Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

Martin will have to sit out my guess, NCAA stalling and will drop bomb last second telling Iowa you are not a blue blood so suck it again.
Word on the street is its a possibility nothing is being released on purpose, and he may already be eligible. Could it be smart planning by Iowa to throw other teams curve balls, or maybe to keep the hype down and to just concentrate on football. Possibly. Likely? Probably not; I'm sure we'll know when they know.
I personally dont see how that could be kept secret this long if that was the case, especially with him being a local boy. Also dont see the point, it's not like we play wisconsin game 1.
Martin will have to sit out my guess, NCAA stalling and will drop bomb last second telling Iowa you are not a blue blood so suck it again.

Stop with this idiocy.

Plenty of transfers are being granted for non "blue bloods" and while I don't have a list, I think I've read about a couple of denials for "blue bloods".

Look, I also wish there were a bit more transparency on the decisions, but nobody has it out for Iowa.
Stop with this idiocy.

Plenty of transfers are being granted for non "blue bloods" and while I don't have a list, I think I've read about a couple of denials for "blue bloods".

Look, I also wish there were a bit more transparency on the decisions, but nobody has it out for Iowa.
How dare you be a reasonable Iowa fan with common sense?!

I'm totally with you. I would love for there to be more transparency but for anyone to feel Iowa is the only college coming out on the wrong end of things or at least more than other teams is ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with being passionate about your team but come up with all the excuses in the book for scenarios like this gets old.
I hope you're not being serious here? So you expect the student athlete who is not being paid, (an entirely different subject), to pay back a years scholorship? With what exactly? To whom does he make this payment? The school, who is not really effected if he stays or goes, and in many cases like Iowa doesn't pay for his scholorship anyway? The athletic dept. who had the money donated to them? Perhaps the donors then? Now that would be rich. Here Mr. Donor is the money back for John Doe's scholorship?????
Not being paid, maybe, not incurring the costs of everything they receive for free, yes. I’m tired of the “student-athlete’ needs rod be paid train. If they want to be able to transfer without sitting out then there should be some other type of disincentive to do so similar to your comment about coaches leaving. Either make all sit a year or make them pay back all or a portion of the scholarship money.
How dare you be a reasonable Iowa fan with common sense?!

I'm totally with you. I would love for there to be more transparency but for anyone to feel Iowa is the only college coming out on the wrong end of things or at least more than other teams is ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with being passionate about your team but come up with all the excuses in the book for scenarios like this gets old.
Not to argue with you about that I believe the officiating crew for the Purdue game last year after Brian went off on him there was a lot of bad calls there in the second half but to your point I don't think the NCAA itself has anything out against Iowa
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Not to argue with you about that I believe the officiating crew for the Purdue game last year after Brian went off on him there was a lot of bad calls there in the second half but to your point I don't think the NCAA itself has anything out against Iowa

There will always be questionable calls in every game, and in the close games we will find those calls and examine them even more. Whoever loses the game can (and usually will) point to those calls to say "yeah but, if that's not flagged..."

As for the end of the Purdue game, I will say this: Watching it in real time, I knew that was going to be flagged. Can't put your hands on the WR like that ahead of the ball getting there. Now, that said, I'm not sure it was enough to change the play, but that's how it goes.
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Can the NCAA, at the very LEAST, give a timetable, what is so difficult about that? Just say "within a week/month,etc." I simply don't get it and there's a lot at play and stake here.
I question that in the scheme of the NCAA that there is "a lot at play and stake here". The NCAA has much bigger priorities than if 1 of the close to half a million athletes under their organization is able to play for Iowa this year. Yes it matters to Martin and to Iowa but in the grand scheme of things an exception for any one athlete is not a priority for the NCAA and to be honest probably not a priority for the University since he is one out of 600 or so athletes at Iowa.
Not being paid, maybe, not incurring the costs of everything they receive for free, yes. I’m tired of the “student-athlete’ needs rod be paid train. If they want to be able to transfer without sitting out then there should be some other type of disincentive to do so similar to your comment about coaches leaving. Either make all sit a year or make them pay back all or a portion of the scholarship money.

Maybe look at transfers like how things work in the world. Ever heard of a no compete clause in business? I guess that's kind of how I look at the sitting out a year deal.
Can the NCAA, at the very LEAST, give a timetable, what is so difficult about that? Just say "within a week/month,etc." I simply don't get it and there's a lot at play and stake here.

Well, they pretty much do give a timetable. They don't seem to follow it too closely but they do give one. Although the very next sentence basically says "whenever the hell we feel like it".

"The typical decision turnaround time for waivers is 21 days. Transfer waiver requests are never considered urgent."
Word on the street is its a possibility nothing is being released on purpose, and he may already be eligible. Could it be smart planning by Iowa to throw other teams curve balls, or maybe to keep the hype down and to just concentrate on football. Possibly. Likely? Probably not; I'm sure we'll know when they know.

Curve ball.
Yeah, that's it.
Iowa doesn’t pay for scholarships? Stipends? It’s all endowed? Iowa is that well endowed? o_O
I'm speaking of the university itself. My understanding is that all athletic costs including scholorships are paid out of the athletic budget. I don't believe that the school itself incurs these costs. Is that not the case?
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Not being paid, maybe, not incurring the costs of everything they receive for free, yes. I’m tired of the “student-athlete’ needs rod be paid train. If they want to be able to transfer without sitting out then there should be some other type of disincentive to do so similar to your comment about coaches leaving. Either make all sit a year or make them pay back all or a portion of the scholarship money.
Not trying to belabor the point, but how exactly would 90% of these kids pay back this money? Unless you're saying on a student loan scenario?
I'm speaking of the university itself. My understanding is that all athletic costs including scholorships are paid out of the athletic budget. I don't believe that the school itself incurs these costs. Is that not the case?

Correct. The athletic dept. pays tuition, room, and board to the UI for each scholarship athlete.
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Listen, I don't create the rumors. Its something I've heard in several places, including the hawkeye report podcast.

"Oooooo. I love rumors!"

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That’s the point. To slow down the number of transfers each year.
I get your point, but then make some more equitable rule other then the payback, which is basically an impossible scenario. I mean just make it clear and easy like others suggested, one transfer, then you stay or sit....
I'm speaking of the university itself. My understanding is that all athletic costs including scholorships are paid out of the athletic budget. I don't believe that the school itself incurs these costs. Is that not the case?

I was under the impression that the athletic department was part of the University. The shell game that they run accounting wise has the athletic department paying the general fund for the athletes. If the athlete leaves the general fund is out the tuition, room and board. They are connected but in different departments.
Stop with this idiocy.

Plenty of transfers are being granted for non "blue bloods" and while I don't have a list, I think I've read about a couple of denials for "blue bloods".

Look, I also wish there were a bit more transparency on the decisions, but nobody has it out for Iowa.

I agree that the NCAA doesn't have it out for Iowa, but it could not be more clear that the Blue Bloods and superstar players get every benefit of the doubt with this process. If Jonathan Taylor wanted to transfer to Texas this past spring because Wisconsin weather gave him allergies and there were too many red lights between his apartment and the library, it would've taken the NCAA about 2 seconds to approve his immediate eligibility.
I know we don't know, but what has the atty hired by Martin's parents done to facilitate a decision? One would presume, the atty would be helpful in getting the NCAA to take action?

I guess we'll see.
Iowa transfer was granted immediate eligibility

Anyone know the details in Josh Turners transfer to FIU?

I see he announced he was going there in January so we probably only have to wait about 7 more months to hear about OM. :cool:
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Does Harbaugh/Michigan get to provide input on those who transfer out of Michigan? Is Harbaugh/Michigan black balling the kids who transfer out?

Check this out:

Can the NCAA, at the very LEAST, give a timetable, what is so difficult about that? Just say "within a week/month,etc." I simply don't get it and there's a lot at play and stake here.
He hired an attorney ~ that automatically slows the process down drastically. Those who don't hire an attorney get a quicker decision, but not always the better decision.
He hired an attorney ~ that automatically slows the process down drastically. Those who don't hire an attorney get quicker a decision, but not always the better decision.
Yea I agree I think the family was thinking they had the best chance for immediate playing time with a lawyer especially showing the lapse in judgment the NCAA has shown so far on all these transfers....
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Does Harbaugh/Michigan get to provide input on those who transfer out of Michigan? Is Harbaugh/Michigan black balling the kids who transfer out?

Check this out:

I actually think Michigan does have a say. Not sure how heavily it weighs on the process but it does factor into it.

Per the Transfer waiver review process.

1. Mitigation
2. Academics record
3. Previous schools position.
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I actually think Michigan does have a say. Not sure how heavily it weighs on the process but it does factor into it.

Per the Transfer waiver review process.

1. Mitigation
2. Academics record
3. Previous schools position.
At B1G media day Harbaugh said he has no say in it and if he did he’d let each player transfer one time without penalty.
I was under the impression that the athletic department was part of the University. The shell game that they run accounting wise has the athletic department paying the general fund for the athletes. If the athlete leaves the general fund is out the tuition, room and board. They are connected but in different departments.
I believe the Athletic Department is a completely separate, not-for-profit entity financially. Not a shell game. And the University takes some of the AD's income. They share fund raising so that is inevitable.
Seems most likely is that it got denied again and iowa is appealing again. Similar to Ott
Correct. The athletic dept. pays tuition, room, and board to the UI for each scholarship athlete.

Do they pay the same amount that any student would pay, or does the athletic department get a discount?

Is there any difference in what the athletic department pays, for an out of state scholarship athlete versus an in state one?
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