Now that Fauci has publicly admitted to being a Total Fraud

Will Joes Place apologize or dig in?

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So tired of this argument. There were plenty of people who knew the correct approach right from the start. But they were censored, silenced, and ostracized in the name of “science.” And now we have to endure the gaslighting by these same “scientists” whose defense is that the problem was just too darn complex for them.
You're right, there were people, and a plan, to address a pandemic but the Trump administration threw it out and flew by the seat of their pants. To the point of completely denying science.
I’m just going by what Biden said. He said everyone that received the vaccine was protected. He never mentioned one death in fifty of vaccinated people. Therefore you can’t compare the two.
That's not an answer. If you want to fault Biden for saying the vaccine could do more than it delivered, have at it. It's dumb as fvck but whatever. You're trying to turn the idea that the vaccine didn't prevent ALL disease and ALL deaths as some argument against the vaccine.


They say, "seat belts save lives". So, I'll ask again...if one child in fifty who dies in car accidents is wearing a seat belt, is that an argument against the use of seat belts? Yes or no and feel free to explain your reasoning. Respond on point, if you don't mind.
That's not an answer. If you want to fault Biden for saying the vaccine could do more than it delivered, have at it. It's dumb as fvck but whatever. You're trying to turn the idea that the vaccine didn't prevent ALL disease and ALL deaths as some argument against the vaccine.


They say, "seat belts save lives". So, I'll ask again...if one child in fifty who dies in car accidents is wearing a seat belt, is that an argument against the use of seat belts? Yes or no and feel free to explain your reasoning. Respond on point, if you don't mind.
I’m saying that Biden implied if you didn’t get the vaccine you would die.
That would be like me saying if you get in a vehicle and don’t put on a seatbelt you will die.
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I’m saying that Biden implied if you didn’t get the vaccine you would die.
That would be like me saying if you get in a vehicle and don’t put on a seatbelt you will die.
LOL...dodging left and right. Let me make this abundantly clear, I do not give a single damn what Biden said or implied. I'm trying to get at how this impacts your views on the vaccine. Do YOU think the vaccines saved lives or not? That would seem to be a simple question, yet you keep trying to avoid it.
However, a lot of people made money via Pfizer, etc.
Many mistakes were made, that will happen when we demand answers to situations that are still developing.

I don’t believe the conspiracies at all.
LOL...dodging left and right. Let me make this abundantly clear, I do not give a single damn what Biden said or implied. I'm trying to get at how this impacts your views on the vaccine. Do YOU think the vaccines saved lives or not? That would seem to be a simple question, yet you keep trying to avoid it.
It’s funny you mention I don’t answer my question yet I’ve asked all of you defending the vaccine a bunch of times now who Biden was targeting when he said the vaccinated will be safe from the virus.
I’ll answer your question though. I’m sure the vaccine helped some. Did we need to force it on everyone? I don’t think so.
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It’s funny you mention I don’t answer my question yet I’ve asked all of you defending the vaccine a bunch of times now who Biden was targeting when he said the vaccinated will be safe from the virus.
I’ll answer your question though. I’m sure the vaccine helped some. Did we need to force it on everyone? I don’t think so.
Biden was targeting everyone with the message that they need to get the vaccine to be more protected. I'm confident he was targeting the anti-vax crowd and their harmful message particularly. He was doing that for the benefit of the country and all the people in it regardless of whether they were a right wing rube or not.

Still waiting for you to back up your claim that Biden said anyone not getting the virus would die.
He calls everyone that disagrees with him an idiot. I'm sure you called that 2nd grader an idiot as well.
Im still waiting to hear who Biden was talking about when mentioning all the deaths happening when the vaccinated were fully protected. No one has answered me that when they have told me I’m an idiot.
You're not helping yourself at all. He's called me an idiot before...he wasn't bullying me. You missed the point, again.
It’s funny you mention I don’t answer my question yet I’ve asked all of you defending the vaccine a bunch of times now who Biden was targeting when he said the vaccinated will be safe from the virus.
I’ll answer your question though. I’m sure the vaccine helped some. Did we need to force it on everyone? I don’t think so.
smh...and here you are again trying to weasel your way out. Biden oversold the vaccine. Read carefully because I won't bother with this again...

I. Don't. Care.

I'm actually intelligent enough to know that all vaccines can have breakthrough infections. I'm also intelligent enough to know that THOSE infections are almost universally less severe than what's found among the unvaxxed. I'm also intelligent to know that someone who does have a breakthrough infection is less likely to pass that infection on for the very simple reason that their viral load is lower.

"Seat belts save lives". Does that imply that you will be safe if you wear your seat belt? Is the mandate that you wear it necessary? Does the fact that people who wear their seat belts and still die in accidents mean you shouldn't wear your seat belt? That is precisely the kind of..."logic"'re employing here so respond on point or don't bother at all.
"Seat belts save lives". Does that imply that you will be safe if you wear your seat belt? Is the mandate that you wear it necessary? Does the fact that people who wear their seat belts and still die in accidents mean you shouldn't wear your seat belt? That is precisely the kind of..."logic"'re employing here so respond on point or don't bother at all.
This is the argument I have been making for covid vaccines since they came out. I have yet to get a response from the anti-vaxxers.
That's not an answer. If you want to fault Biden for saying the vaccine could do more than it delivered, have at it. It's dumb as fvck but whatever. You're trying to turn the idea that the vaccine didn't prevent ALL disease and ALL deaths as some argument against the vaccine.


They say, "seat belts save lives". So, I'll ask again...if one child in fifty who dies in car accidents is wearing a seat belt, is that an argument against the use of seat belts? Yes or no and feel free to explain your reasoning. Respond on point, if you don't mind.
All I can say is I believe with every fiber in my being the vaccine saved my MIL's life. I'm sure there is some truth to some of the adverse side-effects; however, NONE of them are worse than death.

Comorbidities of COVID-19 that can be particularly harmful:
  1. Diabetes
  2. Obesity
  3. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  4. Chronic kidney disease
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  6. Cardiovascular diseases (such as heart disease)
  7. Cancer
  8. Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system)
  9. Chronic liver disease
  10. Asthma
☝️ She has the bolded items. She gets the booster each year (or possibly more) and has had COVID 2x without much difficulty.
LOL...dodging left and right. Let me make this abundantly clear, I do not give a single damn what Biden said or implied. I'm trying to get at how this impacts your views on the vaccine. Do YOU think the vaccines saved lives or not? That would seem to be a simple question, yet you keep trying to avoid it.
Fauci said the covid vaccine campaign has been an ‘unsuccessful public health FAILURE’. (Post #134)
smh...and here you are again trying to weasel your way out. Biden oversold the vaccine. Read carefully because I won't bother with this again...

I. Don't. Care.

I'm actually intelligent enough to know that all vaccines can have breakthrough infections. I'm also intelligent enough to know that THOSE infections are almost universally less severe than what's found among the unvaxxed. I'm also intelligent to know that someone who does have a breakthrough infection is less likely to pass that infection on for the very simple reason that their viral load is lower.

"Seat belts save lives". Does that imply that you will be safe if you wear your seat belt? Is the mandate that you wear it necessary? Does the fact that people who wear their seat belts and still die in accidents mean you shouldn't wear your seat belt? That is precisely the kind of..."logic"'re employing here so respond on point or don't bother at all.
I know you don’t care to answer the question that I asked which started this entire debate. Seems pretty stupid that you even inserted yourself with something I don’t care to talk about. Like a kid in a seat belt. wtf does a kid wearing a seatbelt have to do with Biden insinuating anyone not getting to covid vaccine will die.
You know when you're winning when the person you're having the debate with or his supporters stop trying to defend their point, and just sink to name playground name calling, so I'll take your comment as a compliment.
Or maybe it's that it's not really a debate because one person is refusing to acknowledge any information from the other because it violates the talking points they've been taught to regurgitate. Kind of like talking to a wall.
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Have I mentioned its 2024? We are 4 years into this thing. Can someone explain to me why anyone outside of a patient and their respective healthcare professional give a flying fart about this topic? It's really not a difficult concept. Honest to God, here's how the conversation went down with my VA PCM this very morning:

As she's looking at my immunization records:

PCM: I see here your last flu shot was fall of 2022.
Me: Ya, that one bit me in the arse. I guess I forgot. I got the flu a few months back and it kicked my butt.
PCM: We're supposed to have a drive-thru set up this fall, so don't forget.
Me: Believe me. I won't.

PCM: You haven't had a COVID-19 shot since 2020, correct?
Me: Correct.
PCM: Would you like one?
Me: Do I really need one? It's my understanding I have zero comorbidities.
PCM: Have you had COVID?
Me: Yes. Back in 2022. I breezed through it...easier than the darn flu I just had.
PCM: Then it's completely up to you, not really necessary just a recommendation.

PCM: You're 50 now, I recommend you get the shingles vaccine.
Me: Seriously? That one too?
PCM: I'd recommend that one for certain because you've had chicken pox and it can reactivate when you get older.
Me: I remember my mom struggling with shingles, so I guess I'll get that one.
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Have I mentioned its 2024? We are 4 years into this thing. Can someone explain to me why anyone outside of a patient and their respective healthcare professional give a flying fart about this topic? It's really not a difficult concept. Honest to God, here's how the conversation went down with my VA PCM this very morning:

As she's looking at my immunization records:

PCM: I see here your last flu shot was fall of 2022.
Me: Ya, that one bit me in the arse. I guess I forgot. I got the flu a few months back and it kicked my butt.
PCM: We're supposed to have a drive-thru set up this fall, so don't forget.
Me: Believe me. I won't.

PCM: You haven't had a COVID-19 shot since 2020, correct?
Me: Correct.
PCM: Would you like one?
Me: Do I really need one? It's my understanding I have zero comorbidities.
PCM: Have you had COVID?
Me: Yes. Back in 2022. I breezed through it...easier than the darn flu I just had.
PCM: Then it's completely up to you, not really necessary just a recommendation.

PCM: You're 50 now, I recommend you get the shingles vaccine.
Me: Seriously? That one too?
PCM: I'd recommend that one for certain because you've had chicken pox and it can reactivate when you get older.
Me: I remember my mom struggling with shingles, so I guess I'll get that one.
Look at this guy going all "it should be between the person and the doctor.".
Look at this guy going all "it should be between the person and the doctor.".
It's not "all in" it's just a rough outline of my conversation from my annual VA apt this morning (and, yes, I had HROT on the mind when I asked her). Don't ask me about the PITA it's been to get my colonoscopy scheduled. It's been a hoot. But ya, today was PCM annual, blood draw, radiology, pharmacy and patient advocacy (about the colon blow).
☝️ She has the bolded items. She gets the booster each year (or possibly more) and has had COVID 2x without much difficulty.
I've tested positive twice...once barely noticed. The other I felt like I had a bad cold for a day. Sixty-six and not skinny so - yes - I'll get jabbed every time they offer a new one.
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I've tested positive twice...once barely noticed. The other I felt like I had a bad cold for a day. Sixty-six and not skinny so - yes - I'll get jabbed every time they offer a new one.
And why anyone would care but you is beyond me (and that isn't a slight on you, but on those so concerned if you do or do not get one). I'm just glad you didn't feel the need to start a thread virtue signaling how awesome you are for getting one. Looking at my dear friend @BrianNole777 :p

Once I get my colonoscopy scheduled, I plan on starting a thread. ;)

Love you, Brian! You're still one of my favorite posters.
Happy Season 9 GIF by The Office
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I know you don’t care to answer the question that I asked which started this entire debate. Seems pretty stupid that you even inserted yourself with something I don’t care to talk about. Like a kid in a seat belt. wtf does a kid wearing a seatbelt have to do with Biden insinuating anyone not getting to covid vaccine will die.
WTF are you talking about? I conceded that Biden placed more value on the vaccine than was warranted. So WHAT? I have no idea why you find that so important? If it spurred people to get vaxxed, I have zero issues with it. What I have a major issue with is idiots using it to make some point. So let's get it...Biden was wrong. People who get vaxxed can get sick (more rarely and less seriously). People who are vaxxed can get sick and die (extremely rarely). People who have been vaxxed AND boosted can get sick (very rarely) and die (almost never).

Tell us...exactly and that knowledge informs your views on the vaccine. Or Covid. Or anything. Tell us why it matters so much to you. Nothing else...just your justification for making it so vital.

And the seat belt analogy is solidly on point, but I understand you wanting to avoid it like...well...the plague.
And why anyone would care but you is beyond me (and that isn't a slight on you, but on those so concerned if you do or do not get one). I'm just glad you didn't feel the need to start a thread virtue signaling how awesome you are for getting one. Looking at my dear friend @BrianNole777 :p

Once I get my colonoscopy scheduled, I plan on starting a thread. ;)

Love you, Brian! You're still one of my favorite posters.
Happy Season 9 GIF by The Office
No colonoscopy pics! TIA
WTF are you talking about? I conceded that Biden placed more value on the vaccine than was warranted. So WHAT? I have no idea why you find that so important? If it spurred people to get vaxxed, I have zero issues with it. What I have a major issue with is idiots using it to make some point. So let's get it...Biden was wrong. People who get vaxxed can get sick (more rarely and less seriously). People who are vaxxed can get sick and die (extremely rarely). People who have been vaxxed AND boosted can get sick (very rarely) and die (almost never).

Tell us...exactly and that knowledge informs your views on the vaccine. Or Covid. Or anything. Tell us why it matters so much to you. Nothing else...just your justification for making it so vital.

And the seat belt analogy is solidly on point, but I understand you wanting to avoid it like...well...the plague.
So you have no problem with someone trying to force you to do something or making you do something in order to keep your job when in the end it didn’t really change any outcome after all?
I listed in a deleted thread what Covid did to my life because of what Biden and fauchi were saying which was all a bunch of BS.

But what does it matter that it ****ed with a bunch of peoples lives. LOL.

And what is it with you and this seatbelt thing? Did you skip over the part where I said they save lives but they don’t save 100% of lives. Also all kids that don’t wear a seatbelt don’t die. Unlike the president insinuating that everyone that didn’t get the vaccine was going to catch the death virus.
So you have no problem with someone trying to force you to do something or making you do something in order to keep your job when in the end it didn’t really change any outcome after all?
THERE it is!

The Big Lie.

So the vaccines didn't make any difference at all despite the mountains of evidence that categorically prove you're flatly wrong? I posted a chart earlier that clearly demonstrates vaccines made a difference. You're lying and you're using Biden to justify it. Were you capable of feeling shame for openly lying, you'd feel really bad right now. Fortunately for you, you suffer no such impediment.
THERE it is!

The Big Lie.

So the vaccines didn't make any difference at all despite the mountains of evidence that categorically prove you're flatly wrong? I posted a chart earlier that clearly demonstrates vaccines made a difference. You're lying and you're using Biden to justify it. Were you capable of feeling shame for openly lying, you'd feel really bad right now. Fortunately for you, you suffer no such impediment.
Bro! You are on some messed up power trip.
I wasn’t dying from Covid before being forced to get the Covid vaccine and I’m not dying after receiving it with no follow up boosters.
At this point I’m not sure what are tying to get and I’m not sure you know what you are trying to get at.

BTW what’s the big lie? That people that didn’t get the forced vaccine would die?
I honestly have no idea what I lied about. Haha
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BTW what’s the big lie? That people that didn’t get the forced vaccine would die?
I honestly have no idea what I lied about. Haha might be a moran...I bolded it for you but ignoring that which is right in front of you seems to be a habit. You should work on that. might be a moran...I bolded it for you but ignoring that which is right in front of you seems to be a habit. You should work on that.
??? I stated in this post that Biden said everyone that didn’t get the vaccine was going to catch the dead.
Not sure how by saying the vaccine didn’t make any difference in me surviving Covid makes me a liar?
But continue with the moron talk if it helps you sleep at night.
So you have no problem with someone trying to force you to do something or making you do something in order to keep your job when in the end it didn’t really change any outcome after all?
I listed in a deleted thread what Covid did to my life because of what Biden and fauchi were saying which was all a bunch of BS.

But what does it matter that it ****ed with a bunch of peoples lives. LOL.

And what is it with you and this seatbelt thing? Did you skip over the part where I said they save lives but they don’t save 100% of lives. Also all kids that don’t wear a seatbelt don’t die. Unlike the president insinuating that everyone that didn’t get the vaccine was going to catch the death virus.
Many are told they can't smoke on the property and keep their job. Why, because second hand smoke affects other people and their health. You want to be in the military? All kinds of shots you are required to get. There are many other employment requirements - they are a standard part of our society.

Kids that don't wear seatbelts are far more likely to die than those who do - that's why car seats and seatbelts are mandatory.

You stated Biden told us who doesn't get the virus will die. Do you still stand by that statement? I'm guessing you'll continue to ignore that mega-gaffe.
LOL...dodging left and right. Let me make this abundantly clear, I do not give a single damn what Biden said or implied. I'm trying to get at how this impacts your views on the vaccine. Do YOU think the vaccines saved lives or not? That would seem to be a simple question, yet you keep trying to avoid it.
Statistics did indeed prove that the vaccine saved lives. Did it provide bullet proof protection in every instance, of course not. What it did do effectively was lessen the probability of losing your life even if you contracted the virus.

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