Mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs

So the perp didn't go there to kill gay people, he went there because of traffic? Holy moly.
And you all immediately jumped to this conclusion with the pulse nightclub shooting too, only it was some weirdo wrestling with his ghey desires.
Or let me guess, you just knew the Vegas shooter shot up the country music concert bc he hated right leaning country music fans right?
This dude was clearly disturbed. He threatened to kill his family in the past. Maybe he was motivated by some anger towards lgtbq but to claim some random discussions on biological men competing in women's sports motivated this is frankly ridiculous and irresponsible.
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What we do know is that he targeted a gay bar and never should have had a gun to begin with, but the MAGA DA in the area failed in his job and now 5 people are dead. I wish someone would have put a phuqing bullet in his head. Of course I’m responding to the guy who felt bad for Ashli Babbitt.
Link to the DA being a trump supporter?
If you want to troll, please do it in another thread.
I'm asking. If not, you're assuming his dad thought the same way as his dad. Entirely possible.

You said he was raised in a household with that bigotry (paraphrasing).
I don’t think we know all of this, at all
His Grandpa was essentially too extreme for a solid red district. He got curb stomped by another Republican 2 to 1. Will be interesting to see how much Grandpa influences his life. I'm guessing plenty. Those type of people view everything their children or grandchildren do as a reflection of them. Narcissists.
It's highly likely his parent were "groomed" by by his grandfather

I agree his dad was raised by his grandfather. And it is a definite possibly his dad had the same beliefs. But I tend to think that kind of hatred thins with each new generation. Obviously not cut and dry.
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Not sure about that (although based on his posts it’s not a stretch to assume) but what we do know for sure is the DA was clearly no fan of red flag laws. I would be looking into whether he dropped the ball there.

From his posts, I get why he wouldn't try to confiscate any weapons, but how in the hell did he not end up in prison?
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Why else would you show up to a gay bar, armed to the teeth, and looking to kill as many people as possible if not to kill gay people?
Well, some weren’t gay but somewhere else on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. That being said, he’s just saying the motive isn’t known yet. Shooting gay people and shooting them because they are gay are two different things. As he mentioned, it may have been an ex.
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What we do know is that he targeted a gay bar and never should have had a gun to begin with, but the MAGA DA in the area failed in his job and now 5 people are dead. I wish someone would have put a phuqing bullet in his head. Of course I’m responding to the guy who felt bad for Ashli Babbitt.
I don’t think he should have had a gun, either.

You’re really holding on to the Babbitt thing 😂
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What I am saying is that you as a teacher surprisingly judge people on their character and morals by their political affiliations. I think that says a lot more about your shortcomings as a person than you think.
No, I judge people who come on message boards and spout right wing falsehoods and refuse to learn when things get explained to them over and over and over again. I judge people who choose willful ignorance. IF you vote with the Nazis then you might want to rethink some things.
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And you all immediately jumped to this conclusion with the pulse nightclub shooting too, only it was some weirdo wrestling with his ghey desires.
Or let me guess, you just knew the Vegas shooter shot up the country music concert bc he hated right leaning country music fans right?
This dude was clearly disturbed. He threatened to kill his family in the past. Maybe he was motivated by some anger towards lgtbq but to claim some random discussions on biological men competing in women's sports motivated this is frankly ridiculous and irresponsible.
The reason that weirdo was wrestling with his sexuality. Mostly had to deal with being raised by a Bigot.
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No, I judge people who come on message boards and spout right wing falsehoods and refuse to learn when things get explained to them over and over and over again. I judge people who choose willful ignorance. IF you vote with the Nazis then you might want to rethink some things.
You watch waaaaaaaaaaay too much left wing media.

I agree voting for Trump or Trump backed candidates is wrong, IMO. Trump is such a narcissist that he absolutely makes everything about himself and will stop at nothing to stay in power because his ego is hurt.

But Nazis? **** off you lunatic.
From his posts, I get why he wouldn't try to confiscate any weapons, but how in the hell did he not end up in prison?
It's similar to Darrell Brooks priorities of DA's office. It can go horribly wrong when ran by liberals or cons.
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You watch waaaaaaaaaaay too much left wing media.

I agree voting for Trump or Trump backed candidates is wrong, IMO. Trump is such a narcissist that he absolutely makes everything about himself and will stop at nothing to stay in power because his ego is hurt.

But Nazis? **** off you lunatic.
You get dumber every day and this post is written like it's next Thursday. You can go eff yourself too, asshole. It's like you don't see the nazi flags at Republican rallies. Get your head out of your butt.

And for the hundredth time, I don't need to listen to Rachel. REAL Republicans are saying the same things. I listen to them when they trash their own party, and it's dozens of these people who do it. Use your brain before you post. Idiot.
No, I judge people who come on message boards and spout right wing falsehoods and refuse to learn when things get explained to them over and over and over again. I judge people who choose willful ignorance. IF you vote with the Nazis then you might want to rethink some things.
Previous posts from you, Tom, suggest otherwise. You have talked about your resentment and lack of tolerance of people who are Republicans. Like many others, you talk down about hatred, divisiveness, and a lack of tolerance for others and yet you find yourself lumping half of the population in with racists, bigots, and Nazis simply because they vote differently than you.
Previous posts from you, Tom, suggest otherwise. You have talked about your resentment and lack of tolerance of people who are Republicans. Like many others, you talk down about hatred, divisiveness, and a lack of tolerance for others and yet you find yourself lumping half of the population in with racists, bigots, and Nazis simply because they vote differently than you.
100% this, I would hope Tom would take a look in the mirror but I don’t think that will happen
They’re all disgusting. Time to tax churches and hold leaders pedaling hate accountable beyond just words. Trump, Lake, MTG are all terrorists.
Whoa, not all of us are out here preaching hate. My church has rainbows on the sign to combat just this sort of nonsense.
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Hopefully this POS is charged with a federal crime so that his life can be snuffed out by the government itself. I’m generally anti death penalty but I’ll make an exception for this asshole.
The advertise themselves as a Gay bar. Have Drag Shows, etc etc. Some bars are cop bars, sports bars, cowboy bars, VFWs. Bar types let u know what kind of crowd you'll be hanging with.

Sure. But that is addressing a different need (clientele match) than is reporting a shooting.
Why else would you show up to a gay bar, armed to the teeth, and looking to kill as many people as possible if not to kill gay people?

I posted 4 sample reasons above. There are many others.

But most likely he went there to kill gay people. But reporters should not report on things "most likely".
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I have a different theory. Poster is old and enjoys talking to folks.

I'm 64. Not sure if that is old.

I am so-so in terms of enjoying talking to people, but I worship critical thinking, and trying to get all people to do it.

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