Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

What did he do "an amazing job" on?

  • No infrastructure bill: F
  • No ACA replacement healthcare plan: F
  • Increased debt vs claiming he would eliminate it: F
  • Alienated our Western allies and cozied up with dictators like Putin and Un: F
  • Trying to overturn an election?
  • Stealing classified documents and lying about it to investigators?

Exactly what was it you give him "gold stars" for? Separating children from their parents and not returning them? Is that a "win" in your book? Traumatizing people, simply because they aren't white people?

The problem here is that you and I have a completely different idea for what America is and where it should go. You can't have an constructive disagreement when you don't have a common baseline.

You are for non stop Ukraine funding
You are for chemically castrating minors that are confused
You are for abortion on demand

I give Trump "gold stars" for:
The best economy we had seen up until Covid
Some of the lowest interest rates of our lives
Largest growth of personal net worth
Record low African-American unemployment
7 Million people off of food stamps
More border control
Zero foreign conflicts
Abraham Accord
The problem here is that you and I have a completely different idea for what America is and where it should go. You can't have an constructive disagreement when you don't have a common baseline.

You are for non stop Ukraine funding
You are for chemically castrating minors that are confused
You are for abortion on demand

I give Trump "gold stars" for:
The best economy we had seen up until Covid
Some of the lowest interest rates of our lives
Largest growth of personal net worth
Record low African-American unemployment
7 Million people off of food stamps
More border control
Zero foreign conflicts
Abraham Accord

Why is MAGA so gullible?
Not for middle class Americans.

Their retirements and stocks have grown far better SINCE Trump, not due to or during Trump.

Where the $28,000 figure comes from​

The estimate that inflation has cost the typical American household $28,000 since Mr. Biden took office is consistent with an inflation tracker from Republicans on Congress' Joint Economic Committee.

The tracker is based on government data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis of state-level personal consumption expenditures — one measure of spending on goods and services.

The study tracked monthly costs for the average American household in each state since January 2021. From that point through July 2024, the average cumulative increase in household costs among all 50 states and Washington, D.C., was $27,950, due to inflation. In an update for August 2024, the increase rose to around $29,000.

Economists told CBS News the estimate for the total increase in household costs in the last three and a half years is likely in the correct range. Experts generally agree that household costs have increased since January 2021, although the precise number differs depending on the specific metrics used.
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I agree. He was terrible with COVID and should have never closed down the country and listened to lifelong dc dwellers.
And he can thank OBAMA for the great economy that he left Filthy Don. As we all know Thump did NOTHING to improve anything with the economy, and all he had to do was NOT FUC IT UP, and not touch anything.
Let me guess, the housing crash was Bush's fault also!?!?!?
some people just don't have the proper appreciation for the fact that republicans/conservatives by definition can't be blamed for any economic issue ever

it's always someone else (usually a liberal...somewhere) that's to blame
some people just don't have the proper appreciation for the fact that republicans/conservatives by definition can't be blamed for any economic issue ever

it's always someone else (usually a liberal...somewhere) that's to blame
No blame from me. Making money for me is beyond party lines.

Trump did inherit a decent economy from Obama (some of which was built on a bailout of the banks however). He took that to a higher level which was better for all of America up until the pandemic.
The problem here is that you and I have a completely different idea for what America is and where it should go. You can't have an constructive disagreement when you don't have a common baseline.

You are for non stop Ukraine funding
You are for chemically castrating minors that are confused
You are for abortion on demand

I give Trump "gold stars" for:
The best economy we had seen up until Covid
Some of the lowest interest rates of our lives
Largest growth of personal net worth
Record low African-American unemployment
7 Million people off of food stamps
More border control
Zero foreign conflicts
Abraham Accord
I stopped reading after your economy claim. Never thought I'd see someone claim that average growth and average job production could somehow be the best ever.

You're brainwashed dude.
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Who knows.

Economically at best you could argue he’d kept the ship steady, tho there were warning signs on the horizon. We’ll never know what would have happened had covid not turned the world upside down.
We know that manufacturing was trending down and the yield curve had already inverted. There were a lot of signs and because Trump had bullied the Fed into not raising interest rates there was nothing they were going to do to prevent or slow it. The pandemic hastened the recession but it was very likely to have occurred anyway.
I agree. He was terrible with COVID and should have never closed down the country and listened to lifelong dc dwellers.
Vance said that about Trump's handling of the economy in February of 2020.

You're completely ignorant on this as you are so many other subjects.
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People are making more money yes, but what does that matter when everything costs twice as much and your interest rate is double what you were paying?
Wage growth has been higher than inflation for over a year and a half.

You do follow the right wing playbook - I'll give you that.
Let me guess, the housing crash was Bush's fault also!?!?!?
It's amazing how uninformed you are.

President George W. Bush emphasized increasing homeownership, particularly among low-income and minority communities. His administration encouraged agencies like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to expand access to mortgages, including subprime loans. Bush's "Ownership Society" initiative, which aimed to increase homeownership rates, coincided with a rise in risky lending practices, such as adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) and no-documentation loans, which allowed borrowers to qualify for mortgages they couldn't afford long-term.

During the Bush administration, there was a push toward deregulation and a reduction in the oversight of financial institutions. The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), for instance, had a reputation for being more lenient on mortgage lenders, contributing to an environment where subprime lending practices flourished unchecked.

The estimate that inflation has cost the typical American household $28,000 since Mr. Biden took office

This had nothing to do with "Biden policies"; it was due to Covid supply chains.

You've been told this, time and time again.

Worldwide, inflation was WORSE than in the US, and Biden's policies helped us achieve a 'soft landing' - something most economists did not believe was possible.
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The tax cuts were the SOLE legislative bill he got passed. It provided a short term boost at best.

Most Americans saw minor benefits from the tax cuts.

Middle America saw ZERO benefits from those cuts.

Just like the Reagan and Bush cuts. All they have done is serve to amplify and ratchet up our deficits and debt.
The data have been posted here before - those tax cuts dropped revenues 1-2% below the longtime average; without bringing those tax rates back above that running average, we will continue to accrue and maintain the debt we have. IF we increase them to bring the running average back to the mean, we MAY be able to chip away at the debt.
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Lowered personal income tax rates?
Lowered corporate tax rates?

There was a brief spike after that but it fizzled pretty quickly. You can see that in late 2018. GDP growth under Trump was meh at best.

The problem here is that you and I have a completely different idea for what America is and where it should go. You can't have an constructive disagreement when you don't have a common baseline.

You are for non stop Ukraine funding
You are for chemically castrating minors that are confused
You are for abortion on demand

I give Trump "gold stars" for:
The best economy we had seen up until Covid
Some of the lowest interest rates of our lives
Largest growth of personal net worth
Record low African-American unemployment
7 Million people off of food stamps
More border control
Zero foreign conflicts
Abraham Accord
Trump had nothing to do with the economy. He inherited a great economy from Obama. If you think I'm wrong, please inform us what exactly Trump did to have an great economy?

Second, no one is for castrating minors and no one wants an abortion but it is the woman's choice to control her own body. Do you have a daughter? Would you be fine with Trump grabbing her by the pussy? How about raping her? Becuase that is the piece of shit you are supporting. That isn't made up sensationalism. That's a fact. The guy is a disgusting POS.
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Because you addressed none of my points. That's how you addressed none. You glossed right over them.
I literally replied to your comments within the post. I'm assuming you didn't bother reading it at this point, so that's on you.

I addressed your points, because I did.

See, I can play that game too........... :)