No FSU or Clemson for now. Boo.

For FSU people here. Are you hearing anything new or still feel confident you can get out of GOR with the ACC?

I’m an attorney who does a lot of contract work (I’m not solely a contract attorney, I do lots of corporate, employment, labor and administrative law work as well which sounds like a lot of the same things but are all completely different) And if what I read online truly is the original agreement and subsequent addendum then I’m 99% positive we can relatively easily break the GOR through a number of ways. (Any attorney who says 100% is lying because I’ve seen crazy results due to terrible judges and/or juries). If I was in Charge (and I’m not) I would simply break the lease and 1) argue fraudulent inducement over their ACC Network promises which did not occur within a reasonable time nor at anywhere near the payout they promised, 2) fraud in the factum as we believed we were signing a simple extension of the tv deals and not signing a mass suicide pact keeping us unable to leave the ACC when there is already a separately proscribed and calculated compensatory damages clause for leaving, and 3) as a state entity we can claim sovereign immunity under the state constitution and ignore any damages they try to collect.

Having said that, what’s going on now is that BSPiN is trying anything and everything to keep FSU under its branding including offering up a free spot in the SEC versus a potentially paid exit to the Big and even making a huge push to secure Notre Lame to try to keep the ACC intact.
If the Big Ten can get Florida State, Clemson, Virginia, and North Carolina that would be a hell of a haul.
Why would you want North Carolina or Virginia? Whatever money you put in they will spend on basketball. It’d be like adding two more Rutgers.
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Who at SMU is pitching Brett this idea?
They look trustworthy enough.

I think they are making moves like the big 12 did to stay relevant before the big boys move on. They know what is about to happen so they are getting out in front of it. Now the teams they are choosing is obviously not ideal but they sat on their hands for wayyyyyy too long and have to make the best of it and hopefully be relevant when the GoR ends in 2036
I think they are making moves like the big 12 did to stay relevant before the big boys move on. They know what is about to happen so they are getting out in front of it. Now the teams they are choosing is obviously not ideal but they sat on their hands for wayyyyyy too long and have to make the best of it and hopefully be relevant when the GoR ends in 2036
But why would they add those schools? Those would have to dilute everyone’s cut. Do FSU and Clemson go even more underpaid?
New rumors from an FSU board saying Clemson and FSU possible to the SEC. And the B1G knowing that, might court UNC and UVA. Also, ND not even a full time member of the ACC, is pressuring to get Stan and Cal on board. Miami's admin is split with the Pres wanting to stay and the AD wanting to gtfo.

Drew Weatherford also chimed in (former Nole QB and current BOT member)-

New rumors from an FSU board saying Clemson and FSU possible to the SEC. And the B1G knowing that, might court UNC and UVA. Also, ND not even a full time member of the ACC, is pressuring to get Stan and Cal on board. Miami's admin is split with the Pres wanting to stay and the AD wanting to gtfo.

Drew Weatherford also chimed in (former Nole QB and current BOT member)-

I am an Iowa fan before Big Ten fan. Selfishly, I would rather have Virginia and North Catolina. They are both great schools.

Plus the Big Ten already has Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, USC, Oregon, and Washington. Add Florida State and Clemson and Iowa's chances go farther down.

I would love to see Iowa win one Big Ten championship in a fricking decade. Not asking for much.
I am an Iowa fan before Big Ten fan. Selfishly, I would rather have Virginia and North Catolina. They are both great schools.

Plus the Big Ten already has Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, USC, Oregon, and Washington. Add Florida State and Clemson and Iowa's chances go farther down.

I would love to see Iowa win one Big Ten championship in a fricking decade. Not asking for much.
Dude, it's gonna be a P2 league and I'm gonna be make belive happy at all how it shakes out, either way. We are a feisty bunch, but we can tailgate too. We have crocodiles swimming in my canal.

But why would they add those schools? Those would have to dilute everyone’s cut. Do FSU and Clemson go even more underpaid?

If that is truly who the ACC is going after, it isn't a power move. They are going for the girls left at last call. Feels like they are trying to grab the leftovers and hoping the non-football power keeps the conference relevant. And if they DO grab those schools, it all but ensures the "football schools" (FSU / Clemson / maybe Miami) will leave. I would think UL should be looking hard at the Big12 if they want to be a football school.
I am an Iowa fan before Big Ten fan. Selfishly, I would rather have Virginia and North Catolina. They are both great schools.

Plus the Big Ten already has Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, USC, Oregon, and Washington. Add Florida State and Clemson and Iowa's chances go farther down.

I would love to see Iowa win one Big Ten championship in a fricking decade. Not asking for much.
With the addition of the CCG, and adding 4 more quality institutions it may be once a century now. No more ties for first.
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With the addition of the CCG, and adding 4 more quality institutions it may be once a century now. No more ties for first.
Not to sound like a Pollyanna, but Iowa has some real decisions to make in the next 2-3 years that will shape its future in college athletics. We can’t be the self-deprecating “aw shucks” bunch if we want to keep our seat at the big table. At some point, the top 24 or 32 (or whatever) will be separated and if we’re not in it, the financial implications will be massive.
By next week?

There might be word by the 15th..... something is up, I don't think the BOT would have done what they did a couple of weeks ago if there wasn't. And unfortunately I think it's looking more and more likely it's the SEC where FSU and Clemson will end up.
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There might be word by the 15th..... something is up, I don't think the BOT would have done what they did a couple of weeks ago if there wasn't. And unfortunately I think it's looking more and more likely it's the SEC where FSU and Clemson will end up.
I agree. I think it’s going down soon. You don’t raise the hell FSU did then go total silence if things aren’t happening behind the scenes,

Where we go, I have no idea. I have t ruled out B1G and Fox making a power play.

And I haven’t ruled out FSU selling out completely to private equity and we’re going to be rolling in cash and changing college sports forever as we know it.
Not to sound like a Pollyanna, but Iowa has some real decisions to make in the next 2-3 years that will shape its future in college athletics. We can’t be the self-deprecating “aw shucks” bunch if we want to keep our seat at the big table. At some point, the top 24 or 32 (or whatever) will be separated and if we’re not in it, the financial implications will be massive.
I think Iowa has a top 25 football program, just unfortunately not a top 25 tv market.
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New rumors from an FSU board saying Clemson and FSU possible to the SEC. And the B1G knowing that, might court UNC and UVA. Also, ND not even a full time member of the ACC, is pressuring to get Stan and Cal on board. Miami's admin is split with the Pres wanting to stay and the AD wanting to gtfo.

Drew Weatherford also chimed in (former Nole QB and current BOT member)-

Mark me down as whatever scenario screws Norte Dame the most. They had their cake and ate it too for too long.
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FSU people here feel confident something is going to happen next week and also pretty confident that them and Clemson are SEC bound. Would the Big Ten invite any teams? I am thinking UNC and Virginia.

I just find this all so fascinating.
People on Warchant not as confident that there will be a resolution by next Tuesday.
FSU people here feel confident something is going to happen next week and also pretty confident that them and Clemson are SEC bound. Would the Big Ten invite any teams? I am thinking UNC and Virginia.

I just find this all so fascinating.
UVA isn’t big enough a target for the B1G imo. I could see Miami and UNC if Clemson and FSU are SEC bound.