Originally posted by like-woahh:
Originally posted by KryptonionHawk:
I just let out the loudest scream possible on that Woody put back.
I'm a few blocks from the Capitol in Des Moines and I'm pretty sure a gold flake or two fell off.
Just heard my neighbor in Ankeny yell same time I did!
The good news:

We are CLEARLY the better overall team here.

The bad news:

That doesn't always matter.

Let's hope this continues for one more half of basketball. Then watch North Dakota state shock the world.
Asshole announcers on Westwood one are pro Davidson. All they can talk about is Davidson either coming back and all things
Davidson, so tired of the lack of respect. It sounds like they barely acknowledge that Iowa deserves to be there.
We have to know that with this tourney no lead is safe. Davidson can shoot its way back in EASY.
9 point lead at the half. As long as we don't go into a scoring coma in the 2nd half, we've got a good shot at this. I don't think their defense can make that happen, but we are capable of doing it without much help.
Originally posted by denmar81:
Waited for a shot like that? JU better get his head out of his arse the second half.
It's a good look for an end of the half shot. Uthoff can shoot over their entire team with no problem, he's the biggest matchup issue on the court for them. Just has to start knocking them down.
Someone please explain to me why we aren't pounding the ball inside despite a ridiculous size advantage. Should be up 20.
Originally posted by hansenhawk:
That's half, up 9.

Feeling very uneasy.

Bad PG play might end up haunting us again.
Man, you are so negative. We are up 9 because we are playing some great defense. Keep that up, and keep playing to your advantage, and we will win. However, I hate teams like Davidson. Chuck up threes and hope for the best.
Let's take these kids to pound town... I'd like to see Sapp get some more minutes in the paint. He looked hungry and aggressive. Our offense works best with some penetration from the point.
No lead is safe against a team like this. If they go all Travis Trice on us I will be more than pissed off.
Haha the negatively NEVER gets old. Up 9 and held the 6th best scoring team to 29 points.. You'd think we were down 10 reading the game thread..
Davidson would be good intramural team -- but probably not campus champions. Tall white team vs Short white team -- I'll take tall.
Originally posted by QChawks:
Originally posted by hansenhawk:
Terrible PG play might do us in yet.


Geez, could they at least be a little unbiased here?

Of course they want the underdog to win
Posted from Rivals Mobile
After reading and listening to all the "experts" leading up to the game I thought Iowa was a decided underdog.
Originally posted by longliveCS40:
Someone please explain to me why we aren't pounding the ball inside despite a ridiculous size advantage. Should be up 20.
I think(hope) Fran will do that in the 2nd half. No way they can stay with us inside. Gabe and White should eat them alive.
Originally posted by luvmyhawks:

Originally posted by hansenhawk:
That's half, up 9.

Feeling very uneasy.

Bad PG play might end up haunting us again.
Man, you are so negative. We are up 9 because we are playing some great defense. Keep that up, and keep playing to your advantage, and we will win. However, I hate teams like Davidson. Chuck up threes and hope for the best.
Being a Hawkeye fan for 40 years will do that to ya I guess.

Ya, i definitely fear them getting hot in the 2nd half.

9 pt lead is nothing. Let's hope we can continue to pound it inside and extend that lead to begin the 2nd rather then letting them right back in it right away.

Good news, I am driving home soon and am dvring the game so going to watch the finish later so won't be emotionally posting on here.
This post was edited on 3/20 7:39 PM by hansenhawk
Played very well. If we continue to slow them down from the three point line I think we have it in the bag. Our bigs are too much for them. Keep dominating down low. Our shots will fall from outside. Get a solid win!