Left my first no tip yesterday


HB Legend
Gold Member
Feb 10, 2011
For the waiter anyways. While I'm sure it was an ashole move, fvck that guy. I'll just get ctrl-alt-dlt, not reading all that, and CSB outta the way now and try to condense this as much as possible.

The wife, little 3408, and I went for breakfast yesterday morning and upon arriving the hostess let us know it was about a 40 min wait due to being short staffed. No problem, we planned on having a few cocktails anyways. It took about 5 min for the waiter to get to us, which again was no big deal, but we told him we had time to look over the menu and would order everything at once. He told us he couldn't do they because they have to enter food in the same order people came in to keep everything running smooth and prevent some people from longer waits. I completely understand that and no problems waiting.

After about 10 min a runner brought our drinks to us, again no problem there I know the bartender was slammed, and at the same time a table of 6 was seated near us. Our waiter went right to them to take their drink order. While doing so, my wife with incredible hearing heard him tell the group that food was over 40 min now and if they didn't want a long wait to get everything ordered now. WTF. Then he went directly to his station and entered it into the system. A few min later he came to our table and I jokingly said "so we're going to get our food before that table right, because you have to keep everything in order?" Dude got pissed and started getting extremely defensive and told us we were in the wrong and he never told us any of that. OK, bud. Whatever. We ordered and let it go.

About 30 more minutes go by and we start seeing tables that came in 5 or more min after us getting their food as well as the table of 6 that came in 15 min after. We're now at 50 min in and now food. Ended up getting it right about an hour and five minutes in. Now I'm pretty annoyed that he clearly did that with multiple tables, lied about it, then tried to make us feel stupid. Fvck him, I left $0 for him and personally tipped the bartender $10 for the drinks.
The wife, little 3408, and I went for breakfast yesterday morning ...we planned on having a few cocktails...
I don’t think he should’ve said anything about keeping things in order, wait time, etc. If someone goes to a sit-down restaurant, they run the risk of waiting longer because Beatrice and her gals feel like chatting over coffee. Or shorter than quoted because the family with kids that power-slams their food and is outta there in 34 minutes. Wait times are an approximation. Let people enjoy their experience and let the staff figure out which tables will be open, when, etc.

But because he laid that out there, now he’s effed himself hard. You better deliver, dude. What if someone gets a well done steak and pushes that table’s food back? You gonna let someone else’s food die in the window now just so you can keep your “sequence”? And fail at keeping things in order anyhow??
For the waiter anyways. While I'm sure it was an ashole move, fvck that guy. I'll just get ctrl-alt-dlt, not reading all that, and CSB outta the way now and try to condense this as much as possible.

The wife, little 3408, and I went for breakfast yesterday morning and upon arriving the hostess let us know it was about a 40 min wait due to being short staffed. No problem, we planned on having a few cocktails anyways. It took about 5 min for the waiter to get to us, which again was no big deal, but we told him we had time to look over the menu and would order everything at once. He told us he couldn't do they because they have to enter food in the same order people came in to keep everything running smooth and prevent some people from longer waits. I completely understand that and no problems waiting.

After about 10 min a runner brought our drinks to us, again no problem there I know the bartender was slammed, and at the same time a table of 6 was seated near us. Our waiter went right to them to take their drink order. While doing so, my wife with incredible hearing heard him tell the group that food was over 40 min now and if they didn't want a long wait to get everything ordered now. WTF. Then he went directly to his station and entered it into the system. A few min later he came to our table and I jokingly said "so we're going to get our food before that table right, because you have to keep everything in order?" Dude got pissed and started getting extremely defensive and told us we were in the wrong and he never told us any of that. OK, bud. Whatever. We ordered and let it go.

About 30 more minutes go by and we start seeing tables that came in 5 or more min after us getting their food as well as the table of 6 that came in 15 min after. We're now at 50 min in and now food. Ended up getting it right about an hour and five minutes in. Now I'm pretty annoyed that he clearly did that with multiple tables, lied about it, then tried to make us feel stupid. Fvck him, I left $0 for him and personally tipped the bartender $10 for the drinks.
There are rules. Where's the pic of the wife? No like for you.
I don't think anyone for fault you for not leaving a tip. What incentive or reason to you think he had for delaying your order and no one else's?
I don't think anyone for fault you for not leaving a tip. What incentive or reason to you think he had for delaying your order and no one else's?
My guess is they are regulars and he wanted to take care of them. Happens a lot at some of these smaller town places. And if he would have just said that I would have respected it and still tipped.
Seems reasonable to me. And you are a lot more patient than I am. Once I saw other tables getting their food despite what he told me, I'd have told him not to worry about the food, and cash me out. I'll go get food somewhere else.
Ya, Mrs. Alaska would have had the manager at our table and we'd have left with zero bill, zero tip (for the server) and a $20 to the bartender. That's exactly how that would have gone down.

I'm always glad I'm on her side.
Ya, Mrs. Alaska would have had the manager at our table and we'd have left with zero bill, zero tip (for the server) and a $20 to the bartender. That's exactly how that would have gone down.

I'm always glad I'm on her side.
The wife and I are both pretty docile when it comes to these things in restaurants. I didn't have a problem paying for the food and drinks, but he was absolutely not getting a tip.
So why did he even go to your table if he couldn't have done anything?
He took our drink order on the first visit, and said he would come back for the food order. He had tables that were seated before us he had to get the food orders in for. Which is understandable if it wasn't complete bullshit.
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I think the movie Waiting ruined my ability to get angry with wait staff. I now assume if any member of the staff is upset with me all my food in the future will contain pubes, jizz, and dandruff.
I've tried so many times to tell her this. "Well, there's pubes in your order now". Whenever the manager asks, "Would you like the kitchen to remake that?" I'm always like, "No thanks, I'm good." 🤣
He took our drink order on the first visit, and said he would come back for the food order. He had tables that were seated before us he had to get the food orders in for. Which is understandable if it wasn't complete bullshit.

I thought you quit drinking when your kid was born?
He took our drink order on the first visit, and said he would come back for the food order. He had tables that were seated before us he had to get the food orders in for. Which is understandable if it wasn't complete bullshit.

He was just making shit up, that or their kitchen is disorganized and terrible. Anyone running a line that's worth their salt will understand how to prioritize and fire tickets based on table size and the order, not necessarily sequence in how they arrive.

A small example would be if I have an 8 top already fired with a few longer cook time items and a couple 2 tops come in that are quick items. I would 100% knock out those two smaller tables while waiting for the longer items on the 8, even though they came in "out of sequence"

I will say it's helpful if the serve staff can "stall" a little bit, but generally speaking, the kitchen can take care of the cadence.

Some kitchens are just shit though and just go as they come in and you end up with orders dying under the heat lamp.
He was just making shit up, that or their kitchen is disorganized and terrible. Anyone running a line that's worth their salt will understand how to prioritize and fire tickets based on table size and the order, not necessarily sequence in how they arrive.

A small example would be if I have an 8 top already fired with a few longer cook time items and a couple 2 tops come in that are quick items. I would 100% knock out those two smaller tables while waiting for the longer items on the 8, even though they came in "out of sequence"

I will say it's helpful if the serve staff can "stall" a little bit, but generally speaking, the kitchen can take care of the cadence.

Some kitchens are just shit though and just go as they come in and you end up with orders dying under the heat lamp.
He was 100% full of shit and wanted to get the regulars orders in first so they didnt have to wait as long. That's why he got so pissed and defensive when we caught him.
Weird stuff going on out there.

Four times in the last couple months I've been served something so bad as to be inedible, which takes a lot for me. Sometimes I'm disappointed, it's not as good as I hoped, it's a little off...but I'm never like "I don't like this, it's not spicy enough, take it back" or whatever, just because its not to my taste.

But sometimes, there's just a straight up screw up. Maybe 4-5 times in 30 years have I had that happen and brought it to the attention of a staffer, and it's always been met with great apology, a replacement, and/or a refund. Again, if I'm mentioning it, it's something obviously not right that upon one look should be obvious.

But it's happening more often now...and I get that, staffing shortage or whatever, quality is down...but they're like ""sorry about that"...and that's it. No replacement, no taking it off the bill.

It's super strange. The worst one was at a very upscale restaurant, where I ordered a $20 hamburger. Everything has always been great there. Ordered it medium. It was so burned, so dry, it was impossible to get down more than a bite. Very, very obviously messed up.

Waitress is clearing the table, and hits me with "Oh, you didn't have the appetite you thought, huh?" And I was like "Well, that's not it...I just couldn't eat it. Remember you asked me how I wanted it and said medium. I think some wires got crossed."

She looks at it and is "Wow, yeah, that's definitely not medium, never seen anything like that before, yuck." And drops the check.

What's going on out there? Is there a trend against trying to make mistakes right? Are restaurants inundated with scammers now that the price is so high, and just taking a zero tolerance approach? It's really bizarre to me.
Your wife sounds like a bitch
In instances that warrant it, she certainly isn't afraid to speak up.

So, don't suck at your job and/or be an a$$hole like the above and you'll be fine. For example, you wouldn't want to have been the kinder teacher who left my kid locked in and alone crying in a restroom while taking the rest of the class to a 30 min recess...then to lunch. It was there she realized she'd lost track of our 5 yo. So, ya, when warranted she knows how to be her (or other's) advocate. ...and she can do it without ever raising her voice (scary, but quietly firm). If that's a "bitch" to you, then so be it.
In instances that warrant it, she certainly isn't afraid to speak up.

So, don't suck at your job and/or be an a$$hole like the above and you'll be fine. For example, you wouldn't want to have been the kinder teacher who left my kid locked in and alone crying in a restroom while taking the rest of the class to a 30 min recess...then to lunch. It was there she realized she'd lost track of our 5 yo. So, ya, when warranted she knows how to be her (or other's) advocate. ...and she can do it without ever raising her voice (scary, but quietly firm). If that's a "bitch" to you, then so be it.

You recognize going out to eat and having a bad experience vs your kid possibly being injured are really far apart?

Obvi not
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You recognize going out to eat and having a bad experience vs your kid possibly being injured are really far apart?

Obvi not
No, I wasn't aware of that. Thank you for pointing it out. I am forever in your debt.

Regardless, my wife handles both like a boss. One results in a free meal, the other a new teacher. Win/win.
Weird stuff going on out there.

Four times in the last couple months I've been served something so bad as to be inedible, which takes a lot for me. Sometimes I'm disappointed, it's not as good as I hoped, it's a little off...but I'm never like "I don't like this, it's not spicy enough, take it back" or whatever, just because its not to my taste.

But sometimes, there's just a straight up screw up. Maybe 4-5 times in 30 years have I had that happen and brought it to the attention of a staffer, and it's always been met with great apology, a replacement, and/or a refund. Again, if I'm mentioning it, it's something obviously not right that upon one look should be obvious.

But it's happening more often now...and I get that, staffing shortage or whatever, quality is down...but they're like ""sorry about that"...and that's it. No replacement, no taking it off the bill.

It's super strange. The worst one was at a very upscale restaurant, where I ordered a $20 hamburger. Everything has always been great there. Ordered it medium. It was so burned, so dry, it was impossible to get down more than a bite. Very, very obviously messed up.

Waitress is clearing the table, and hits me with "Oh, you didn't have the appetite you thought, huh?" And I was like "Well, that's not it...I just couldn't eat it. Remember you asked me how I wanted it and said medium. I think some wires got crossed."

She looks at it and is "Wow, yeah, that's definitely not medium, never seen anything like that before, yuck." And drops the check.

What's going on out there? Is there a trend against trying to make mistakes right? Are restaurants inundated with scammers now that the price is so high, and just taking a zero tolerance approach? It's really bizarre to me.
Yeah. Lots of weird stuff out there anymore. Poorly cooked food, employees that don't care, managers that dgaf. Strange times. We got wings last month and ordered a side of fries. When the runner dropped the food off she didn't even ask if we had everything and we were missing the side of fries. The kids meal had a shit load of them so we just picked at those and said ef it. It actually worked out fine because all those didnt even get eaten. When the waiter dropped the bill off I told him about the fries and to just remove them. When he brought the bill back the fries were on there and he said the manager made him keep the order and they were putting them in a to go box and would be right out. Great. Nothing better than leftover fries we didn't need.
Weird stuff going on out there.

Four times in the last couple months I've been served something so bad as to be inedible, which takes a lot for me. Sometimes I'm disappointed, it's not as good as I hoped, it's a little off...but I'm never like "I don't like this, it's not spicy enough, take it back" or whatever, just because its not to my taste.

But sometimes, there's just a straight up screw up. Maybe 4-5 times in 30 years have I had that happen and brought it to the attention of a staffer, and it's always been met with great apology, a replacement, and/or a refund. Again, if I'm mentioning it, it's something obviously not right that upon one look should be obvious.

But it's happening more often now...and I get that, staffing shortage or whatever, quality is down...but they're like ""sorry about that"...and that's it. No replacement, no taking it off the bill.

It's super strange. The worst one was at a very upscale restaurant, where I ordered a $20 hamburger. Everything has always been great there. Ordered it medium. It was so burned, so dry, it was impossible to get down more than a bite. Very, very obviously messed up.

Waitress is clearing the table, and hits me with "Oh, you didn't have the appetite you thought, huh?" And I was like "Well, that's not it...I just couldn't eat it. Remember you asked me how I wanted it and said medium. I think some wires got crossed."

She looks at it and is "Wow, yeah, that's definitely not medium, never seen anything like that before, yuck." And drops the check.

What's going on out there? Is there a trend against trying to make mistakes right? Are restaurants inundated with scammers now that the price is so high, and just taking a zero tolerance approach? It's really bizarre to me.

Decades of opportunists using any excuse they can find to get comps has made a difference coupled with a sizable chunk of restraunt patrons being impossible to please without treating them like royalty has definitely contributed to lower expectations of service.
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Yeah. Lots of weird stuff out there anymore. Poorly cooked food, employees that don't care, managers that dgaf. Strange times. We got wings last month and ordered a side of fries. When the runner dropped the food off she didn't even ask if we had everything and we were missing the side of fries. The kids meal had a shit load of them so we just picked at those and said ef it. It actually worked out fine because all those didnt even get eaten. When the waiter dropped the bill off I told him about the fries and to just remove them. When he brought the bill back the fries were on there and he said the manager made him keep the order and they were putting them in a to go box and would be right out. Great. Nothing better than leftover fries we didn't need.
...then you add in the point of sale tipping machines and tips have gone from a "tiered recognition for stellar service" to an expectation for just showing up. It's the "everyone gets a trophy" equivalent of the restaurant business. And like you, we really do try to be compassionate and understanding--server having a bad day, low staff, etc. But sometimes you just have $hitty service and worst case scenario it's intentional.
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