Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

How can the ncaa not grant any waivers after granting that horeshit waiver.

I hope these kids are able to overcome their personal hardships they received at their old school and somehow get it together so they can play football at a high level again.

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Look NCAA if you’re granting waivers based on form issues and giving USC 5 star players — then you sure as hell should grant one to the kid that believes his best opportunity for success is with the Hawks.
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Cincy has had like 4 players granted waivers as well coming from Bama, OSU and a few others. Just such a f'ed up process.

Just make them all sit or let them all play (one-time pass). Obviously every kid transferring had some sort of personal issue at their old school. For the NCAA to try and prioritize those issues and how they effected those athletes seems wrong in every sense to me.

It’s aggravating!
They need to go back to the old rules. Kids are being let out of responsibility and commitment way too easy. Real life has consequences, but they are being shielded from the consequences and responsibility that comes with making a decision and learning nothing. Me me me.
They need to go back to the old rules. Kids are being let out of responsibility and commitment way too easy. Real life has consequences, but they are being shielded from the consequences and responsibility that comes with making a decision and learning nothing. Me me me.
I could live with that. Either that, or adopt a rule that allows freshman only players to transfer one time without penalty (my preference) and 2nd year players or older have to pay the penalty. Keep the medical redshirt and graduate transfer rules.

The current rule waiver process is producing inconsistent rulings which is, in turn, generating widespread discontent, confusion, and resentment.
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Steele transfers to USC from Florida due to a dorm room issue. Granted waiver. What the Fvck.

Living conditions have a much larger impact on "health, safety, and well-being" than being beaten out of a starting job like Fields or a competitor transferring in like Martell.
Living conditions have a much larger impact on "health, safety, and well-being" than being beaten out of a starting job like Fields or a competitor transferring in like Martell.
He didn't like his roommate and Flordia didn't relocate him until the summer....
They need to go back to the old rules. Kids are being let out of responsibility and commitment way too easy. Real life has consequences, but they are being shielded from the consequences and responsibility that comes with making a decision and learning nothing. Me me me.

Regular students are allowed to transfer whenever they want. Coaches are allowed to change jobs whenever they want. Why shouldn’t the athletes at least have the option to change schools once in their career without penalty? I can assure you, they are learning plenty about discipline and responsibility simply by being student-athletes.
I could live with that. Either that, or adopt a rule that allows freshman only players to transfer one time without penalty (my preference) and 2nd year players or older have to pay the penalty. Keep the medical redshirt and graduate transfer rules.

The current rule waiver process is producing inconsistent rulings which is, in turn, generating widespread discontent, confusion, and resentment.

Another idea I've heard bandied about is to allow a kid to transfer with immediate eligibily one time. That would be a better solution than what we have now, but still doesn't involve any accountability or responsibility or learning consequences. Sports are not a right, and scholarships certainly aren't either, yet the current rules kind of treat it like a right and folks cry when they feel this fake right has been violated.
Another tangent....the argument that coaches move all the time is moot. Totally different issue and should have no bearing on athletes. I think they shouldn't be able to leave willynilly, but until universities stand up and put that in contracts, it won't change.
Another idea I've heard bandied about is to allow a kid to transfer with immediate eligibily one time.
I like this idea but I would limit that option to freshman players. One year is plenty of time to decide whether or not the school you enrolled at was a blunder.

When you have experienced players transfer without limitation you could enable the possibility of a group of players transferring to one program en masse (to follow a coach, e.g.), a sort of quasi-free agency situation...… say 3-4 top college basketball players transferring to Nebraska to play for Hoiberg, or to Kentucky when a new BB coach is hired, etc. That would be terrible for college athletics IMO.
Another idea I've heard bandied about is to allow a kid to transfer with immediate eligibily one time. That would be a better solution than what we have now, but still doesn't involve any accountability or responsibility or learning consequences. Sports are not a right, and scholarships certainly aren't either, yet the current rules kind of treat it like a right and folks cry when they feel this fake right has been violated.
Another tangent....the argument that coaches move all the time is moot. Totally different issue and should have no bearing on athletes. I think they shouldn't be able to leave willynilly, but until universities stand up and put that in contracts, it won't change.

So Bama could come whispering sweet nothings to players in positions of need and have the dude eligible right away.
Hope he gets the clearance by Sunday before the ISU game. Will send them all into a paranoid frenzy.
I'm starting to think Blair or Kakert are purposely holding up the waiver process to keep traffic on this site. I've gone from checking the boards 8 times a day to 16, 24, prolly closer to 50 times a day now the season is around the corner.

Word on the street is its a possibility nothing is being released on purpose, and he may already be eligible. Could it be smart planning by Iowa to throw other teams curve balls, or maybe to keep the hype down and to just concentrate on football. Possibly. Likely? Probably not; I'm sure we'll know when they know.
FFS. This is dumb.
So I've also heard from Iowa writers that Oliver is having a very good camp so far. Reading the tea leaves, if approved, where is he on the WR pecking chart with regard to PT? Tough question...and this answer may very well change with another 2 weeks of practice too.
Word on the street is its a possibility nothing is being released on purpose, and he may already be eligible. Could it be smart planning by Iowa to throw other teams curve balls, or maybe to keep the hype down and to just concentrate on football. Possibly. Likely? Probably not; I'm sure we'll know when they know.
I heard this theory as well last week from Morehouse himself.
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Word on the street is its a possibility nothing is being released on purpose, and he may already be eligible. Could it be smart planning by Iowa to throw other teams curve balls, or maybe to keep the hype down and to just concentrate on football. Possibly. Likely? Probably not; I'm sure we'll know when they know.

What difference would it make? Our game plan won't change. It's not as if he's a Heisman trophy-level QB.
Gamesmanship isn't exactly KFz's M.O. ..and what difference would it make. Our game play won't change.

But we do know he likes to temper hype and expectations especially among younger players and he prefers to keep distractions to a minimum.
Is there a direct release of decisions from the NCAA, Most Corrupt Organization Worldwide This Side of the IOC? (New official organizational title). If so, that would "x" out that possibility. If not...I like it.
I think the way organizational loss of control is handled is unclear, odd, and needs vetting. Until someone raises enough concern that investigation comes to fruition, the way the NCAA does their business will remain antagonistic.

So...who? How? It's aggravating hashing this out every cycle on a message board that represents every other message board.
But we do know he likes to temper hype and expectations especially among younger players and he prefers to keep distractions to a minimum.

KFz does like to temper hype. But again...this is one WR, all be it a local kid. It's not like we suddenly have a 1st team All American who's a game-breaker... nor will our offensive game plan change. I hope OM is cleared and I'm excited to see what he can do. I just don't see the "curve ball" angle.
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Word on the street is its a possibility nothing is being released on purpose, and he may already be eligible. Could it be smart planning by Iowa to throw other teams curve balls, or maybe to keep the hype down and to just concentrate on football. Possibly. Likely? Probably not; I'm sure we'll know when they know.
I heard Pemsl is going to suit up for the Iowa State game.
Regular students are allowed to transfer whenever they want. Coaches are allowed to change jobs whenever they want. Why shouldn’t the athletes at least have the option to change schools once in their career without penalty? I can assure you, they are learning plenty about discipline and responsibility simply by being student-athletes.
While I agree that players should be allowed a one time waiver, all this coaches can leave whenever they want is an over simplification and not totally true. Most coaching contracts require a substancial payback of funds, if the coach just up and leaves, just as the schools often have to pony up x amount of $ if they terminate a coach without due cause. These are legal binding contracts and both parties agree and sign off on them. The schools have high priced lawyers who draw up these contracts, so they shouldn't be blindsided. Simply saying the coach can just leave when he wants is kind of leaving some of the facts out.
Another idea I've heard bandied about is to allow a kid to transfer with immediate eligibily one time. .
They must be forced to leave their current team if they decide they want to transfer imo.
If they want out, then they shouldn't have the opportunity to stay at that school. If that happens, I could MAYBE jump on board with that idea.
While I agree that players should be allowed a one time waiver, all this coaches can leave whenever they want is an over simplification and not totally true. Most coaching contracts require a substancial payback of funds, if the coach just up and leaves, just as the schools often have to pony up x amount of $ if they terminate a coach without due cause. These are legal binding contracts and both parties agree and sign off on them. The schools have high priced lawyers who draw up these contracts, so they shouldn't be blindsided. Simply saying the coach can just leave when he wants is kind of leaving some of the facts out.
Maybe they could say players are able to transfer one time within 2 years but must pay back one year or something similar. This may also cut down on transfers is they have to repay for the time wasted at the first school.
Maybe they could say players are able to transfer one time within 2 years but must pay back one year or something similar. This may also cut down on transfers is they have to repay for the time wasted at the first school.
I hope you're not being serious here? So you expect the student athlete who is not being paid, (an entirely different subject), to pay back a years scholorship? With what exactly? To whom does he make this payment? The school, who is not really effected if he stays or goes, and in many cases like Iowa doesn't pay for his scholorship anyway? The athletic dept. who had the money donated to them? Perhaps the donors then? Now that would be rich. Here Mr. Donor is the money back for John Doe's scholorship?????
I hope you're not being serious here? So you expect the student athlete who is not being paid, (an entirely different subject), to pay back a years scholorship? With what exactly? To whom does he make this payment? The school, who is not really effected if he stays or goes, and in many cases like Iowa doesn't pay for his scholorship anyway? The athletic dept. who had the money donated to them? Perhaps the donors then? Now that would be rich. Here Mr. Donor is the money back for John Doe's scholorship?????

Iowa doesn’t pay for scholarships? Stipends? It’s all endowed? Iowa is that well endowed? o_O