****Official Cubs 2015 Thread****

This is obviously 20/20 hindsight now, but I thought the Cubs should have gambled in typical Madden-style and used Lester in the WC game. That way Arrieta could have pitched twice in the NLDS, which is a much more important series to me than a random one and done game. I wouldn't have cared if they lost the silly WC game, but getting to the NLCS would be huge. They still can, but you are depending on less than your best starters.

The WC game was the most important game in 7 years for the Cubs. I think that warrants playing your best pitcher. The way Lackey pitched it may not have mattered if Arrieta pitched game one against STL. I think the Cubs have to be pleased with the way things worked out. Arrieta pitching game 3 with a chance to go up 2-1 and if they do, they then have 2 games to close it out and have Arrieta pitch game 1 of the NLCS. Wishful thinking I know but a guy can dream.
This is obviously 20/20 hindsight now, but I thought the Cubs should have gambled in typical Madden-style and used Lester in the WC game. That way Arrieta could have pitched twice in the NLDS, which is a much more important series to me than a random one and done game. I wouldn't have cared if they lost the silly WC game, but getting to the NLCS would be huge. They still can, but you are depending on less than your best starters.

How are they depending on less than their best? They're tied 1-1 in a best-of-5 and they have Arrieta and Lester starting 2 of the last 3 games. Even if Lester started (and won) the WC game, they'd have had a tough time winning with Arrieta in Game 1 the way Lackey pitched. Lester only gave up the 1 run heading into the bottom of the 8th and the Cubs were never really close to scoring until late when it was too late......and there's no scenario where the Cubs would be looking at the last 3 games with Lester and Arrieta starting more than 2 of the 3.
Can we stop replying to balldropper in this thread. The dude head is so far up his ass he doesnt know what a baseball looks like.

I was in St. Louis all weekend so havent follwed this thread and just read all his recent posts. I encourage you to do the same, he constantly contradicts himself.
Can we stop replying to balldropper in this thread. The dude head is so far up his ass he doesnt know what a baseball looks like.

I was in St. Louis all weekend so havent follwed this thread and just read all his recent posts. I encourage you to do the same, he constantly contradicts himself.

Go f yourself, cutty. I know more about baseball than you will in a thousand years.

Evidently Theo Epstein can figure out how to remove a century of Cubs front office idiocy, but not from Cub fans' idiocy.
Go f yourself, cutty. I know more about baseball than you will in a thousand years.

Evidently Theo Epstein can figure out how to remove a century of Cubs front office idiocy, but not from Cub fans' idiocy.

Typical Cardinal fan reply, I heard it a million times at the games last weekend. But newsflash einsteins your 11 World Series Wins and the Cubs sucking for a greater part of the century HAS NO IMPACT ON THE 2015 PLAYOFFS.
Just as how the Cubs' newfound glory doesn't make you any smarter about baseball.

I dont feel like my teams being good makes me any smarter/dumber at baseball. Im just a fan. Do you feel like the Cardinals being good makes you smarter?

But baseball did pay for my college, but that doesnt really matter.
No I don't and never have. I do know I know St. Louis better than your average Cubs fans, and that was my point in this whole subject. I know what they do right and wrong as a franchise, I know what Matheny does right or wrong as a manager, and I know which players on their roster do good and bad things.

I suggest you look at the history of this thread for a moment...

Where in April I state the Cubs need to stick to the plan and not go all "old Cubs thinking" on this season. And in later months, I re-state the same thing. Especially when posters positioned acquiring Hamels giving up kids in the process...and to trust in Lester et al in coming through as the season progresses given their past success. I said stay the course, you're doing fine.

And look what happened...

Where in early May I predict the Cards' bullpen will be worn out if they continue at the rate of Matheney's usage (which has happened). Where in August I predict that Wacha and Martinez will hit innings levels where they can't be trusted come playoff time - and predict the NL will be wide open come playoff time because St. Louis is wearing down overall.

And look what happened...

There's also a post early in the thread about where I admit I will rip on StL when deserved.

And look what happened...I did this mere minutes after the inning in game 2 blew up. I KNEW that inning turned the series right there. St. Louis could not let the Cubs get the hammer on them at any time because it then gives the Cubs life. When you're the home team in a 5 game series, those first two games for the home team are EVERYTHING.

Then. there's a post where YOU agree with a post of mine that it is nice to have reasonable discussions about baseball with Cards fans like me, fairly late in the year I will add.

I think my track record in saying how this season played out in this thread speaks for itself. Pretty much nailed both the Cubs and Cards' seasons. Oh, and not once have I derided the Cubs (note - the team/FO, not their fans) during this year as far as their chances or capabilities during this season. I liked them all along, I just wasn't sure they'd progress this season this well. As ANY reasonable Cubs fan probably felt also early on.

Lastly...there's a single post in here where I admit I have never really hated the Cubs at all my entire life. Hell, I was listening to Vince Lloyd and Lou Boudreax on WGN before most the people on this board and in this thread were born. I grew up with the Cubs. So I think as far as them not being MY team, I got all things considered a pretty good handle on their franchise history as well as current events. I still listen and watch the Cubs on a regular basis when it doesn't conflict with Cardinals games.
I never question anyones baseball intelligence.

My problem with you bad is you go all macho, then you get called out, and then you make reasonable points.
I have been very reasonable in this thread all year. But then the "excuses" claim gets thrown out there as far as game 2 is concerned, the September plunking series...and get lumped in with "all other Cardinals fans" as a result - when my posting history all year points otherwise.

How would you react? Do I sound like a typical Cards fan? I don't despise the Cubs like Cubs fans seem to despise the Cards. Now, you may claim that "11 rings" and "Cubs history" has a lot to do with that - it just doesn't work that way with me. I believe history can give us an indication in things, but it's also not an absolute.

I "get it" why Cubs fans can hate the Cardinals, I really do. Just check that hatred at the door when posting about the series and how these teams relate to each other is all I am asking.

I am not a normal sports fan. I don't live and die's too short. I am passionate about my favorite teams...but I don't allow myself to let hatred cloud my opinions and reactions to games/plays etc.

I believe I am capable of taking the emotion out of the rivalry (or say a set of circumstances about anything in sports) itself as far as my opinions. I will RAIL on fans who don't do the same because it removes all reasonableness from their opinions. The opinion to me is invalid if it's based on a lack of objectivity. That is what got my gander up in this thread. Some of the reactions were so juvenile, my emotions therefore got to the better of me out of frustration at the whole CARDINALS side of the subject.

That inning pisses me off. It never should have happened.

I'm labeled a Ferentz apologist in the football board...I just refuse to believe (for example) that Derrick Willes was some sort of all american receiver or the best Iowa receiver ever based upon his output up to that point. There was a reason why he wasn't playing, reasons only the coaches know about. I leave that to the coaches...and get LAMBASTED as a Ferentz apologist as a result.

I should follow that mantra when it comes to the Cardinals...but I know Cards baseball better than Hawk football...and sometimes, I get dragged back into that poisonous line of thought sometimes. I tend to notice bad coaching more in baseball than football I guess.

I call a spade a spade (pardon the expression). If the Cards suck, I say so (and did shortly after that inning and the days after). If the Hawks suck, I say so. And if an opinion is based on emotion (which several of those directed at me smack of...a severe hatred of the Cardinals as opposed to a rational discussion of the issue), I will also point that out.
The Cubs' Game 3 lineup includes four rookies, led by right fielder Jorge Soler, who hit a home run and double in Saturday’s 6-3 win in Game 2. Soler will bat second, followed by fellow rookie third baseman Kris Bryant.

Rookies Kyle Schwarber and Addison Russell will bat sixth and seventh against Cardinals pitcher Michael Wacha.

Here's the lineup:

Fowler cf

Soler rf

Bryant 3b

Rizzo 1b

Castro 2b

Schwarber lf

Russell ss

Montero c

Arrieta p
If there is a team that can beat Arrieta in the playoffs it is St. Louis. I still cant believe they dismantled Kershaw two years in a row
Arrieta doesn't seem to be locked in yet. But, he got out of that inning fine. Cards...working counts heavily so far.

Wacha again looks to be rushing his delivery. He's a fast worker normally, and when he's wild, he speeds up instead of slowing down.

I predict Yadi wearing a path out to the mound tonight.

Ever since the homer, Wacha has somewhat settled down, and the ump is starting to give him off the corner strikes.

But...can't win if you don't score, and I believe St. Louis missed their best chance unless Arrieta suddenly gets wild in the zone.
He's struggling here. Not going to get the same outside corner if he can't throw strikes. Damn it. Don't recall the last time I saw him throw back to back walks
The walks come back to bite Jake. Bosio settled him down, but Peralta makes him pay.

Watch Yadi's catching from here on out. That wild swing HURT.
I would not be surprised that Wacha is pulled here. He is now missing with his off-speed stuff.

What happened to Russell there? He blow out a hammy/quad type thing? Looked like the wheels came off halfway to 3B.
You just cannot let the Cubs kids get their bats every batter is thinking "pile on, boys".

They could put up 15 tonight now that the genie is out of the bottle.
This series is not over, but man going back over the first few pages of this thread is terrific. There are a few really arrogant Cards fans who are suddenly very quiet.
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That was a really, really good win on a day when Arrieta finally looked human. He wasn't going to pitch like Superman forever, but really nice that the Cubs won anyway on a night when he didn't have his best command.
That was a really, really good win on a day when Arrieta finally looked human. He wasn't going to pitch like Superman forever, but really nice that the Cubs won anyway on a night when he didn't have his best command.

Yep, good on ya. 6 dingers set record and a bunch of historical references. First time first 6 hitters in lineup, 3 rookies, 8 total, ......

Lackey going on 3 days rest tonight.