In arguing that Strop doesn't suck, I will use the selective time frame of 2013 (when he was acquired by the Cubs) to present.You pick out a selective time frame to make a very weak point. LOfreakingL.
One year doesn't mean anything to baseball executives and knowledgeable fans. I wouldn't want either Strop or Morrow anywhere near a Yankee bullpen.
I'm asking you nicely... try again?
2013 2.83
2014 2.21
2015 2.91
2016 2.85
2017 2.83
2018 2.26
2019 5.06 (it was 2.53 before his last outing when he went on the IL).
I apologize for the small sample size, but based on these numbers a bullpen full of Pedro Strops would consistently be one of the best in baseball.