Name the worst owners in pro sports

Jeanie Buss (and the Buss family) because they've given Lebron complete control to do whatever he wants to make his final years luxurious without winning. RIP Jerry Buss though. An actual great owner.
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This is the correct, and in fact the ONLY acceptable answer. A total laughingstock franchise for 98% of the past 30+ years. Bucs have basically been the G-League team for the rest of MLB...drafting and cultivating talent to then be shipped elsewhere for the next crop of "saviors who will finally turn things around"...only to have any stars that emerge from that crop immediately sold to the highest bidder for the NEXT crop of "saviors who will finally turn things around"....lather, rinse, repeat for the better part of the entire lifespan of many of you on this forum.

A joke owner who has NEVER been about running the club to be a winner and ONLY cares about running the club as a "business". Which is ironic since he has absolutely NO BUSINESS being at the top of the food chain for any professional sports franchise.
Everything here x 1,000,000