*** Official Biden stepping down at end of term - Direct tweet from his twitter. ***

Don’t know a ton about Kamala. Won’t leave it to aviator or whatever this place is now to educate me.

I don’t buy the “Biden put country before party” bs- he had to be pressured into this.
Of course he had to be pressured...but he still had to agree to it. No chance Trump does this if the shoe's on the other foot.

Plenty of old farts out there who couldn't be forced to see what was clear to everyone else.
The Democratic elite, corporate media, and billionaire donors successfully pressured the candidate chosen by Democratic primary voters to drop out because he's down in the polls and losing.

Democrats destroy democracy in pursuit of power. What’s new.
And when his replacement cleans Cheto’s clock, elected by those same primary voters, what will your narrative be, oh King of dumbf*ckery?
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If Trump debates her. He’s pissing himself at facing her. With him it’s always the opposite of what he says. I’m rich, I’m innocent, I’m super smart…
I can't imagine being this detached from reality. Anyone would be chomping at the bit to debate ol' Kamala. She's so out of her league it's almost not funny. Between her incredibly awkward joker laugh used to cover for when she doesn't have a rebuttal or how she continuously uses the same three phrases over and over again thinking she's somehow sounding philosophical, she's a cake walk for anyone who has the ability to string together a sentence.
This. He's a decent man who loves his country. Trump would never make this decision. His narcissism's is so deep he can't see an America without him.
Decent man? How many blacks did he put into prison for crack the size of a quarter? Who was the senator that pushed the hardest to give Bush outright authority to bomb the Middle East and kill millions? Who has worked for government his entire life and never made a penny on his own back or hard work only to be 30M+ now in wealth. Thats decent huh

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