Los Angeles On Fire

Dry for many years. It is a bazzilion year shortage of precip, coupled with big population growth

The last century was apparently among the wettest in CA in the last 7000 years. Just happened to coincide with when we showed up and setup shop.

Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.

“We continue to run California as if the longest drought we are ever going to encounter is about seven years,” said Scott Stine, a professor of geography and environmental studies at Cal State East Bay. “We’re living in a dream world.”

California, the nation’s most populous state with 38 million residents, has built a massive economy, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and millions of acres of farmland, all in a semiarid area. The state’s dams, canals and reservoirs have never been tested by the kind of prolonged drought that experts say will almost certainly occur again.

Stine, who has spent decades studying tree stumps in Mono Lake, Tenaya Lake, the Walker River and other parts of the Sierra Nevada, said that the past century has been among the wettest of the last 7,000 years.

Looking back, the long-term record also shows some staggeringly wet periods. The decades between the two medieval megadroughts, for example, delivered years of above-normal rainfall — the kind that would cause devastating floods today.

The longest droughts of the 20th century, what Californians think of as severe, occurred from 1987 to 1992 and from 1928 to 1934. Both, Stine said, are minor compared to the ancient droughts of 850 to 1090 and 1140 to 1320.

What would happen if the current drought continued for another 10 years or more?

Without question, longtime water experts say, farmers would bear the brunt. Cities would suffer but adapt.

The reason: Although many Californians think that population growth is the main driver of water demand statewide, it actually is agriculture. In an average year, farmers use 80 percent of the water consumed by people and businesses — 34 million of 43 million acre-feet diverted from rivers, lakes and groundwater, according to the state Department of Water Resources.

It'd be cool if instead of building more bombs and finding people to drop them on, we invested in things like desal and allowed our rivers and groundwater to be natural. But we're living in a nightmare world.
The last century was apparently among the wettest in CA in the last 7000 years. Just happened to coincide with when we showed up and setup shop.

Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.

“We continue to run California as if the longest drought we are ever going to encounter is about seven years,” said Scott Stine, a professor of geography and environmental studies at Cal State East Bay. “We’re living in a dream world.”

California, the nation’s most populous state with 38 million residents, has built a massive economy, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and millions of acres of farmland, all in a semiarid area. The state’s dams, canals and reservoirs have never been tested by the kind of prolonged drought that experts say will almost certainly occur again.

Stine, who has spent decades studying tree stumps in Mono Lake, Tenaya Lake, the Walker River and other parts of the Sierra Nevada, said that the past century has been among the wettest of the last 7,000 years.

Looking back, the long-term record also shows some staggeringly wet periods. The decades between the two medieval megadroughts, for example, delivered years of above-normal rainfall — the kind that would cause devastating floods today.

The longest droughts of the 20th century, what Californians think of as severe, occurred from 1987 to 1992 and from 1928 to 1934. Both, Stine said, are minor compared to the ancient droughts of 850 to 1090 and 1140 to 1320.

What would happen if the current drought continued for another 10 years or more?

Without question, longtime water experts say, farmers would bear the brunt. Cities would suffer but adapt.

The reason: Although many Californians think that population growth is the main driver of water demand statewide, it actually is agriculture. In an average year, farmers use 80 percent of the water consumed by people and businesses — 34 million of 43 million acre-feet diverted from rivers, lakes and groundwater, according to the state Department of Water Resources.

It'd be cool if instead of building more bombs and finding people to drop them on, we invested in things like desal and allowed our rivers and groundwater to be natural. But we're living in a nightmare world.
I think desal tech is the way to go. Terribly inefficient last time I read. Cant believe it's a problem we can't solve though.
I listened and gave her a shot, and I'm sure the truth is in the middle. That being said I have a REALLY hard time believing the issue is that of undefunding and not inefficiency. It may not be that she is inefficient, it may be that the money gets skimmed before it actually gets to her, but california doesn't have a income problem.
Especially if there have been no new reservoirs built by the state in 40 years.

Doesn't matter how many reservoirs you have, if the pipes from those reservoirs cannot deliver 100x or 1000x the water needed compared to "normal" during a crisis event.

It's like attaching 100 garden hose 'dividers' to your single spigot, and expecting you'll get 100x the water flow out of it. 1/2" pipe has a limit on what it can carry, no matter how many hoses you connect to it.
I think desal tech is the way to go. Terribly inefficient last time I read. Cant believe it's a problem we can't solve though.

Only, you cannot do that along coastlines w/o dramatically impacting the ecosystems there.

We should have started converting our oil platforms to desalination platforms years ago, and use oil tankers to bring that clean water back to ports where you can pump it up to reservoirs. But that requires a LOT of energy to do it, which would only be practical with full renewables to power it. Many billions in infrastructure to do this; no one wants to pay the taxes to pull it off, so we'll continue paying in climate disasters & insurance losses, over and over again.
This thread is just a complete toilet of MAGA misinformation and nonsense. And it's absolutely disgusting.

Our country is in serious trouble now that they can flood the zone with bullshit and easily convince a majority of voters what every problem is and the reason for it. And I never thought until the Trump era that I lived in such a stupid country.

The fires in LA are a natural disaster, politicians had absolutely no way of stopping or even ameliorating the situation save for measures taken beforehand that the assholes slamming Newsom, Bass, and Democrats would never ever support or tolerate.

Eff you people, eff you to hell. Scum.
Silly of me to expect them to be more forthcoming then.

Is the LAFD Chief just ignorant of the situation?

"It is important to note that the Fire Chief was not dismissed and is in full command of the LAFD," the department said in a statement. "

Just go ahead and man up and address the comments of the Fire Chief who said the city FAILED the department and the people.
I've been saying that all week long! The discussion has been "HOW" the city failed them. Your constituents are convinced it's because of "woke" policies, e.g., DEI hires, DEI training and a Trans Cafe'. I read through the budget and showed them otherwise. They've not acknowledged the facts, but they have shifted their stories/accusations, so I'll take the passive acknowledgement of being right.
"It is important to note that the Fire Chief was not dismissed and is in full command of the LAFD," the department said in a statement. "

I've been saying that all week long! The discussion has been "HOW" the city failed them. Your constituents are convinced it's because of "woke" policies, e.g., DEI hires, DEI training and a Trans Cafe'. I read through the budget and showed them otherwise. They've not acknowledged the facts, but they have shifted their stories/accusations, so I'll take the passive acknowledgement of being right.
Well you and I have been arguing with different folks then. The bulk of your constituents (if you claim them) have been maintaining there was either no mismanagement or no significant amount.

Do I think DEI caused people to DIE? Only to the extent that it caused leadership to take their eye off the ball, but not for diverted funds so much.

And while I'm at it just gonna go ahead and take back the acknowledgement of being right ;) .
Well you and I have been arguing with different folks then. The bulk of your constituents (if you claim them) have been maintaining there was either no mismanagement or no significant amount.

Do I think DEI caused people to DIE? Only to the extent that it caused leadership to take their eye off the ball, but not for diverted funds.

And while I'm at it just gonna go ahead and take back the acknowledgement of being right ;) .
Glasses Why Dont We Have Both GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨

Can it be a combination of terrible weather events and mismanagement? Additionally, when I pointed out to Ricco that the $100K for the Cafe' was essentially .000014% of the overall budget his response was, "every bit helps." ...basically doubling down that CA is in this mess 100% because of woke policies. Not once has he questioned why the LAFD's budget was cut 2% while the police departments was increased 7%. Maybe studies were conducted that would shed light on that (or maybe not). He has not been able to show a single dollar spent on DEI Training nor has he (or others) been able to link a single "woke" policy. So, how can there be a rational discussion, if there's nothing tangible to discuss? Heck, I never even said, on the onset, they were wrong. I just wanted to see them [policies] so we could talk about them.

As for the reservoir, the MAGAs (I've seen) just throw out blanket, misleading accusations regarding it being "empty". Not a one of them mentioned it was down due to scheduled maintenance. They don't want there to be any viable explanations at all. In their minds CA is "go woke, go broke", so they will simply scour the internet looking for tweets, memes, and far right articles to support their claims.

Me? I'd prefer to go directly to the source, the LA Country Budget and other government docs and look for myself.
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Glasses Why Dont We Have Both GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨

Can it be a combination of terrible weather events and mismanagement? Additionally, when I pointed out to Ricco that the $100K for the Cafe' was essentially .000014% of the overall budget his response was, "every bit helps." ...basically doubling down that CA is in this mess 100% because of woke policies. Not once has he questioned why the LAFD's budget was cut 2% while the police departments was increased 7%. Maybe studies were conducted that would shed light on that (or maybe not). He has not been able to show a single dollar spent on DEI Training nor has he (or others) been able to link a single "woke" policy. So, how can there be a rational discussion, if there's nothing tangible to discuss? Heck, I never even said, on the onset, they were wrong. I just wanted to see them [policies] so we could talk about them.

As for the reservoir, the MAGAs (I've seen) just throw out blanket, misleading accusations regarding it being "empty". Not a one of them mentioned it was down due to scheduled maintenance. They don't want there to be any viable explanations at all. In their minds CA is "go woke, go broke", so they will simply scour the internet looking for tweets, memes, and far right articles to support their claims.

Me? I'd prefer to go directly to the source, the LA Country Budget and other government docs and look for myself.
Got damit! I think we got ourselves a sensible liberal here!

Sure it was a combination, but so many want to blame it pretty much entirely on a "1 in 1000" year event (you know who you are).

As for the reservoir the latest I heard is it has been down nearly a year, since February of '24. That seems reckless. Whatever you gotta do to get it done faster has to be done.
Got damit! I think we got ourselves a sensible liberal here!

Sure it was a combination, but so many want to blame it pretty much entirely on a "1 in 1000" year event (you know who you are).

As for the reservoir the latest I heard is it has been down nearly a year, since February of '24. That seems reckless. Whatever you gotta do to get it done faster has to be done.
May I ask one additional question? Since I've never once voted for a Democrat for the Presidency, do I still qualify for that label?
Well you and I have been arguing with different folks then. The bulk of your constituents (if you claim them) have been maintaining there was either no mismanagement or no significant amount.

Do I think DEI caused people to DIE? Only to the extent that it caused leadership to take their eye off the ball, but not for diverted funds so much.

And while I'm at it just gonna go ahead and take back the acknowledgement of being right ;) .
Have you figured out where the mismanagement was yet? You have your list of things you would have done differently or are you gonna dodge the question again?

May I ask one additional question? Since I've never once voted for a Democrat for the Presidency, do I still qualify for that label?
My apologies. Maybe you're a Libertarian? A Centerist? (whatever that means). My question: did you vote for Trump? I scarcely think you would have.
Have you figured out where the mismanagement was yet? You have your list of things you would have done differently or are you gonna dodge the question again?
Holy shit, dude.

Why don't you just go ramble over to one of the multiple links provided of Kristin Crowley itemizing just some of the many ways in which the City failed the LAFD and the people of LA.

I mean I could relist them here but I think you need to listen and watch her mouth move to maybe, just possibly, get it.
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Holy shit, dude.

Why don't you just go ramble over to one of the multiple links provided of Kristin Crowley itemizing just some of the many ways in which the City failed the LAFD and the people of LA.

I mean I could relist them here but I think you need to listen and watch her mouth move to maybe, just possibly, get it.
So what your saying is, it's possible to have gross negligence without there being some sort of Woke Boogieman? Fvck, now we're getting somewhere!

Sadly, there are millions of dumbass MAGAs out there reading their FB feeds nodding ignorantly at shit like this:

Holy shit, dude.

Why don't you just go ramble over to one of the multiple links provided of Kristin Crowley itemizing just some of the many ways in which the City failed the LAFD and the people of LA.

I mean I could relist them here but I think you need to listen and watch her mouth move to maybe, just possibly, get it.
She’s also said multiple times that they wouldn’t have been able to catch the fire.

No one is arguing that LA handled everything perfectly. The argument is that the vast majority of the damage was unstoppable.