Can trump be convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad for this if found guilty? Would be nice.
I really don’t think they’re prepared for what is going to happen if Trump is convicted.
Most of the country...
Dance Dancing GIF by Soul Train

MAGA mouth breathers...
mel gibson braveheart GIF

About right?
The prosecution hasn’t even told the defense what crime Trump committed. All they know is orange man bad.
I’m going to go out on a limb and predict we get a scotus immunity decision on Thursday, even though it will have nothing to do with New York.
Man in college sitting in a 3 hour presentation or sometimes just an hour and a half lecture was like pulling teeth. This jury has been listening to the longest winded people each side has to offer for 10+ hours. At some point there is no way they’re paying attention.

I wonder what songs are stuck in their heads.
Most of the country...
Dance Dancing GIF by Soul Train

MAGA mouth breathers...
mel gibson braveheart GIF

About right?
Regardless, if he’s found guilty or acquitted…it won’t make much difference on who votes for Trump, so the Dems won’t get what they really wanted out of this “trial”.
Regardless, if he’s found guilty or acquitted…it won’t make much difference on who votes for Trump, so the Dems won’t get what they really wanted out of this “trial”.
It is almost certainly going to make a big difference with low information voters, probably a decisive difference per the election if Trump is convicted.

It obviously won't make any difference at all to degenerate MAGA's like yourself.

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