As someone that hasn't voted since 1980, I have a different perspective. Our system does a terrible job getting well qualified candidates through to the primary process.
Example...On the Republican side, Nikki Haley would have been a much better/stronger candidate. But to win the republican primary, you have to run so far to the right, that she is considered a RINO. She can't win in the primary. I thought her policies were more in the center and pragmatic.
On the Democratic side it's the same situation. In order to win the primary, you have to run to the far left. In the current case, what happened in the Democratic party to discard Biden and coronate Harris was the largest disenfranchisement of voters in this country that I can remember. Harris is a horrible candidate. She has no core beliefs that she's not willing to change from day to day. That's why she won't articulate what her real policies are. If she's elected, undefined little men behind the curtain will be pulling the strings. Just like they have been with Biden...who clearly hasn't been running the country for a while.
This country needs a 3rd party that represents people in the middle. Unfortunately, that option is not currently available.
As I said above, I don't vote...but if I had to choose a candidate this year, I'd probably vote for Trump. I can't stand him personally, but his policies are better for the country, especially since no one can really say what Harris will do...