Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

As someone that hasn't voted since 1980, I have a different perspective. Our system does a terrible job getting well qualified candidates through to the primary process.

Example...On the Republican side, Nikki Haley would have been a much better/stronger candidate. But to win the republican primary, you have to run so far to the right, that she is considered a RINO. She can't win in the primary. I thought her policies were more in the center and pragmatic.

On the Democratic side it's the same situation. In order to win the primary, you have to run to the far left. In the current case, what happened in the Democratic party to discard Biden and coronate Harris was the largest disenfranchisement of voters in this country that I can remember. Harris is a horrible candidate. She has no core beliefs that she's not willing to change from day to day. That's why she won't articulate what her real policies are. If she's elected, undefined little men behind the curtain will be pulling the strings. Just like they have been with Biden...who clearly hasn't been running the country for a while.

This country needs a 3rd party that represents people in the middle. Unfortunately, that option is not currently available.

As I said above, I don't vote...but if I had to choose a candidate this year, I'd probably vote for Trump. I can't stand him personally, but his policies are better for the country, especially since no one can really say what Harris will do...
Umm, Nikki Haley is/was right of Trump on almost every issue - at least economic, social and foreign policy. Harris is more of a centrist - this post is hilariously off-base.
She destroyed Trump in the debate with no teleprompters. Trump is a lost loon.
She reason scripted answers to questions she knew were coming.

You a big fan of artist who paint by numbers also?

She destroyed Trump in the debate with no teleprompters. Trump is a lost loon.

Fake debate.
Fake “moderators” who were caught telling a lie as a fact check(Muir) and then didn’t fact check Harris when she said zero members of the US Armed Forces serving in harms way globally.

How did they let that slide? Any IDEAS?
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Are you calling the teamsters stupid? My household income is roughly 300k a year. Am I stupid? All of us agree that the economic policies of this administration have been a disaster. My grocery bills are nearly double. I pay thousands a year more for insurance and inflated taxes. I assure you, trump is better for my wallet and history proves this to be true.
Without a doubt, you are stupid.

The inflation we are seeing was caused by the 5 trillion dollars we printed in COVID relief not this administration. The fact that you don't understand this underscores my first comment that you are stupid. You are paying more for insurance because of inflated property values and an increase in catastrophic weather events. Care to take a guess on why we are having so many catastrophic weather events?

Trump left us an 8 trillion dollar deficit, 2.7 million in job losses, 3 million off of heath insurance and a 36% increase in trade deficit. We can't afford anymore of his winning.
Agree 100%, and that’s where Trump lost me and why I don’t trust him to do the right thing next time. And there will be a next time. He erred in favor of big(ger) government and less liberty. Fool me once… 🤷‍♂️

Looking back it was wrong, but In his defense,.. There isn't a politician on the planet who wouldn't have gotten forced down the same path that Trump traveled early on during covid.
Without a doubt, you are stupid.

The inflation we are seeing was caused by the 5 trillion dollars we printed in COVID relief not this administration. The fact that you don't understand this underscores my first comment that you are stupid. You are paying more for insurance because of inflated property values and an increase in catastrophic weather events. Care to take a guess on why we are having so many catastrophic weather events?

Trump left us an 8 trillion dollar deficit, 2.7 million in job losses, 3 million off of heath insurance and a 36% increase in trade deficit. We can't afford anymore of his winning.
All hilarious coming from someone who had his kid butchered because wanted a Barbie doll, not a Ken doll.........
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While Trump and Vance continue to prove themselves to be complete jokes, somehow half of America - and the overwhelming majority of white, Christian America - continue to support the anger, bigotry, and lunacy that we can no longer view as the downside but is actually the appeal.

Lead is now just 2.4%

The more people know about Kamala the less likely she is to win. I think she'll hang on though.
Fake debate.
Fake “moderators” who were caught telling a lie as a fact check(Muir) and then didn’t fact check Harris when she said zero members of the US Armed Forces serving in harms way globally.

How did they let that slide? Any IDEAS?
How many of Trump's lies were they unable to fact check? Dozens.

Trump got killed 56-0 and still blames the refs.
Looking back it was wrong, but In his defense,.. There isn't a politician on the planet who wouldn't have gotten forced down the same path that Trump traveled early on during covid.
Lying about the very first cruise ship?? What did he say...15 down to zero?? ANYONE would have handled it better than Trump did. Stop with the BS revisionist history.
At this rate not only does he take GA, NC, AZ, and NV; he also takes PA, WI, and MI. We have become a fat, stupid, intellectually lazy people. The “Party of Stupid” I’d built for us.

I actually disagree. I’m not sure he wins AZ, NV

Undecided on NC, GA

I don’t think he has a chance in PA, WI, MI
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The more people know about Kamala the less likely she is to win. I think she'll hang on though.

Her biggest asset right now is the very condensed campaign schedule she was handed,.. Given more time she would implode again, just like she did during the 2020 election cycle.
Not really the point. Trump has a plethora of well known baggage...that's a given.

The Harris camp is counting on that to be enough to get her the W. I think she actually has to make a better case to vote FOR her and not rely solely on the D base and "never Trump" vote.
You would think the Democrats would retire the Hillary Clinton playbook, but here we are.
I watched an interview with Milwaukee voters on Monday night. I heard Trump supporters say several times that they think both candidates are terrible. It's not at all scientific, but it does appear that enthusiasm to vote for Trump is way down if "both sides suck" is one of the main features of Republicans.
Let’s hope so.
Not really..

The roots of the '08 recession go back to the Clinton administration, and major elements of it's ultimate repair were actually put in place under Bush, just prior to Obama taking office,.. Trump had the misfortune of being in charge when the pandemic hit, and he suffered through a condition that no politician could likely survive. The biggest step towards resolving the pandemic domestically was the development of multiple vaccines under Trump, prior to Biden taking office...
Curious to read what policies W put in place for the recession repair?
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Oh I guess you answered in this reply.

You have this all wrong. Think about what you are saying.....half of registered American voters are racist, love bigotry and vitriol?

Are you actually serious? If so, you better move or build a shelter in the forest because you are saying that many of the people you interact with on a daily basis in America are the above.

This simply isnt the case and the more likely scenario is that you are flat out wrong about Trump voters. Just like 2016.

Too many of you live in liberal hives and don't actually listen to conservatives.

This is what drives this election to conservatives.
4-Foreign policy

ALL of which they see as being better under Trump and are willing to ignore the personality issues. He has been President before. We know how it was when he was in office and the results 'Trump' any of the other things.

I will be voting Trump and am most assuredly not a bigot or hater. Im a normal guy with a normal family, good job, house in the Iowa suburbs, serve my community, and hold Hawkeye season tickets. If you saw me in my day job you'd have no such accusations of bigotry or vitriol I assure you.

You, in short, have it all wrong.
For somebody that lists crime as such a huge issue I find it interesting that you've decided to vote for a felon. WTF reality are we living in?
She reason scripted answers to questions she knew were coming.

You a big fan of artist who paint by numbers also?

Gee, you think she didn't realize that they would ask her questions about the economy, abortion and foreign policy. WTF is this argument? Was Trump trying to prepare for a spelling bee? Holy shit.
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Without a doubt, you are stupid.

The inflation we are seeing was caused by the 5 trillion dollars we printed in COVID relief not this administration. The fact that you don't understand this underscores my first comment that you are stupid. You are paying more for insurance because of inflated property values and an increase in catastrophic weather events. Care to take a guess on why we are having so many catastrophic weather events?

Trump left us an 8 trillion dollar deficit, 2.7 million in job losses, 3 million off of heath insurance and a 36% increase in trade deficit. We can't afford anymore of his winning.
You sterilized your own child. Your opinion has been discarded.
There were no border problems under Trump?

You are losing your mind.
Of course, unfortunately there has always been border problems, but certainly not to the extent during the Biden/Harris administration.
Looking back it was wrong, but In his defense,.. There isn't a politician on the planet who wouldn't have gotten forced down the same path that Trump traveled early on during covid.
Trump undoubtedly handled the pandemic better than Biden, who illegally attempted to force people to get unhealthy clot shots. Thankfully the Supreme court bitch slapped him on that one
Every time folks! He can't win with facts so he lies about my child. This is who he is.
You didn't give facts. You screeched autistically and expected applause for some weird reason. You still sterilized your child and your opinion has still been discarded.
Without a doubt, you are stupid.

The inflation we are seeing was caused by the 5 trillion dollars we printed in COVID relief not this administration. The fact that you don't understand this underscores my first comment that you are stupid. You are paying more for insurance because of inflated property values and an increase in catastrophic weather events. Care to take a guess on why we are having so many catastrophic weather events?

Trump left us an 8 trillion dollar deficit, 2.7 million in job losses, 3 million off of heath insurance and a 36% increase in trade deficit. We can't afford anymore of his winning.
And every check i received was signed, by Crazy Filthy Donald THUMP. Ya just can't trust a thing he does or says.
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God you're an idiot. Inflation came because we printed $3.5T to pay people through COVID while allowing them to not pay their mortgages if they chose not to. And the whole world did similar programs in their own countries. Inflation is a result the world's response to COVID.