Midwest teachers grooming kids


HB Legend
Jul 3, 2003
Should we be surprised its happening in Ames?

EXCLUSIVE: The trans school conspiracy exposed: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government​

Dozens of Midwestern teachers met online this week and traded tips on helping trans students change gender at school without their parents' knowledge, while criticizing a raft of new Republican laws on sex and identity. gained access to an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond.

In the four-hour workshop, they discussed helping trans students in the face of new laws in Republican-run states on gender, pronouns, names, parents' rights, bathroom access, and sports teams.

Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents.

The exposé comes amid growing tensions between traditional parents, who worry about newfangled gender ideas in schools, and some progressive teachers, who say they need to protect trans students from their own families.

Kicking off the workshop, Angel Nathan, the MAP specialist who hosted the session, said attendees would review the new laws in a bid to 'remedy the marginalizing effects and disrupt problematic policies.'

In the discussion and role-play sessions that followed, the teachers, administrators, principals, and counselors spoke about trans students and their families in a way that would alarm many parents.

Kimberly Martin, the DEI coordinator for Royal Oak Schools, which serves 5,000 K-12 students in Michigan, spoke about helping trans students keep their gender change a secret.

'We're working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can't be seen by the parents … if there's a nickname in there we're trying to hide,' Martin told the online gathering.

Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools, which serves 5,000 K-12 Iowa students, complained about Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds in March signing a law that bars biological males from competing on female sports teams.

She bragged about her 'own activism' and of taking part in protest marches.

'I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn't always go along with the law,' Haglund said.

Shea Martin, an Ohio-based trans educator, who writes a 'socialist, feminist, and anti-racist' blog called Radical Teacher, said she worked against 'laws that prohibit or restrict trans advocacy.'

'The stakes are very high for trans youth,' Martin said.

'I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.'

Martin did not describe any subversive acts, but, later spoke about teachers addressing 'sexuality' with elementary students, who are aged between five and 10.

When talking about men, women, playground crushes, love, and marriage with youngsters, teachers should be wary of treating 'reinforced heterosexuality as the norm,' Martin said.

Finally, Yesenia Jimenez-Captain, the director of educational services at Woodland School District, which serves some 4,600 K-8 students across four schools in Lake County, Illinois, slammed conservative teachers in a nearby district.

Parents and teachers across Illinois have in recent years been angered by Democrat-led efforts to put tampons and sanitary napkins in boys' bathrooms, so that trans female-to-male students can access them.

Jimenez-Captain told her colleagues about a nearby school board meeting that 'exploded in violence' over the tampon controversy.

'That became a big violent issue cause the individuals who were involved are also educators … which is sickening.'

At no point in the session did any teacher say parents might know what's best for their own kids, nor question whether affirmation-on-demand was the only way to help a trans-identified student.

Teaching new wave gender ideology in schools and secretly affirming trans-identified students have become hot-button issues in America's culture wars between liberals and conservatives.

Some traditional parents worry about activist teachers influencing kids with radical gender ideas, and even encouraging them to transition.

Tensions have led to lawsuits and violent school board meetings across the country.

Republican politicians in Red states have introduced more than 500 bills affecting LGBTQ people this year, with dozens already signed into law, says the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group.
Should we be surprised its happening in Ames?

EXCLUSIVE: The trans school conspiracy exposed: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government​

Dozens of Midwestern teachers met online this week and traded tips on helping trans students change gender at school without their parents' knowledge, while criticizing a raft of new Republican laws on sex and identity. gained access to an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond.

In the four-hour workshop, they discussed helping trans students in the face of new laws in Republican-run states on gender, pronouns, names, parents' rights, bathroom access, and sports teams.

Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents.

The exposé comes amid growing tensions between traditional parents, who worry about newfangled gender ideas in schools, and some progressive teachers, who say they need to protect trans students from their own families.

Kicking off the workshop, Angel Nathan, the MAP specialist who hosted the session, said attendees would review the new laws in a bid to 'remedy the marginalizing effects and disrupt problematic policies.'

In the discussion and role-play sessions that followed, the teachers, administrators, principals, and counselors spoke about trans students and their families in a way that would alarm many parents.

Kimberly Martin, the DEI coordinator for Royal Oak Schools, which serves 5,000 K-12 students in Michigan, spoke about helping trans students keep their gender change a secret.

'We're working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can't be seen by the parents … if there's a nickname in there we're trying to hide,' Martin told the online gathering.

Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools, which serves 5,000 K-12 Iowa students, complained about Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds in March signing a law that bars biological males from competing on female sports teams.

She bragged about her 'own activism' and of taking part in protest marches.

'I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn't always go along with the law,' Haglund said.

Shea Martin, an Ohio-based trans educator, who writes a 'socialist, feminist, and anti-racist' blog called Radical Teacher, said she worked against 'laws that prohibit or restrict trans advocacy.'

'The stakes are very high for trans youth,' Martin said.

'I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.'

Martin did not describe any subversive acts, but, later spoke about teachers addressing 'sexuality' with elementary students, who are aged between five and 10.

When talking about men, women, playground crushes, love, and marriage with youngsters, teachers should be wary of treating 'reinforced heterosexuality as the norm,' Martin said.

Finally, Yesenia Jimenez-Captain, the director of educational services at Woodland School District, which serves some 4,600 K-8 students across four schools in Lake County, Illinois, slammed conservative teachers in a nearby district.

Parents and teachers across Illinois have in recent years been angered by Democrat-led efforts to put tampons and sanitary napkins in boys' bathrooms, so that trans female-to-male students can access them.

Jimenez-Captain told her colleagues about a nearby school board meeting that 'exploded in violence' over the tampon controversy.

'That became a big violent issue cause the individuals who were involved are also educators … which is sickening.'

At no point in the session did any teacher say parents might know what's best for their own kids, nor question whether affirmation-on-demand was the only way to help a trans-identified student.

Teaching new wave gender ideology in schools and secretly affirming trans-identified students have become hot-button issues in America's culture wars between liberals and conservatives.

Some traditional parents worry about activist teachers influencing kids with radical gender ideas, and even encouraging them to transition.

Tensions have led to lawsuits and violent school board meetings across the country.

Republican politicians in Red states have introduced more than 500 bills affecting LGBTQ people this year, with dozens already signed into law, says the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group.
Boston officials staying awful quiet on this related story.
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The problem with dumb people like OP is that they get to vote. Thanks to those people that is how a Trump, Steve King, Michelle Bachmann, Marjorie Taylor Green, Tommy Tubberville, and George Santos get voted into office.
'I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn't always go along with the law,' Haglund said.

but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents.

'I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes

Martin did not describe any subversive acts, but, later spoke about teachers addressing 'sexuality' with elementary students, who are aged between five and 10.

These are the areas that are a concern to me, and if you think ANYONE needs to discuss sexuality with elementary students, 5 year old, you ARE A GROOMER and should be registered.
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My God, I'm so tired of this topic. My son is 10 and he has no clue what LGBTQIA+ is much less what a transgender person is. He's 10. Right now he cares about soccer, Roblox and watching reruns of great 90s shows on Disney+. I'd venture to say this is the case for MOST kids.

One day, he'll come home and ask and we'll discuss it. Until then, let the kid just be a kid. The video of the gay young adult (posted a few weeks ago) told me all I need to know. He said over and over again that he was 12 and just wanted to be a kid. He didn't need a label, he wasn't interested in boys or girls, just the power rangers an being a kid.

Heck, I don't even play stupid heterosexual games like, "Oooo, son do you think she's cute?" or "Awe, wouldn't it be great if you two got married one day? You could look back and say, we've been together since we were kids". And he never wore shirts like Heart Breaker or Lady Killer. Relationships are hard and kids aren't prepared for them, so I don't encourage them at all. Just be a damn kid and have fun while you can.

EDIT: I didn't even read the OP, because I'm sure it's not what the title claims. I'm just speaking in general terms.
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The problem with dumb people like OP is that they get to vote. Thanks to those people that is how a Trump, Steve King, Michelle Bachmann, Marjorie Taylor Green, Tommy Tubberville, and George Santos get voted into office.
You forgot, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, John Fetterman, Adam Schiff, and of course Joe Biden.
My God, I'm so tired of this topic. My son is 10 and he has no clue what LGBTQIA+ is much less what a transgender person is. He's 10. Right now he cares about soccer, Roblox and watching reruns of great 90s shows on Disney+. I'd venture to say this is the case for MOST kids.

One day, he'll come home and ask and we'll discuss it. Until then, let the kid just be a kid. The video of the gay young adult (posted a few weeks ago) told me all I need to know. He said over and over again that he was 12 and just wanted to be a kid. He didn't need a label, he wasn't interested in boys or girls, just the power rangers an being a kid.

Heck, I don't even play stupid heterosexual games like, "Oooo, son do you think she's cute?" or "Awe, wouldn't it be great if you too go married one day? You could look back and say, we've been together since we were kids". And he never wore shirts like Heart Breaker or Lady Killer. Relationships are hard and kids aren't prepared for them, so I don't encourage them at all. Just be a damn kid and have fun while you can.
My God, I'm so tired of this topic. My son is 10 and he has no clue what LGBTQIA+ is much less what a transgender person is. He's 10. Right now he cares about soccer, Roblox and watching reruns of great 90s shows on Disney+. I'd venture to say this is the case for MOST kids.

One day, he'll come home and ask and we'll discuss it. Until then, let the kid just be a kid. The video of the gay young adult (posted a few weeks ago) told me all I need to know. He said over and over again that he was 12 and just wanted to be a kid. He didn't need a label, he wasn't interested in boys or girls, just the power rangers an being a kid.

Heck, I don't even play stupid heterosexual games like, "Oooo, son do you think she's cute?" or "Awe, wouldn't it be great if you too go married one day? You could look back and say, we've been together since we were kids". And he never wore shirts like Heart Breaker or Lady Killer. Relationships are hard and kids aren't prepared for them, so I don't encourage them at all. Just be a damn kid and have fun while you can.

Roblox is a top grooming community. You should sit in on our liberal meetings sometime.
Roblox is a top grooming community. You should sit in on our liberal meetings sometime.
I read there are some back-door rooms where kids are being lured. Darn platform has 40 mil games, so send me a link to your liberal meetings so I can get edumacated.
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At what age are people generally old enough to know for sure that they are transsexual? Or homosexual? And to then choose if they wish to make a transition? I believe completely that everyone should be allowed to be what they want to be. And to have their choices protected and respected. I take caution at the idea of helping elementary or middle school kids begin a transition though. They’re too young to know anything with certainty, IMO
At what age are people generally old enough to know for sure that they are transsexual? Or homosexual? And to then choose if they wish to make a transition? I believe completely that everyone should be allowed to be what they want to be. And to have their choices protected and respected. I take caution at the idea of helping elementary or middle school kids begin a transition though. They’re too young to know anything with certainty, IMO
Problem here is you're trying to codify what is an unique individual experience.
At what age are people generally old enough to know for sure that they are transsexual? Or homosexual? And to then choose if they wish to make a transition? I believe completely that everyone should be allowed to be what they want to be. And to have their choices protected and respected. I take caution at the idea of helping elementary or middle school kids begin a transition though. They’re too young to know anything with certainty, IMO
We have plenty of age restrictions in society that no one bats an eye at...

Gotta be 18 to buy tobacco...18 to sign a contract, 21 to buy alcohol.. 18/21 to enter a strip club. 18 to vote, 35 to be president!

but when it comes to non-reversable transition surgery, some think that we should trust that a 5 or 10 year old has the capacity to make that kind of decision?
At what age are people generally old enough to know for sure that they are transsexual? Or homosexual? And to then choose if they wish to make a transition? I believe completely that everyone should be allowed to be what they want to be. And to have their choices protected and respected. I take caution at the idea of helping elementary or middle school kids begin a transition though. They’re too young to know anything with certainty, IMO

It’s one thing if it can be demonstrated that teachers are just out there proactively or without prompting bringing up these conversations, especially in elementary school. It’s something else if the topic is raised by the class/kid.

We have plenty of age restrictions in society that no one bats an eye at...

Gotta be 18 to buy tobacco...18 to sign a contract, 21 to buy alcohol.. 18/21 to enter a strip club. 18 to vote, 35 to be president!

but when it comes to non-reversable transition surgery, some think that we should trust that a 5 or 10 year old has the capacity to make that kind of decision?

You’re going to find very few people who think they should be making irreversible decisions at that age. Where I disagree is that on occasion the topic DOES come up. When it does I would expect that in general the kid in question should be referred to school counselor/parents…but I think it’s okay to answer basic questions.
It’s one thing if it can be demonstrated that teachers are just out there proactively or without prompting bringing up these conversations, especially in elementary school. It’s something else if the topic is raised by the class/kid.

You’re going to find very few people who think they should be making irreversible decisions at that age. Where I disagree is that on occasion the topic DOES come up. When it does I would expect that in general the kid in question should be referred to school counselor/parents…but I think it’s okay to answer basic questions.
Honestly, I think we're closer on this than you think. I do think there should be a process in place, a parent-teacher conference should probably be the first place to start. The only thing I think a teacher should do is ask the student if they would like the teacher to contact their parents and schedule a meeting, they don't have to say what the meeting is about.

If the student says no to the meeting, they should recommend talking to their parents about how they are feeling. That's about as far as I think teachers should be involved at the elementary school level.

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