Looks like I am a Breakthrough Case for COVID


HB Legend
Gold Member
Dec 30, 2008
Spent all last week traveling Missouri between St Louis and Osage Beach and it appears I picked up the COVAIDS, here is what I experienced to date (I was vaccinated with Novavax in February):

Monday - Day 1 (although I didn't know this was day 1 at the time): Feeling a bit groggy and general muscle soreness (worked on my baseball facility all day moving stuff, laying flooring, etc so chalked it up to being old and out of shape plus the whole week of being on the road just before). A few random sneezes out of no where.

Day 2: Something definitely something not right, sinuses starting to tighten to 50%, a bit tired but nothing major and a sight cough here and there but in the realm of nothing burger.

Day 3: Low grade fever, energy low, headache, mother of all sinus pressure (100% shut can't breath in or out of my nose at all), a bit disoriented in the morning but chalk that up to crushing some NyQuil night before, I always feel floaty with morning after NyQuil. I use a CPAP and it is ineffective that night as nasal passage is inflamed shut so awful night sleep but I did get some rest (not much production from nose just ultra tight...that seems to be where the COVID battle is being fought). Bizarre dreams with all of your moms that evening, it was freaky exciting stuff.

Day 4: No fever, no aches, full energy. 50% sinus blockage.

Day 5 (today): Great sleep night before, full energy, no headache very slight sinus issues but nothing one would really notice. Seems like taste buds are operating at 50% capacity (I believe the loss of taste smell is one of the trailing markers of infection so it appears I am over the worst of it). Will have freak dreams about all your moms tonight.

Thankful for being vaccinated as imagine it could have been much worse than one day of not feeling great. Assuming waning floating antibodies is what got me but memory T and Bs must of been there waiting even 10 months post vaccination. I give Novavax vaccine a 10 out of 10 for doing its job.

I seem to be color blind but always have been so that hasn't changed and I still have a huge peen so all is well.

Out of COVAIDS jail on Wednesday.
Spent all last week traveling Missouri between St Louis and Osage Beach and it appears I picked up the COVAIDS, here is what I experienced to date (I was vaccinated with Novavax in February):

Monday - Day 1 (although I didn't know this was day 1 at the time): Feeling a bit groggy and general muscle soreness (worked on my baseball facility all day moving stuff, laying flooring, etc so chalked it up to being old and out of shape plus the whole week of being on the road just before). A few random sneezes out of no where.

Day 2: Something definitely something not right, sinuses starting to tighten to 50%, a bit tired but nothing major and a sight cough here and there but in the realm of nothing burger.

Day 3: Low grade fever, energy low, headache, mother of all sinus pressure (100% shut can't breath in or out of my nose at all), a bit disoriented in the morning but chalk that up to crushing some NyQuil night before, I always feel floaty with morning after NyQuil. I use a CPAP and it is ineffective that night as nasal passage is inflamed shut so awful night sleep but I did get some rest (not much production from nose just ultra tight...that seems to be where the COVID battle is being fought). Bizarre dreams with all of your moms that evening, it was freaky exciting stuff.

Day 4: No fever, no aches, full energy. 50% sinus blockage.

Day 5 (today): Great sleep night before, full energy, no headache very slight sinus issues but nothing one would really notice. Seems like taste buds are operating at 50% capacity (I believe the loss of taste smell is one of the trailing markers of infection so it appears I am over the worst of it). Will have freak dreams about all your moms tonight.

Thankful for being vaccinated as imagine it could have been much worse than one day of not feeling great. Assuming waning floating antibodies is what got me but memory T and Bs must of been there waiting even 10 months post vaccination. I give Novavax vaccine a 10 out of 10 for doing its job.

Out of COVAIDS jail on Wednesday.
Where do you even get the Novavax vaccine in the US? I've only heard of people having Moderna, Pfizer and J&J.

Glad you got over it.

You know your 75% sinus pressure feeling? That is me 100-percent of the time, 24-7, 365. Had sinus surgery when I was 14 and it didn't help. I actually think my permanent coating of mucous in my nose gives me awesome protection against Covid. Well, that and my strict regimen of Vitamin D and cannabis. :)
Where do you even get the Novavax vaccine in the US? I've only heard of people having Moderna, Pfizer and J&J.

Glad you got over it.

You know your 75% sinus pressure feeling? That is me 100-percent of the time, 24-7, 365. Had sinus surgery when I was 14 and it didn't help. I actually think my permanent coating of mucous in my nose gives me awesome protection against Covid. Well, that and my strict regimen of Vitamin D and cannabis. :)
I think would have to be in a study group. Pretty sure they didn’t get auths anywhere because of manufacturing issues
Where do you even get the Novavax vaccine in the US? I've only heard of people having Moderna, Pfizer and J&J.

Glad you got over it.

You know your 75% sinus pressure feeling? That is me 100-percent of the time, 24-7, 365. Had sinus surgery when I was 14 and it didn't help. I actually think my permanent coating of mucous in my nose gives me awesome protection against Covid. Well, that and my strict regimen of Vitamin D and cannabis. :)
I believe there were trial in the US. One poster was singing its praises at the time.
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Where do you even get the Novavax vaccine in the US? I've only heard of people having Moderna, Pfizer and J&J.

Glad you got over it.

You know your 75% sinus pressure feeling? That is me 100-percent of the time, 24-7, 365. Had sinus surgery when I was 14 and it didn't help. I actually think my permanent coating of mucous in my nose gives me awesome protection against Covid. Well, that and my strict regimen of Vitamin D and cannabis. :)

I am in their trial. Sounds like we get our boosters sometime in late December to January, not that I need it now.
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I think would have to be in a study group. Pretty sure they didn’t get auths anywhere because of manufacturing issues

Looks like Euro approval could happen next week. They have Indonesia and Phillipeans and have applied everywhere else except the US at this point. There really does seem to be some big pharma trickery going on in terms of these vaccines and I do believe at this point that Pfizer is running our FDA as they have made it WAY harder with their restrictions for anyone else to get approved (they added new CMC components after approving Moderna, Pfizer, JnJ). It is a dirty business dealing with the govt.
He's not vaxxed to US standards...
I am in their trial. Sounds like we get our boosters sometime in late December to January, not that I need it now.

Spoiler alert: It didn't work very well.

Breakthrough cases like you are why we can't move past this pandemic.
Don't give it to anyone else while you are contagious.
Just sayin,... since that seems to be important to some you all...
He's not vaxxed to US standards...

Bruh I am the standard!

My BIL and sister also had breakthroughs from this, they were Pfizer. My dad had a breakthrough with Moderna and was boosted 3 weeks back. Outside of my dad with a recent boost my sister and BIL faired much worse and had their shots after I got mine in the trial.

Can't help the FDA is run by Pfizer and they are holding better product back by having them put up added road blocks.
Just sayin,... since that seems to be important to some you all...

Also that isn't true as the CDC recognizes US Novavax trial participants as fully vaccinated. That happened a few months back, I even have a CDC card stating as much and it is on their website. So within the US, I am considered fully vaccinated and now boosted.
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Lol... guy that's vaxed gets exact same symptoms as those who weren't. Makes it through it like the other 99% of people who've had it. Thanks the vaccine for saving him.

I'm not an anti vaxer, have had covid and vaccine. Just hilarious how brain washed people have become.
Bruh I am the standard!

My BIL and sister also had breakthroughs from this, they were Pfizer. My dad had a breakthrough with Moderna and was boosted 3 weeks back. Outside of my dad with a recent boost my sister and BIL faired much worse and had their shots after I got mine in the trial.

Can't help the FDA is run by Pfizer and they are holding better product back by having them put up added road blocks.

Hope you typed that with your mask on...
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Lol... guy that's vaxed gets exact same symptoms as those who weren't. Makes it through it like the other 99% of people who've had it. Thanks the vaccine for saving him.

I'm not an anti vaxer, have had covid and vaccine. Just hilarious how brain washed people have become.

Two BILs and a coworker who are antivax and they got it. One had to go to ER bc he couldn't breath well and was coughing up blood bc his cough lasted so long (dealing with fatigue now), one was out of work for 2 weeks but no hospitalization, and my coworker just came off a vent after 11 days of being on it.

Other BIL/SIL got it and had similar symptoms to me. They live in CO so it wasn't the Great Thanksgiving COVID special that was with my family...we spent 4 days together in a house down in the Ozarks over Turkey week.

People do seem to get more ill with C19 if unvaccinated. Or maybe it just keeps happening that way by

C19 antivax nuts:

1. This was developed and released from a China lab by some Chinaman, it is a bio-weapon.
1a. Its just a cold.

2. It is just a cold.
2a. Ivermectine cures the COVAIDs!

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
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Spoiler alert: It didn't work very well.

Breakthrough cases like you are why we can't move past this pandemic.
Don't give it to anyone else while you are contagious.

Vaccines are not designed to keep you from getting effected, even though they may do that for a few months after getting the shot(s). They are designed to keep you from getting too ill, same as the flu vax. Isn't think just like the flu or are we changing that now?
Also that isn't true as the CDC recognizes US Novavax trial participants as fully vaccinated. That happened a few months back, I even have a CDC card stating as much and it is on their website. So within the US, I am considered fully vaccinated and now boosted.
Shhh, don't confuse the Rifler. He only understands misinformation.
So why are we supposed to hate the unvaccinated?...
They plug up the hospitals. Which is expected to happen again worldwide in 3-6 months thanks to the unvaxed.

Really wish the govt would step in and set up medical tents manned by the military. If you are unvaccinated you get your treatment at what amounts to a field hospital to avoid filling the hospitals and burning out their staff.
So why are we supposed to hate the unvaccinated?...
Because they are putting a completely preventable and dangerous strain on our healthcare system through their base ignorance.

"Every time we go through a surge like we are now, it becomes increasingly difficult to have the resources to care for all the patients in our community," Dr. Andersen said. "The saddest part of this and the most frustrating part of this for health care providers is we know that many of the patients we're taking care of in the hospital could have avoided hospitalization through vaccination," Dr. Andersen said.

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Vaccines are not designed to keep you from getting effected, even though they may do that for a few months after getting the shot(s). They are designed to keep you from getting too ill, same as the flu vax. Isn't think just like the flu or are we changing that now?

i didn’t think we had a flu vaccine?
Two BILs and a coworker who are antivax and they got it. One had to go to ER bc he couldn't breath well and was coughing up blood bc his cough lasted so long (dealing with fatigue now), one was out of work for 2 weeks but no hospitalization, and my coworker just came off a vent after 11 days of being on it.

Other BIL/SIL got it and had similar symptoms to me. They live in CO so it wasn't the Great Thanksgiving COVID special that was with my family...we spent 4 days together in a house down in the Ozarks over Turkey week.

People do seem to get more ill with C19 if unvaccinated.

I get what you're saying but it's been pretty steady that if you're healthy with no preexisting conditions you've got nothing to worry about. I know a ton of people who've had it and only one person who ended up in the hospital. They were 80.

Every person I know felt better in the same timeline as you. The bigger issue here is that even you say it doesn't stop you from getting it, yet those who aren't vaccinated are being chastised for being the reason covid has not gone away. Wear your mask and get vacced is all anyone here's and it makes zero sense. If we all get the flu vaccine will that eradicate the flu? No. This is the exact same thing. Pursue either at your own risk.
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i didn’t think we had a flu vaccine?
Influenza vaccines, also known as flu jabs or flu shots, are vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses. New versions of the vaccines are developed twice a year, as the influenza virus rapidly changes.
Influenza vaccines, also known as flu jabs or flu shots, are vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses. New versions of the vaccines are developed twice a year, as the influenza virus rapidly changes.

call it whatever you want but there’s no vaccine for flu.
I get what you're saying but it's been pretty steady that if you're healthy with no preexisting conditions you've got nothing to worry about. I know a ton of people who've had it and only one person who ended up in the hospital. They were 80.

Every person I know felt better in the same timeline as you. The bigger issue here is that even you say it doesn't stop you from getting it, yet those who aren't vaccinated are being chastised for being the reason covid has not gone away. Wear your mask and get vacced is all anyone here's and it makes zero sense. If we all get the flu vaccine will that eradicate the flu? No. This is the exact same thing. Pursue either at your own risk.

Don't get me wrong, I DO NOT think the federal govt should be requiring this vaccine. Also I did wear a mask when out and about until vaccines became widely available as the real goal is for the HC system to not be overwhelmed which has happened a few times (in areas) bc of this virus. I think that was the right move when we didn't know a whole lot and a lot of people were getting very sick and dying.

However now that the vaccine is widely available for all (I am not sure kids should even get the vaccine as I think they tend to do fine for an incredibly overwhelming majority of cases) I don't GAF. If someone wants to take that risk and not get vaccinated it is 100% on them at this point and they can live, or die, with that choice. Hate to see it but it is what it is at this point.

However since I do believe in liberty for all people, including employers and service providers. I do think employers can require vaccination as part of their terms for employment (not the govt mandating it, the employers themselves, meaning they don't have to) and I do think insurance companies and/or employers should be able to charge an up-fee for not being vaccinated for C19 IF they feel that is in their best interest and is appropriate. If we have actuaries figuring this stuff out via applying actual risk to pocketbooks, vs our dumb grandstanding politicians, we would be much better off.
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I had a breakthrough infection as well. I don't think it was even as bad as yours. Very mild cold symptoms for a couple days that didn't interrupt anything, one day of feeling kind of cruddy, one day of feeling better but a little tired. I didn't think I had it, I just did an at home test because I was going to travel with some people. The weird thing is I didn't really have the main symptoms other than some sinus congestion. No fever, no sore throat, etc.

It is what it is. I'm 50 and overweight, so I'm within the range where it has been problematic for people, so glad I was vaccinated whether or not it saved my life.

I also accompanied vaccination and the peace of mind knowing I was protected with not giving a shit about COVID any more in terms of going where I want, eating inside, not masking, visiting family, etc. Immediate payoff for me to be vaccinated. Not one of those people who are going to be vaccinated AND still living a lifestyle of panic and mitigation. Getting vaccinated and getting back at it was a no brainer for me.
Vaccines are not designed to keep you from getting effected, even though they may do that for a few months after getting the shot(s). They are designed to keep you from getting too ill, same as the flu vax. Isn't think just like the flu or are we changing that now?

Then people should really stop counting the cases going up and down. If the vaccines aren't designed to keep people from being infected. Especially if they are proving unable to do that very well, and getting worse at it with each day, as people get further from their initial vaccination.
I’m vaxxed and was set to get my booster but then my daughter (lives with me) got a breakthrough and was sick enough to need the Regeneron treatment. She felt better within 36 hours. I thought I had escaped it but then I lost my sense of smell and got a weird hacking cough and headache. I ended up getting a Regeneron treatment too and bounced back within 24 hours as well. The only negative is that I’m not supposed to get any boosters for at least 90 days so fingers crossed that I don’t get the Omicron variant.
Still glad I got the jabs but like everyone else I am frustrated because of these variants and boosters. How many will it take? 🙁

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