Los Angeles On Fire

I've listened to my fair share of locally-elected leaders give press conferences and answers on this and have come to the conclusion that incompetence is in no short supply.

Ms. Mayor, what is the plan for housing for those that have lost their homes?

This is something that I've been working on for a long time, you will hear more this week

Like cmon, they're homeless now
Jfc Twitter is now starting the “they’re targeting conservatives homes only with the fires” chat. Just nuke us all please. It’s beyond broken.
Let me guess, conservative to the left and right of this liberal home?

I'd say it's more of all the news outlets amplifying those extreme views of a very small segment of the population to make each side think the other side are all awful so people end up wanting to nuke it all.. but thats just me 🤷‍♂️
You think US Senators are involved the chain of command for emergency management? You’re smarter than that right?
Also, if “white knighting” him is stating facts and calling him a douchebag I question your reading skills.
Yeah you did a both sides on Cruz in one post. The fact that you don’t think a US Senator has enough clout to make shit happen to help the people of his state shows how silly you are. AOC WENT TO TEXAS and helped raise a million bucks FOR PEOPLE WHO HATE HER. So yeah, Ted could have been a leader and good person like she is and get things accomplished for the people who vote for him. Maybe you’re the one who needs the deep breaths to get more oxygen into that brain of yours. You’re wrong most of the time.
I've listened to my fair share of locally-elected leaders give press conferences and answers on this and have come to the conclusion that incompetence is in no short supply.

Ms. Mayor, what is the plan for housing for those that have lost their homes?

This is something that I've been working on for a long time, you will hear more this week

Like cmon, they're homeless now
Skid row
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What I find disconcerting and despicable in this thread is the number of people pointing fingers, trying to find someone to blame, and reveling in the catastrophe that has befallen LA?

Catastrophic events don’t choose political parties to target.

Where are the MAGA loudmouths to help Perry FL? They’re your people. Why aren’t you helping them? Or the people a little west that still didn’t get the help they needed from Trump and desantis?

Guess who helped and is helping? The liberal food coops. The Christians that don’t wear their religion on their sleeves.

Do you think there were any dems in Tallahassee celebrating Perry’s misfortune?
There weren’t.

There’s something clearly wrong with people who wish ill on others.

Makes me sick.
Something is very ‘off’ about this guy. His handlers should Velcro his hands to his side; it looks like someone playing Newsom on an SNL skit.

And how does he already have a ‘post-fire re-imagining’ team in place when the fires aren’t even out yet?

Something is very ‘off’ about this guy. His handlers should Velcro his hands to his side; it looks like someone playing Newsom on an SNL skit.

And how does he already have a ‘post-fire re-imagining’ team in place when the fires aren’t even out yet?

ricky bobby idk GIF
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You do realize that only like 20% of adults have twitter and 10% of users make up something like 90% of posts right?

Moral of story, life is a lot better not reading Twitter comments
Kinda like this open discussion threat here.
Maybe so, but I certainly have additional questions:

- What is the cost for a second reservoir?
- How often is maintenance performed on the primary?
- Would the cost outweigh the likelihood of its use? (I'm guessing $20mil+ to build one)
- How true is this statement?
“You still would have ended up with serious drops in pressure,” Adams said in an interview Thursday. “Would Santa Ynez [Reservoir] have helped? Yes, to some extent. Would it have saved the day? I don’t think so.”
Think it's cheaper than $50 billion?
Like it or not Michael, in the real world, it's very much worthwhile to have friends on the borders of your actual enemies.
It seems their ‘friendship’ is based on a steady flow of $$$ into their pockets, and we’re no closer to achieving world - or even local pockets of peace - in spite of it.

I’m sorry, but the benefits of neutrality far outweigh whatever real threats Russia and/or Palestine pose to us (as opposed to the imaginary threats our state dept. and their media friends constantly feed us).
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It seems their ‘friendship’ is based on a steady flow of $$$ into their pockets, and we’re no closer to achieving world - or even local pockets of peace - in spite of it.

I’m sorry, but the benefits of neutrality far outweigh whatever real threats Russia and/or Palestine pose to us (as opposed to the imaginary threats our state dept. and their media friends constantly feed us).

Were you dropped on your head as a child?