memorial weekend plans

Saturday and Sunday, 16U basketball tournament in Lincoln. Sunday off to our condo at the Lake of the Ozarks. Spending Memorial Day through Sunday there with the family. Hoping the weather forecast changes and we get some warmer days.
1. Friday evening, enjoy either a mint julep or a manhattan and then dinner al fresco overlooking the DC skyline.
2. Saturday, Ride bikes or work out, depending on weather. Perhaps pick up some tix to the Nats game.
3. Ride bikes, probably stopping at brewery afterwards
4. Ride bikes

Note - was hoping that the Marines were doing their twilight parade with silent drill team at Iwo Jima memorial, but they do not appear to be. (PRO TIP - IF YOU ARE EVER VISITING THE DC AREA ON A TUESDAY SUMMER EVENING AT 7 PM, CHECK TO SEE IF THEY ARE DOING IT AT IWO OR LINCOLN. IWO IS BETTER, BUT EITHER WAY, IT'S THE BEST FREE EVENT IN THE CITY FOR MY MONEY. And being run by the Marines, it starts and ends precisely on time.)
Considering the NWS has already issued flood watches covering the entire weekend, with chances of rain every day beginning tonight...I know getting the boat out is out of the question.

If you're going boating anywhere in Iowa, be careful. Gonna be a lot of tree branches etc in the waters.
Oh, i left out one thing. Tomorrow night, on South Park, they will be airing an epsiode called "The End of Obesity" which takes on semaglutides and should be must see TV for anybody who likes to make fun of the fatty commercials and for me professionally as an industry schill.
NE Iowa for fishing, boating, maybe some beach time. Weather dependent, Friday and SUnday look iffy at best. Mississippi needs to come down a couple of feet.
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Rays game Saturday.
Beach day Sunday.
Fishing & sandbar Monday.
Gonna be a rough Tuesday morning.
First weekend without youth sports in quite awhile so going to enjoy sleeping in for sure. Couple grad parties on Friday and Saturday. End of year soccer party for my oldest but he can drive himself. Outside of that. Lots of grilling yard work and putting down some beers.
Not much but I thought about either taking the kids to a movie or doing a movie night in our house.

We are kind of homebodies so I'm guessing it will probably be in our house.
whatca doing?

nothing much here, kids have baseball and soccer....going to head to Florida the week after to avoid the holiday crowd
I'll probably spend the weekend correcting people who don't understand the difference between memorial day and veterans day. :cool:
The forecast is horrible here in Eastern Iowa, was hoping to get in some golf and pool time but neither are looking good. Just have to play it by ear and see where the wind takes me. I'm sure a little grilling out, eating out, a few cocktails and enjoying the pockets of decent weather outside.
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The forecast is horrible here in Eastern Iowa, was hoping to get in some golf and pool time but neither are looking good. Just have to play it by ear and see where the wind takes me. I'm sure a little grilling out, eating out, a few cocktails and enjoying the pockets of decent weather outside.
Same here. Golfing for sure and hope to get some good weather to hang by the pool. Hope to hit the farmers market and do some biking too or maybe bike down to it.
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Friday: cocktails with friends

Saturday: HOA pool opening BBQ and Karoke.

Sunday: son and his fiancé will be here. Cooking something outside but have t decided what. Probably ribs.

Monday: should be pool weather, then cocktails with friends in the evening.
Smoking a pork shoulder Saturday for a get together of a dozen or so family and friends on Sunday. Some yard work and gardening also. Hopefully the weather cooperates so we can get the fire pit going Sunday night as we enjoy some adult libations.
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Flying back to Iowa for my cousins lesbian wedding
Cosmo Kramer High Quality GIF
I didn't know it was MDW until Monday, so didn't get anything planned. Will probably base the day off what the weather allows. Hopefully we can hit my parents pool/tiki bar and smoke some pork in honor of JR.

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