Iowa AG Brenna Bird in NYC today to support Diaper Don.

No sign of Melania but Donnie gets a female state’s AG to show up for him.

I would ask whether Iowans feel like this a valuable use of taxpayer money and public time, but I already know the answer.

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Iowa AG Brenna Bird in NYC today to support Diaper Don.

No sign of Melania but Donnie gets a females state AG to show up for him.

I would ask whether Iowans feel like this a valuable use of taxpayer money and public time, but I already know the answer.

Where are all the Dem AGs to support Bob Menendez in his "Deep State Is Going After Me" trial?
Trump is so low energy. Hillary would have had this guy killed off by Saturday morning.
Iowa AG Brenna Bird in NYC today to support Diaper Don.

No sign of Melania but Donnie gets a female state’s AG to show up for him.

I would ask whether Iowans feel like this a valuable use of taxpayer money and public time, but I already know the answer.

The GOP of Iowa couldn’t get any lower.
Sadly, that isn’t true. They can and will get lower as the election progresses. Imagine Tom Miller attending a criminal trial in another state to support a defendant in a fraud case.
As always, Bird is what happens when you know the right people and keep falling up in life. How does she justify this time and expense to the non cult member citizens of Iowa?
Iowa AG Brenna Bird in NYC today to support Diaper Don.

No sign of Melania but Donnie gets a female state’s AG to show up for him.

I would ask whether Iowans feel like this a valuable use of taxpayer money and public time, but I already know the answer.

If Bird isn't using personal vacation time to attend the trial in New York City, she needs to account for why she is spending time - funded by taxpayers - to be there.

So if Trump is found guilty what happens to him and does this bar him from running as president? Or does the RNC have to grow a pair and make that choice?
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Sure seems like the prosecution has everything they need to return a conviction. Only question left is if there is a full MAGAt on the jury willing to ignore everything to bail Donny out

This has been my expectation since before the trial started. Whatever the outcome, it was decided during jury selection.
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I'm noticing a pattern of the people accusing Trump of doing illegal or corrupt shit doing illegal or corrupt shit.

It's almost like he surrounded himself with these type of people his entire life......

And yet we're to believe he's above that?

They're all cut from the same shit stained, lack of any moral upbringing, cloth.
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The question posed to Cohen was about the urgency in killing the story before the election.

Cohen claims he asked Trump "what about Melania?" if the story got out after the election.
Trump basically implied she was disposable, and he'd find another trophy wife.
which is relevant because the prosecution is trying to show that all this was done to influence the election (illegal) vs to protect trump's marriage (not illegal)