*****Official Presidential debate 2024*****

Biden is shadow of his former self. No debate there. But Trump has all that admitted that he will destroy our democracy to get back in power. Dude seriously couldn't even say that he would accept a loss. And let's get honest. Trump is in no way sharp. His answers ramble just as much as Biden's. He only says it in a stronger voice.
Huey he literally said "absolutely I will"
Biden should have ended with everything Trump has said tonight and will say in the next 2 minutes is a lie. That’s all he does. He’s a criminal and not to be trusted.
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I think you’re right, but it’s probably too late. This election is too important to fvck around with. Dems need to pull a rabbit out of the hat.
You’re kidding, right? Most Americans have the attention span of a flea. Time for Newsom to essentially order Joe to step aside and allow a younger Dem to take up the mantle. Then maybe I’ll watch the debate in September, when it actually matters.

If it’s Joe in November he’s still my choice but damn his ego and arrogance.
You've got a point. The Dems agreed to have Biden go on the stage with Trump with this format. I think it was insane to think debates with Trump would be a good thing or opportunity for Biden.

Maybe it would have been for a younger Democrat who could just sit back with a "wow" look on their face while Trump ranted and just come off as normal, but it was a horrible idea to put an 82 yr old man way past his prime on that stage with Trump.
I have seen a lot of push back on how the moderators are terrible for not fact checking. Malarkey. It’s Biden’s job to call out the lies, forcefully and quickly in first part of his response. He just was not fast enough on his feet to do that and answer questions.
The hilarious part to me is that Rs will say Joe is too old and has dementia while celebrating Reagan as the best Damn president ever.
I have seen a lot of push back on how the moderators are terrible for not fact checking. Malarkey. It’s Biden’s job to call out the lies, forcefully and quickly in first part of his response. He just was not fast enough on his feet to do that and answer questions.

Whoever his debate prep people were are not intelligent or Biden just didn't' follow it. The focus should be on shut your mouth and give short simple answers. Do not ramble. Nothing says "old" like rambling random thoughts together.
They're debating about golf handicap? This is embarrassing.
Like 2% of the audience even understood what they were talking about about, and everyone knows golfers lie about their handicap.

I don't know Trump's handicap but I bet there's a catch to whatever club championship he won, and there's no way in hell Biden was a 6 at age 70.
Keep saying the r-word a couple more times to add to the merit of your position on who’s a better person.

Good night, Scruddy. I’m disappointed in you tonight. I thought you were better.
Didn't you just get suspended for being a racist idiot? I thought you were better.