of the olympics and won't. Not a huge fan of the French. I guess you are happy with high gas prices, food prices, energy prices and interest rates.

If you work, which I doubt, you're looking forward to higher taxes to pay for socialized support of millions of illegal immigrants.

Let us not forget mandates to drive electric cars. Drive 300 miles then wait an hour to charge before hitting the road again. Great for productivity. Not to mention higher costs for vehicles and energy. Let's not forget China wins big time on this.

I'm retired and living very nicely, my concern is for my grandchildren. FWIW, I would be fine without SS, will you?

If you are happy with the way things are going, vote for the party that hand picked their candidate and disinfranchised 11 million people, democracy? I don't think so! Keep gagging on state run media and high tech. interference.
Haven't watched one minute of the olympics and won't. Not a huge fan of the French. I guess you are happy with high gas prices, food prices, energy prices and interest rates.

If you work, which I doubt, you're looking forward to higher taxes to pay for socialized support of millions of illegal immigrants.

Let us not forget mandates to drive electric cars. Drive 300 miles then wait an hour to charge before hitting the road again. Great for productivity. Not to mention higher costs for vehicles and energy. Let's not forget China wins big time on this.

I'm retired and living very nicely, my concern is for my grandchildren. FWIW, I would be fine without SS, will you?

If you are happy with the way things are going, vote for the party that hand picked their candidate and disinfranchised 11 million people, democracy? I don't think so! Keep gagging on state run media and high tech. interference.

So you're a xenophobe?
The Last Supper is one of the most parodied pieces of art in history. There's Simpson's last supper, South Park last supper, Sopranos Last Supper. You can go on and on. And for the most part nobody cares about these in fact most people think they are fun. People are upset about the drag queens.

The blue dude made it pretty clear to me that this wasn't a Last Supper performance but that's just me.
It was inspired by the last supper and uses a very similar setup. It just changes it from the last supper with Jesus to a party with the Greek God's.

It takes a pretty high level of incompetence to not see how it might be interpreted as a mocking of The Lasr Supper.
Actually, it was inspired by THIS painting by Dutch painter Jan van Bijlert, created in the mid-1600's. It hangs in the Musée Magnin in Dijon, France. Bijlert WAS inspired by The Last Supper but brings various Greek gods to the table. That's a crowned Apollo at the center with his lyre.


So if Bijlert was mocking The Last Supper (he wasn't)...was the tableaux presented mocking the mocker??? It wasn't.
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Actually, it was inspired by THIS painting by Dutch painter Jan van Bijlert, created in the mid-1600's. It hangs in the Musée Magnin in Dijon, France. Bijlert WAS inspired by The Last Supper but brings various Greek gods to the table. That's a crowned Apollo at the center with his lyre.


So if Bijlert was mocking The Last Supper (he wasn't)...was the tableaux presented mocking the mocker??? It wasn't.

You missed my point. Since Bijlert was inspired by the more famous The Last Supper. It is incompetent to not see how people are going to interpret your skit.

And Bijlert's painting is not that famous so it's unlikely that people are going to relate it to that painting. If it was famous it would be in the Louvre not some random museum in Dijon.

What's more insulting is the leftists who almost certainly found out about this after the fact act like they always knew about this random painting in Dijon and the Christians are all dumb for seeing the last supper in that skit and not Le Festin Des Dieux.
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You missed my point. Since Bijlert was inspired by the more famous The Last Supper. It is incompetent to not see how people are going to interpret your skit.

And Bijlert's painting is not that famous so it's unlikely that people are going to relate it to that painting. If it was famous it would be in the Louvre not some random museum in Dijon.
well let this be a lesson to the rest of the world

american conservatives can and will make anything about themselves and then be offended. and when shown their error, it will still be your fault for some reason
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well let this be a lesson to the rest of the world

american conservatives can and will make anything about themselves and then be offended. and when shown their error, it will still be your fault for some reason

Dude this was controversial outside of the United States. The Vatican which is famously not in America expressed offense.

Bishops in FRANCE the host of the olympics itself found it offensive. France is also if you arn't aware not in the United States.

Stop making this just about American conservatives. Because it's not just them.
The archbishop of Athens also took offense. Athens, Greece. Not in America.

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches who is from South Africa demanded an explanation. South Africa. . . not part of America.

Dude this was controversial outside of the United States. The Vatican which is famously not in America expressed offense.

Bishops in FRANCE the host of the olympics itself found it offensive. France is also if you arn't aware not in the United States.

Stop making this just about American conservatives. Because it's not just them.
these are great and important corrections.

i've edited my comment

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