Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

Sounds to me like you have 5 gonna use that time wisely or are people gonna sit on their ass and complain?

That's also rhetorical btw, because we know that it's not just the politicians and the government that's to blame here. ;);););)🤫

P.S. sorry, I had to do my thing. ;)
You didn't address any of my points. Two posts for this?
see GIF

You're trying to make it sound like that's what I said. You can't know if my head is in the sand when yours is stuck in there itself............

Why not?

I already know. What does that have to do with voting for someone you don't believe deserves to be President?

Your response to that question: "Durr uhhh wut does that have ta do with anything in muh post?.........."

Again, why are you voting for Harris simply because you don't want Trump to win? It's not that hard to answer. You just don't want to accept that the right thing to do is vote for neither candidate because it goes against your archaic political beliefs.

I agree that Trump shouldn't be President. It's also true that you don't have to vote for Harris in order to keep that from happening, as if you have no other choice...................

Hope that helps! ;)
🎯 The only way real change will ever happen is if people stop voting for these ‘Lesser of Two Evils’ elections. They would panic if only 15 million votes were cast instead of 150 million.

The two-party process is working exactly as our overlords planned it. Just say no.
She needs to get her fuking ass on tv doing town halls. The statistics show that when people see and hear her, they like her and want to know more about her.

The thing with Oprah doesn’t count. She needs to be on CNN or one of the prime time networks. People will watch so idk why her campaign isn’t setting those up. Frustrating.

Having said all that, the pollercoaster goes up and down. Even though the margins are tightening, she’s knocking on the door of 50% in a lot of states and nationally. Trump outperformed polls in 2020 but still has a cap of around 48% and that’s where he’s polling. Many pollsters, including NYT, have said they’ve adjusted methodology to try to recapture some of the hidden Trump vote.
Says it all right there.

Should be a minimum requirement, it isn't, because Trump.

A presidential nominee is incapable of holding a legit news times.
Again, she’s held multiple press conferences, just not in that “formal” setting.

You’d have a better point if she weren’t taking questions at all.
link? I'd like to see one of these "press conferences". Maybe I'll change my mind about her...
Try when she was taking questions when with Zelensky last week. The numerous times she’s taken questions informally.

Not that it matters, there’s nothing she can do to get your vote. There’s always something else she’ll have to do.
Try when she was taking questions when with Zelensky last week. The numerous times she’s taken questions informally.

Not that it matters, there’s nothing she can do to get your vote. There’s always something else she’ll have to do.
So no link? That's what I thought....

At this point it isn't in her self interest to hold an adversarial interview or press conference so we won't see one.

Sad state of affairs....

Your answer doesn't address her avoidance of answering any of her policy shifts directly. She avoids can call that observation stupid but it's what she does.
What about Vance's shift on what he thinks of Trump. Easy explanation is it benefits them politically. Maybe as VP she has more knowledge now than she did before, I'm pretty sure she has stated that. Nothing so radical as calling Trump "America's Hitler" then kissing orange orifice.
What about Vance's shift on what he thinks of Trump. Easy explanation is it benefits them politically. Maybe as VP she has more knowledge now than she did before, I'm pretty sure she has stated that. Nothing so radical as calling Trump "America's Hitler" then kissing orange orifice.
I don't think so. I was very skeptical of Trump and how he would govern until he actually proved me wrong and did an amazing job. Outside of how he handled COVID, he had an amazing run imo. I think Vance had the same thoughts until he actually got to see what he would do.
You didn't address any of my points. (You mean the point where you said the only two options were Trump and Harris, but then later you said there was other options, but not enough time? Those points?...........) Two posts for this?
How didn't I address any of your points?...........Do you mean I didn't say anything that you wanted to hear?

Everything I said was factual. I know you don't agree with it. I know most people won't agree with it. I don't give a sh**. This country's political failures are as much on the people as they are on the politicians.

But sure sit on your ass for the next 5 weeks and piss and moan when it comes time to pick somebody to call President of the United States. Sure.

F*** the excuses. :D:D:D
I don't think so. I was very skeptical of Trump and how he would govern until he actually proved me wrong and did an amazing job. Outside of how he handled COVID, he had an amazing run imo. I think Vance had the same thoughts until he actually got to see what he would do.
LOL - what a moron you are. Vance said in 2020 that Trump had "thoroughly failed".

You're a rube.
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I was very skeptical of Trump and how he would govern until he actually proved me wrong and did an amazing job.

What did he do "an amazing job" on?

  • No infrastructure bill: F
  • No ACA replacement healthcare plan: F
  • Increased debt vs claiming he would eliminate it: F
  • Alienated our Western allies and cozied up with dictators like Putin and Un: F
  • Trying to overturn an election?
  • Stealing classified documents and lying about it to investigators?

Exactly what was it you give him "gold stars" for? Separating children from their parents and not returning them? Is that a "win" in your book? Traumatizing people, simply because they aren't white people?
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How didn't I address any of your points?...........Do you mean I didn't say anything that you wanted to hear?

Everything I said was factual. I know you don't agree with it. I know most people won't agree with it. I don't give a sh**. This country's political failures are as much on the people as they are on the politicians.

But sure sit on your ass for the next 5 weeks and piss and moan when it comes time to pick somebody to call President of the United States. Sure.

F*** the excuses. :D:D:D
Because you addressed none of my points. That's how you addressed none. You glossed right over them.
And the economy was heading for a recession in late 2019.
Who knows.

Economically at best you could argue he’d kept the ship steady, tho there were warning signs on the horizon. We’ll never know what would have happened had covid not turned the world upside down.
I don't think so. I was very skeptical of Trump and how he would govern until he actually proved me wrong and did an amazing job. Outside of how he handled COVID, he had an amazing run imo. I think Vance had the same thoughts until he actually got to see what he would do.

Families of what multiple reports say trump is responsible for 400,000 unnecessary U S deaths, will disagree on how you think he handled covid. Just like trump keep spewing lies and will not look at facts. Google it, it's really easy, even for you.
The white male college football fans in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are going to decide this election.
Then he should have attended the football games at PSU and Michigan on Saturday rather than a safe haven in Alabama.
But he couldn't risk it.
Hell, the crowd if the game was AT Georgia would have been 50/50.
You're so full of shit that you should be embarrassed.
I don't think so. I was very skeptical of Trump and how he would govern until he actually proved me wrong and did an amazing job. Outside of how he handled COVID, he had an amazing run imo. I think Vance had the same thoughts until he actually got to see what he would do.
what vance said after "he actually got to see what he would do"

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So no link? That's what I thought....

At this point it isn't in her self interest to hold an adversarial interview or press conference so we won't see one.

Sad state of affairs....
Link to Oliver’s most recent interview, press conference etc.

Haha I know I know. You don’t hold him to the same standard.
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