So January 6th was just a church picnic? Hang Mike Pence? Total Immunity? The only pre-requisite for a cabinet position is to kiss the ring. Wtf. Get your head out of your ass.
Hey stop that... there were lots of good people on both sides... right Donnie? And my own personal opinion is that any of those J6 criminals that committed crimes, pleaded guilty, or were tried and convicted, are just "losers and suckers". Right Donnie?
Then we fight to the death. I'm guessing it won't come to that you dope. Lol
The Beer Hall Putsch occurred in 1923. Then Hitler went to jail for a good chunk of 1924.

Then the 1930s happened.

Tom is a little off on his timeline, but if Trump does end up going to jail I doubt he survives nine months like Hitler did.

I’m rooting for this to come to fruition. Maybe Trump could try writing a children’s book behind bars detailing his struggles.
To me, the fact that Trump is such a dysfunctional self absorbed person is beside the point. I don't care if his life is a mess. I don't care if he's an absent father or that his marriage is a sham. What I care about is that so many people are considering voting for him.
And the fact he is going to win is the richest part of all.

There will be nonstop bitching from the Dems on why they ran such a shitty candidate. Gonna be glorious.
A 40 year old whataboutism. The Donna Rice scandal, along with the help of the where's the beef lady, ended his presidential campaign.
TC, stop taking everything so seriously. It wasn't a what about ism. It was a glib reply to show times have changed.
Good line up today. Florida's own Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert are in the court room.

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