Midwest teachers grooming kids

Honestly, I think we're closer on this than you think. I do think there should be a process in place, a parent-teacher conference should probably be the first place to start. The only thing I think a teacher should do is ask the student if they would like the teacher to contact their parents and schedule a meeting, they don't have to say what the meeting is about.

If the student says no to the meeting, they should recommend talking to their parents about how they are feeling. That's about as far as I think teachers should be involved at the elementary school level.

Always depends on the situation to me. What if some 2nd grade class is talking about what they did on spring break, and one kid mentions that they met a trans person, and someone asks what that is? I don’t have an issue with the teacher answering the question there.

If a kid asks something specific about themselves then the parents should be brought in. It just drives me nuts that some consider it de facto grooming simply if the topic comes up at all, when imo oftentimes it’s a matter of “kids say the darnedst things”.
Always depends on the situation to me. What if some 2nd grade class is talking about what they did on spring break, and one kid mentions that they met a trans person, and someone asks what that is? I don’t have an issue with the teacher answering the question there.

If a kid asks something specific about themselves then the parents should be brought in. It just drives me nuts that some consider it de facto grooming simply if the topic comes up at all, when imo oftentimes it’s a matter of “kids say the darnedst things”.
There’s a simple solution to your scenario, it’s 2nd grade, the teacher should tell little Johnny, “that’s a great question for your mom or dad”… little Suzy thank you for sharing your weekend, who is next… little a Billy what do you want to share about your spring break?
Lindsay Graham is that you trying to get to the bottom of it?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
There’s a simple solution to your scenario, it’s 2nd grade, the teacher should tell little Johnny, “that’s a great question for your mom or dad”… little Suzy thank you for sharing your weekend, who is next… little a Billy what do you want to share about your spring break?

Sure, but imo there’s other quick replies that would suffice as well. But GOPers seem to think any comment whatsoever qualifies as grooming.
Sure, but imo there’s other quick replies that would suffice as well. But GOPers seem to think any comment whatsoever qualifies as grooming.
To be fair, as a dad I feel EXACTLY the same about hetero relationships or situations, I wouldn’t want my kid’s teachers answering questions about “a side chick” or baby daddy or some other potential heteroerotic scenarios. If a kid didn’t know what a baby daddy is or didn’t know what their friend meant by they saw their mommy giving daddy a blow job… I don’t like the idea of a teacher of a second grader offering an answer for that
To be fair, as a dad I feel EXACTLY the same about hetero relationships or situations, I wouldn’t want my kid’s teachers answering questions about “a side chick” or baby daddy or some other potential heteroerotic scenarios. If a kid didn’t know what a baby daddy is or didn’t know what their friend meant by they saw their mommy giving daddy a blow job… I don’t like the idea of a teacher of a second grader offering an answer for that
In what 2nd grade class are teachers talking about blowjobs or any of this bullshit you’re talking about? You’re an insane person. Nobody wants that.
In what 2nd grade class are teachers talking about blowjobs or any of this bullshit you’re talking about? You’re an insane person. Nobody wants that.
So you’ve never heard of libs of TikTok… okay good to know…

But you didn’t read or understand what I said. I didn’t say the teacher was talking about it, I was saying maybe one child heard that from another child and asked the teacher what is a blow job in a completely innocent scenario for the teacher, I don’t want the teacher giving an answer, just as I don’t want them explaining what a trans person is or a thruple, or a same sex attraction, I don’t want any of those questions answered no matter what
At what age are people generally old enough to know for sure that they are transsexual? Or homosexual? And to then choose if they wish to make a transition? I believe completely that everyone should be allowed to be what they want to be. And to have their choices protected and respected. I take caution at the idea of helping elementary or middle school kids begin a transition though. They’re too young to know anything with certainty, IMO
Good post. 💯 agree.
So you’ve never heard of libs of TikTok… okay good to know…

But you didn’t read or understand what I said. I didn’t say the teacher was talking about it, I was saying maybe one child heard that from another child and asked the teacher what is a blow job in a completely innocent scenario for the teacher, I don’t want the teacher giving an answer, just as I don’t want them explaining what a trans person is or a thruple, or a same sex attraction, I don’t want any of those questions answered no matter what

I don’t disagree with the basic premise of your post; but it’s been asked before - what if say a male teacher is sharing where they went on vacation with their husband and a kid asks why they are married to a man, does the teacher not get to talk about their relationship just a heterosexual teacher might bring up landmark dates/activities they do with their husband/wife?
So you’ve never heard of libs of TikTok… okay good to know…

But you didn’t read or understand what I said. I didn’t say the teacher was talking about it, I was saying maybe one child heard that from another child and asked the teacher what is a blow job in a completely innocent scenario for the teacher, I don’t want the teacher giving an answer, just as I don’t want them explaining what a trans person is or a thruple, or a same sex attraction, I don’t want any of those questions answered no matter what
Give it a rest. There is not a single sane teacher in America who is going to talk to a 7-year-old student about blow jobs or any of the other crap you mentioned. Just stop.
My God, I'm so tired of this topic. My son is 10 and he has no clue what LGBTQIA+ is much less what a transgender person is. He's 10. Right now he cares about soccer, Roblox and watching reruns of great 90s shows on Disney+. I'd venture to say this is the case for MOST kids.

One day, he'll come home and ask and we'll discuss it. Until then, let the kid just be a kid. The video of the gay young adult (posted a few weeks ago) told me all I need to know. He said over and over again that he was 12 and just wanted to be a kid. He didn't need a label, he wasn't interested in boys or girls, just the power rangers an being a kid.

Heck, I don't even play stupid heterosexual games like, "Oooo, son do you think she's cute?" or "Awe, wouldn't it be great if you two got married one day? You could look back and say, we've been together since we were kids". And he never wore shirts like Heart Breaker or Lady Killer. Relationships are hard and kids aren't prepared for them, so I don't encourage them at all. Just be a damn kid and have fun while you can.

EDIT: I didn't even read the OP, because I'm sure it's not what the title claims. I'm just speaking in general terms.
I appreciate your response…but let me ask, how do you know that he doesn’t know anything about LGBTQIA+?
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I don’t disagree with the basic premise of your post; but it’s been asked before - what if say a male teacher is sharing where they went on vacation with their husband and a kid asks why they are married to a man, does the teacher not get to talk about their relationship just a heterosexual teacher might bring up landmark dates/activities they do with their husband/wife?
Students don’t need to know the marital status or relationship status of their teachers. I can’t envision a scenario where I remember my grade school teachers talking about their relationships… I’m equal opportunity leave it alone, it’s really not what needs to be taught or discussed in elementary school no matter the sexual orientation
Students don’t need to know the marital status or relationship status of their teachers. I can’t envision a scenario where I remember my grade school teachers talking about their relationships… I’m equal opportunity leave it alone, it’s really not what needs to be taught or discussed in elementary school no matter the sexual orientation

Didn’t say they talked about their relationships, but you really don’t think teachers never engage in small talk about vacations, special occasions? Seriously?

None of this is about what needs to be taught - no one with a brain thinks that teachers everywhere are grooming kids to become trans. It’s about scaring people about stuff they don’t understand.
Give it a rest. There is not a single sane teacher in America who is going to talk to a 7-year-old student about blow jobs or any of the other crap you mentioned. Just stop.
Except the ones putting books like gender queer in elementary school libraries
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Give it a rest. There is not a single sane teacher in America who is going to talk to a 7-year-old student about blow jobs or any of the other crap you mentioned. Just stop.
This reminded me that earlier this year I swear I heard a 5th grader say “bukkake”. I was listening to see if he said it again.

Also this year, 69 became a thing. At both schools. One 5th grader said it, “Can we have 69 on each team?” “I shot him a look and asked, “Why that number?” Class got quiet. “It just seemed like a funny number.” I may or may not have turned into Joe Peschi in Good Fellas.
My God, I'm so tired of this topic. My son is 10 and he has no clue what LGBTQIA+ is much less what a transgender person is. He's 10. Right now he cares about soccer, Roblox and watching reruns of great 90s shows on Disney+. I'd venture to say this is the case for MOST kids.

One day, he'll come home and ask and we'll discuss it. Until then, let the kid just be a kid. The video of the gay young adult (posted a few weeks ago) told me all I need to know. He said over and over again that he was 12 and just wanted to be a kid. He didn't need a label, he wasn't interested in boys or girls, just the power rangers an being a kid.

Heck, I don't even play stupid heterosexual games like, "Oooo, son do you think she's cute?" or "Awe, wouldn't it be great if you two got married one day? You could look back and say, we've been together since we were kids". And he never wore shirts like Heart Breaker or Lady Killer. Relationships are hard and kids aren't prepared for them, so I don't encourage them at all. Just be a damn kid and have fun while you can.

EDIT: I didn't even read the OP, because I'm sure it's not what the title claims. I'm just speaking in general terms.
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Students don’t need to know the marital status or relationship status of their teachers. I can’t envision a scenario where I remember my grade school teachers talking about their relationships… I’m equal opportunity leave it alone, it’s really not what needs to be taught or discussed in elementary school no matter the sexual orientation
You know nothing about building relationships with students. Nothing. Shut. Up.

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