********Official Illinois vs. Iowa Game Thread********

I've defended woody for 4 years, but it would be so nice to have a guy who could finish. He tried a reverse layup.
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I've had about enough of Iowa bb for this year. Horribly mentally weak team. Sorry Fran, you're just not a B10 coach, nice guy, and better in a smaller conference.
Yep. 2nd meltdown in 3 years. Becoming more obvious Fran is not a good coach. He should be sitting on a warm seat and if we see this same garbage next year he should be fired. No excuse for 4 seniors, 1 junior, starter being so bad, especially when 2 of the players are very good. Fran time to get your act together or start dusting off the resume.
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If teams played a triangle 2 zone on Jok and Uthoff, this team would be lucky to score 20 points. That's how pathetic that is.
Everyone not named Jok and Uthoff should be verbally berated by Fran after this game.
After we lose today, I would like to hear Gesell, Clemmons and Woodbury once, just once, say in the post game presser "You know what, I played terrible today" but they won't
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Nice statement game. 4 years of practice and Clemmons and Gesell can't shoot. Woody 50% layup shooter.
Iowa is done and so should this JOKE of a head coach Iowa has...I dont care how good his kids are only a complete garbage coach allows this crap to happen at the end of the season!
Can we decline a tourney invite? This team is about to set Iowa hoops back ten years with this crap. Total crap.
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Yesterday when Illinois was playing Minnesota, they showed the Iowa players in the stands. The thing that jumped out at me was the players were either on their cell phones or talking to each other instead of watching the game. Why are you even there if you are not going to pay attention to your next opponent. Overconfident? No accountability or sense of responsibility.
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I don't care about offense. Freaking play some defense.

We play man to man we get schooled
We play zone we get schooled.

What is a coach to do? Foul them every time down and hope they miss their FT's.
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Maybe one day Fran will get it through his thick skull that you need more than sticks to win. You need guys who are big bodies and want to mix it up inside. Fran, this is the B1G not the Patriot league.
Besides Indiana, he's looked like, well, a walk on freshman.

We don't win the Drake game without him (insane as that sounds, given that Drake is 7 & 49 or something). But I don't understand why everyone is so in love with him. He works hard, brings a spark. But I'd save scholarships for guys with more talent.
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