Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

This isn't honest. The coach himself never pays that buyout: his new employer pays it in order to free him up to coach for them.
No attempt on my part to be dishonest gray. This may be the case sometimes, but I'm not sure in every case. And there is still a penalty no matter who pays it, it will still have to figure into his new compensation package. This could certainly lower his chances to go to just any school, thus limiting his options, unless he is going to one or the top schools, and that obviously does not apply to most coaches.
Can we generate a list of reason why the NCAA should allow Oliver immediate eligibility:

1) Position coach left
2) Offense changes and his status on the depth chart was in question
3) Oliver’s mental health is improved being closer to friends and family
4) Oliver went to Michigan under the impression that they were running a pro-style O, now many more spread elements. He felt it was hampering his ultimate goals.
5) Fields immediate transfer from Georgia (racial slurs main argument, sister remains at UGA)
6) The waiver directive last changed in April to allow waivers for immediate eligibility in cases that met specific criteria. The guidelines also changed at that time to add an academic element and a requirement that the first school not oppose the waiver, in addition to the existing requirement that the student needed to transfer because of something outside that student’s control.
No attempt on my part to be dishonest gray. This may be the case sometimes, but I'm not sure in every case. And there is still a penalty no matter who pays it, it will still have to figure into his new compensation package. This could certainly lower his chances to go to just any school, thus limiting his options, unless he is going to one or the top schools, and that obviously does not apply to most coaches.
Student-Athletes may lose a year of eligibility, but they’re still on scholarship. Coaches may have to deal with a payout, which is built into their new contract that is almost always worth more than their current contract but they don’t lose time on switching jobs nor do they have to wait for the NCAA to approve it. It definitely favors coaches especially if student-athletes are forced to sit a year. A coach will earn more faster, a student-athlete if sitting may lose a year of compensation. Not exactly fair and comparable under the current rules, but should it be?

My opinion is student-athletes should be able to transfer once as long as they are in good standing academically.
Can we generate a list of reason why the NCAA should allow Oliver immediate eligibility:

1) Position coach left
2) Offense changes and his status on the depth chart was in question
3) Oliver’s mental health is improved being closer to friends and family
4) Oliver went to Michigan under the impression that they were running a pro-style O, now many more spread elements. He felt it was hampering his ultimate goals.
5) Fields immediate transfer from Georgia (racial slurs main argument, sister remains at UGA)
6) The waiver directive last changed in April to allow waivers for immediate eligibility in cases that met specific criteria. The guidelines also changed at that time to add an academic element and a requirement that the first school not oppose the waiver, in addition to the existing requirement that the student needed to transfer because of something outside that student’s control.
The Fields transfer has no bearing on Martin’s nor should it.
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The Fields transfer has no bearing on Martin’s nor should it.

Just saying the argument was fairly weak, because I’d be willing to bet that racial slurs happen with some regularity at schools, and maybe more so at southern schools (though that’s just an impression I have)
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1. is it possible for someone to use racial slurs against Oliver Martin?

2. is Drake Kulick still rooting against Oliver Martin?

3. will Jim Harbaugh get the credit for Martin's success the same as some gave Harbaugh credit for Rudock's success?

4. am I being trollish?
1. is it possible for someone to use racial slurs against Oliver Martin?
2. is Drake Kulick still rooting against Oliver Martin?
3. will Jim Harbaugh get the credit for Martin's success the same as some gave Harbaugh credit for Rudock's success?
4. am I being trollish?
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The Fields transfer has no bearing on Martin’s nor should it.

Seems like every transfer has bearing on every other transfer.

I wonder if Fields would have been affected by the racial slur made in the bleachers, which he didn't hear, so much that he needed to transfer to OSU for his safety and well being, if Jake Fromm wasn't firmly entrenched as the Georgia starter?

I don't blame him for his attorney utilizing the well timed racist statement to their advantage, but it seems to me if one BS reason is allowed, other BS reasons should be allowed too!
Seems like every transfer has bearing on every other transfer.

I wonder if Fields would have been affected by the racial slur made in the bleachers, which he didn't hear, so much that he needed to transfer to OSU for his safety and well being, if Jake Fromm wasn't firmly entrenched as the Georgia starter?

I don't blame him for his attorney utilizing the well timed racist statement to their advantage, but it seems to me if one BS reason is allowed, other BS reasons should be allowed too!

And sadly, that is the only reason we are hoping for a favorable ruling on Martin. If the NCAA had followed its own guidelines consistently, Martin would not even have filed a waiver request because he would have no reason to expect one. With the NCAA's history on these things, there is no way to know. It does seem that the bluebloods get incoming transfer waivers approved at a much higher rate.
They probably stole what party hawk said in this thread and acted like it was some inside information they had. Best not ever to read or listen to Hawkeye heaven.
I know you are joking but I would not put it past them. after all, they have a 50/50 chance either way of being right. and if they are wrong? they can just say, "well, our source had it wrong."

I haven't been to that fraudulent site in a long time. Levi Thompson is not a good dude. At all.
Can we generate a list of reason why the NCAA should allow Oliver immediate eligibility:

1) Position coach left
2) Offense changes and his status on the depth chart was in question
3) Oliver’s mental health is improved being closer to friends and family
4) Oliver went to Michigan under the impression that they were running a pro-style O, now many more spread elements. He felt it was hampering his ultimate goals.
5) Fields immediate transfer from Georgia (racial slurs main argument, sister remains at UGA)
6) The waiver directive last changed in April to allow waivers for immediate eligibility in cases that met specific criteria. The guidelines also changed at that time to add an academic element and a requirement that the first school not oppose the waiver, in addition to the existing requirement that the student needed to transfer because of something outside that student’s control.
If the #1 reason given for him transferring is his position coach might run into trouble with the NCAA. His posituon coach was there for less than a year (about 9 months)....he had zero to do with why Martin chose Michigan in the first place.
Can we generate a list of reason why the NCAA should allow Oliver immediate eligibility:

1) Position coach left
2) Offense changes and his status on the depth chart was in question
3) Oliver’s mental health is improved being closer to friends and family
4) Oliver went to Michigan under the impression that they were running a pro-style O, now many more spread elements. He felt it was hampering his ultimate goals.
5) Fields immediate transfer from Georgia (racial slurs main argument, sister remains at UGA)
6) The waiver directive last changed in April to allow waivers for immediate eligibility in cases that met specific criteria. The guidelines also changed at that time to add an academic element and a requirement that the first school not oppose the waiver, in addition to the existing requirement that the student needed to transfer because of something outside that student’s control.
Just my two pennies....

If you are relying on pure football reasons I would find it hard to believe he gets cleared. Michigan is implementing an offense that in theory nenefits the WR. The new OC's last two jobs wee CO-OC and Passing Coordinator at PSU. If you are to make a claim that those two places are a detriment to a WRs career you'll probably lose that argument especially considering his O is called a Pro Spread.

I guess you could claim the new system asks for a different skill set. So now you would be asking the NCAA to do talent evaluation which is a game I'm guessing the NCAA would not want to play....especially considering that he was expected to play this year.

Now if the reason was a clash between him and the new OC then you are dealing with a whole different can of worms. He can't just claim "the guy was a meanie" or "he likes the right Twix and I'm a left Twix kind of guy." He will need to supply specific examples/instances and they will likely have to sound a bit scandalous. If that were to be the case (and I'm not saying it is) you are looking at a long drawn out process.

I can't remember the exact process but it goes something like this...after the application is submitted the NCAA has a set ammount of time (which is more than a couple days) to reply with questions and ask for clarifications...then the player/attorney has a set ammount of time (again more than a couple days) to respond...the NCAA has time to review and then sends the report to the school the kid is transferring from and they have a set time to respond...and to note, while he'll be asked to give input, it won't be Crazy Ole Jim Harbaugh responding but rather the compliance.
Office and its lawyers and they will take the max time not because they want to hurt Iowa or the kid but because if it could possibly be damaging to the University and its reputation due diligence will happen...and unless there is concrete evidence they will deny it because...well it could be damaging...thus a whole other roumd between the schools and the NCAA and now you are months into a process...

I'm not saying or even coming close to implying that the above is the actual only saying that if it were thats pretty close to how it works (if I messed up a gew details dont shoot me...just going on what I remember from other cases). I actually don't think it is what is happening because it would be remarkable if even rumors of something bad between Gattis (or another coach) and Oliver were kept secret for so long.

So my best guess is that OM and his lawyer are claiming something personal. If that is the case I hope it isn't too bad...while I hope the kid geta to play I also hope it's not because of something like a dying parent...
If the #1 reason given for him transferring is his position coach might run into trouble with the NCAA. His posituon coach was there for less than a year (about 9 months)....he had zero to do with why Martin chose Michigan in the first place.

It’s not, it’s about how he fits in with new scheme, since the coach’s scheme he was happy with left.
It’s not, it’s about how he fits in with new scheme, since the coach’s scheme he was happy with left.
If that is the case then see my post above. You are now asking the NCAA to be talent evaluator s...and its not like Michigan eliminated his position or its even a case of a statue like QB being asked to run a spread good luck
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If that is the case then see my post above. You are now asking the NCAA to be talent evaluator s...and its not like Michigan eliminated his position or its even a case of a statue like QB being asked to run a spread good luck

NCAA doesn’t have to evaluate talent at all. They just have to decide what is best for the student athlete (their stated mission). If Oliver is mentally in a better place at Iowa after:
1) Being so far away from the support of family and friends for so long, now realizing his mistake. Why should he be punished?
2) Having a coach that he felt committed and was committed to him to leave.
3) Mentally he was struggling with losing the position that he’d felt he earned because the new offense prioritized a speedier player at his position.
4) Oliver’s goal is to play in the NFL, and the NCAA denying him the ability to play this year would delay his first contract costing him a huge potential paycheck.
NCAA doesn’t have to evaluate talent at all. They just have to decide what is best for the student athlete (their stated mission). If Oliver is mentally in a better place at Iowa after:
1) Being so far away from the support of family and friends for so long, now realizing his mistake. Why should he be punished?
2) Having a coach that he felt committed and was committed to him to leave.
3) Mentally he was struggling with losing the position that he’d felt he earned because the new offense prioritized a speedier player at his position.
4) Oliver’s goal is to play in the NFL, and the NCAA denying him the ability to play this year would delay his first contract costing him a huge potential paycheck.

Well I hate to say it but if Oliver's goal is to play in the NFL, Michigan has put one hell of a lot more WRs into the league than Iowa has. The emotional fan in me hopes Martin gets to play this year. The rational part of me says I havent seen anything to warrant him getring a waiver.
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My opinion, and it is wrong sometimes, but I have said since Day 1 he gets it. And I am not arguing merits, just I think the movement is to grant. The NCAA has to be concerned on its rationale some are given and some not. They are setting themselves up bad for their explanations. Not only on time, but reasons.
Why does this decision take so long?

I guess I have no idea what the bureaucrats at the NCAA keep so busy with. But apparently they're busy.
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If he gets the waiver to play this year, he could play this year and 2 more years (3 years total).

IF the injury is significant: i guess he could get a medical redshirt for this year and then still have 3 more years to play at Iowa.
If denied waiver then I’d assume he’d be denied medical redshirt as well since he wasn’t eligible to play anyways.
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while the NCAA is stupid and players should be able to freely transfer without sitting out, Martin definitely left a situation at Michigan that was getting far better for him on the field. He was going to be at best the 4th WR for Michigan in their prostyle set behind People-Jones, Collins, and Black, but in the new spread attack he probably would have been the starting slot WR which is probably his ultimate position in the NFL (potentially).
while the NCAA is stupid and players should be able to freely transfer without sitting out, Martin definitely left a situation at Michigan that was getting far better for him on the field. He was going to be at best the 4th WR for Michigan in their prostyle set behind People-Jones, Collins, and Black, but in the new spread attack he probably would have been the starting slot WR which is probably his ultimate position in the NFL (potentially).

Whatever. 4th receiver is not starting, not getting the work of a WR2.
This seems about par for the course. High profile transfers like Fields, Martell, and others all happen quick and get approved cause it benefits the big name schools which also benefits the NCAA. I bet Fields knew within days that he could play, yet here we are months into this for Martin.
This seems about par for the course. High profile transfers like Fields, Martell, and others all happen quick and get approved cause it benefits the big name schools which also benefits the NCAA. I bet Fields knew within days that he could play, yet here we are months into this for Martin.

Ummm..... months? Paperwork hasn’t even been in a month.
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