Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

How the eff have they not made a decision a week before the season starts. This is a joke, just let every kid transfer once without having to sit out a year and be done. That way everything is black and white, kids don't have to hire lawyers, coaches or universities don't need to grant or deny anything. You get one transfer, then after that, you sit a year no matter the circumstances.
Because they haven’t had the waiver in hand for that long.
What people don't seem to remember the NCAA had a set policy, you sit a year no matter what. Then people started asking for exceptions and it got out of control. I think if there is a push for everyone gets one free transfer the NCAA will just revert back to the original stance of everyone sits out.

I like the everyone sits rule better that way there are no exceptions, the blue bloods don't get a different set of rules, etc. If everyone gets 1 free transfer we are going to end back up right where we are now because people will want an exception on their second transfer due to some extenuating circumstance.
They can enforce the one-time only rule just as easy as the sit out rule. Like you said, it was sit out then they started giving exceptions. So there’s no difference, enforce it whichever they go with.
while the NCAA is stupid and players should be able to freely transfer without sitting out, Martin definitely left a situation at Michigan that was getting far better for him on the field. He was going to be at best the 4th WR for Michigan in their prostyle set behind People-Jones, Collins, and Black, but in the new spread attack he probably would have been the starting slot WR which is probably his ultimate position in the NFL (potentially).
This is not accurate. Sainristil was an EE and passed Martin this past spring. This was reported by every single Michigan source before OM even transfered.

With that said, Sainristil is a true freshman and what was being reported was it was going to be something like a 60/40 split in snaps at the slot to start the season....which is why Harbaugh was calling both of them starters....Martin didn't need the 1st guy up to get hurt or tired to see the field. However, it certainly isnt unreasonable if Martin felt like Iowa was a better situation football wiise because the guy in front of him was younger and chances were he would start to get more of the percentage of snaps as he gained experience.
I started this thread 34 days ago. That is when we found out OM's family had hired an attorney to help in his case.

Unbelievable, isn't it, how this has been dragged out?

It is unbelievable how long the lawyer dragged it out.
It is unbelievable how long the lawyer dragged it out.

As of today, we are at 35 days (5 weeks) since I started this thread. The attorney had been hired at that point (35 days ago).

When the petition is filed, doesn't the player normally find out a verdict within 21 days?

That means the lawyer took 2 weeks to cross the t's and dot the i's?

Who's the lawyer and what are they paying him???
I was joking. It is not unbelievable. What IS unbelievable is the reaction of people like you.

Kirk slow plays everything. As long as they get an answer by next week, they are happy.
I was joking. It is not unbelievable. What IS unbelievable is the reaction of people like you.

Kirk slow plays everything. As long as they get an answer by next week, they are happy.
Seriously? You are an a$$hole. Plain and simple.

And you, a$$hole, are the joke here. And everyone can see it for themselves.

Get lost & go root for a team that deserves you. Which is no team.
If they have not received a decision on the waiver, I am sure they will mix Martin and Ragaini or whoever will rotate with Martin in practice. This is NOT a big deal in terms of prep for Miami. I would hope they are going to run for big yards against Miami. Get Martin and whatever else you have in the bag ready for week three so they can put a Haydenesque ass pounding on Clown College.
What exactly do you find funny about facts? Excellent contribution to the thread- you seem incredibly intelligent.

I agree anyone giving LOL response to something means they don’t have the goods to have an argument.

I’m not even saying you are right but I hate that response from anyone.
If the NCAA doesn’t make a decision in the next week, could Iowa just play Oliver until they make a decision?
That’s an interesting question. What is Martin’s current status? If he’s not specifically forbidden by the rules to play, why can’t he until a decision is made? If the threat is taking away games from the team, is that punishment legally in the rules? I’m sure his lawyer has considered this as well.
That’s an interesting question. What is Martin’s current status? If he’s not specifically forbidden by the rules to play, why can’t he until a decision is made? If the threat is taking away games from the team, is that punishment legally in the rules? I’m sure his lawyer has considered this as well.
He is looking for an exception. So right now under the rules he can't play without that exception.
A question

other than the very unfortunate Drew Ott situation, what is the basis of the strong IOWA anti-NCAA feeling found in this discussion?
There’s also a give away but no one noticed from the bus tour and that’s the highlighting of Desmond Hutson and the coaches commenting that he’ll be playing. This tells me they already learned that Oliver’s exception has been denied and it’s on appeal which is why we have not heard anything yet at all. The coaches know it’s low percentages now that he will be granted. The talk of Desmond would not be there if Oliver was going to win his exception.
no... Oliver Martin will be granted immediate eligibility... but the NCAA delaying this decision does seem to be out of spite... not sure why that is.

lets be honest here... if this was a blue blood.... do you really think they would delay the decision?

if you say no... then you have to admit the NCAA is delaying the decision to spite Iowa.

and if you are the head coach of a football team... wouldn't you want to know what players are available when you are putting together the Game Plan for the upcoming game?
A question

other than the very unfortunate Drew Ott situation, what is the basis of the strong IOWA anti-NCAA feeling found in this discussion?

I think it’s more or less a perception that the teams that aren’t blue bloods usually get “made example of”. I am not sure if that perception is real but sometimes it certainly seems that way.
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A question

other than the very unfortunate Drew Ott situation, what is the basis of the strong IOWA anti-NCAA feeling found in this discussion?

It’s an unpopular but accurate fact that the NCAA didn’t screw Ott or Iowa. Cold, heartless and completely lacking empathy was the NCAA approach. Trying to play through the injury was the issue.
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A question

other than the very unfortunate Drew Ott situation, what is the basis of the strong IOWA anti-NCAA feeling found in this discussion?
I don't think you can discount the Ott situation. The Ott situation is one of the few times KF has ever been vocal about things publicly. Imagine what he was saying behind the scenes. Couple that with the fact that fair or unfair there is view that blue bloods get beyond preferential treatment.
I don't think you can discount the Ott situation. The Ott situation is one of the few times KF has ever been vocal about things publicly. Imagine what he was saying behind the scenes. Couple that with the fact that fair or unfair there is view that blue bloods get beyond preferential treatment.

KF approached it with his heart and felt the NCAA should do the ‘right’ thing. The NCAA did the ‘correct’ thing. KF going public probably doesn’t gain any NCAA leniency. And the Ott and Martin cases are very dissimilar.
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KF approached it with his heart and felt the NCAA should do the ‘right’ thing. The NCAA did the ‘correct’ thing. KF going public probably doesn’t gain any NCAA leniency. And the Ott and Martin cases are very dissimilar.
KF going public with the Ott thing and now how long this has drug on has given ammunition to people that think the NCAA is out to get Iowa. My reply was not if the Ott thing was right or wrong. It was why the perception on here is the NCAA is out to get Iowa.
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KF going public with the Ott thing and now how long this has drug on has given ammunition to people that think the NCAA is out to get Iowa. My reply was not if the Ott thing was right or wrong. It was why the perception on here is the NCAA is out to get Iowa.
The NCAA has only had the waiver application a short time. It wasn’t file immediately upon his announcement he was transferring to Iowa.

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