********Official Illinois vs. Iowa Game Thread********

Sapp showed so much potential early in the conference slate....oh well....there's a reason Sparty didn't really want him.
this...collective gesell, clemmons, woody stink. They are bad because none of them have any offensive game.

Woody rebounds, but Maverick Morgan is 5/6. Gesell/clemmons have assists because Jok and Uthoff make shots. Gesell and Clemmons are 1/9 from field.
Could Clemmons be playing any worse? If he didn't know already, this is why he didn't play his sophomore year. Man, he sucks!
Clemmons is single handidly losing this game. He shouldn't see the floor another minute.
If Fran doesn't care why should I? What other conclusion can you reach when he refuses to sub guys who are playing as bad as Woody and Clemmons?
Maybe the senior fair will leave $5 under the pillow tonight. 30 games in - everyone is a veteran. Play the guys that are getting it done.
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May as well put Williams in for Clemmons and see if that helps. Sapp adds nothing good today.
Clemmons 0-10. He is goddam atrocious. He needs to sit the rest of the game. Can't shoot or make a lay up. And today is a turnover machine.
This is putrid

This team wanted to compete for B1G tourney...ncaa run....uthoff and Jok don't deserve to be saddled with the other 3.
0-7 and 3 turnovers for Clemmons. Not counting his defensive lapses.
Why do Sapp and MG suck in so much when covering a 3 point shooter?
Because they can't stop anyone from driving on them. They'd rather give up an open 3 than get beat off the dribble where nobody will step in to take a charge or block/challenge the shot.

At least with the open 3 you can say, dang they were just on today.....................even though every college team can make open 3s (except Iowa).
We are so done this year. Can't wait to lose to some obscure mountain school out west.

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