
I opened this thread when I saw there were two more pages. Figured there was ACTUALLY wrestling news. Silly me. Some of you need to get a life as you’re triggered by even the SLIGHTEST possible challenge to your precious worldview: Bud Light, the NFL, Target, Chick fuggin’ Fil A, an opening ceremony reenactment of Ancient Greeks. Stop embarrassing yourselves, you bed wetters. I can’t wait until the wrestling actually starts and some of you can channel your victim complexes on the refs.

Petition to rename the cesspool to the snowflake pool?
The segment was titled “La Cène sur la scene sur la seine” (The Last Supper on the stage on the Seine), according to The Federalist.

They sure did a horrible job of portraying that scene of the gods, if so. Looks much closer to the Last Supper, imo. Shortage of Trident props for Poseidon? Helmets in short supply? I think they did just enough to cover their butts.

They also claim the heavy person did say she was Olympic Jesus.
The French journalists called it this. It is THEIR culture. If this is what they thought, then, everyone else thinking this is justified. The gay guy doing the production knew exactly what he was doing.
Probably as soon as he saw a hot chick playing ping pong or curling.

You have some mentally deranged weirdos that have delusions of grandeur and could never compete in their biological sex high-level. So they say they’re a lady do whatever and then dominate.

I have no desire to watch these freaks.
I do sympathize with folks feeling trapped in the wrong body. If transitioning helps them cope, I wish only peace, happiness, and fast healing after it’s done. Also feel for those apparently born intersexual with hybrid genetic cross-wiring. But until there are enough in these sexual states who want to compete athletically against each other, I’ll object to them opposing females in organized competition that rewards placement.
Until their numbers increase and hybrid sports become reality, perhaps they can satisfy their desires in sandlot or adult leagues where stakes are lower, friendlier, yet still very competitive and enjoyable. It’s not ideal, but it’s the fairness that most of society wants.
Ok. The website is an opinion piece made by a person skewed to a side. It is no way meant to be used for a reliable source in any argument. You may have well just quoted and sourced someone in this thread for your argument.
Get real. You guys are living in denial. She posted the statements on her Instagram. And, of course, there are other sources with quotes about it.

Olympics Scrambling to Deny Mocking Jesus' Last Supper, Despite Already Admitting They Did

Wait till you tell the Christians that Da Vinci was gay.
So much is lost on a whole lot of people who cannot grasp that this might not be the venue for an adult , sexualized performance .

these people have the right to conduct such a thing in something that’s more adult restricted such as a nightclub ,You should never put something like this on something like the opening ceremony of the Olympics or children might be watching. And there was a child at that table, if you did not realize.

I’ve watched the Olympics since 1972 and never saw something as ridiculous as this, and can’t believe that people are defending it. It’s not the time or place for any of this, they idiotic of what they were actually doing which then they backtracked on doesn’t matter. What matters is they did this in the first place knowing the venue.
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I do sympathize with folks feeling trapped in the wrong body. If transitioning helps them cope, I wish only peace, happiness, and fast healing after it’s done. Also feel for those apparently born intersexual with hybrid genetic cross-wiring. But until there are enough in these sexual states who want to compete athletically against each other, I’ll object to them opposing females in organized competition that rewards placement.
Until their numbers increase and hybrid sports become reality, perhaps they can satisfy their desires in sandlot or adult leagues where stakes are lower, friendlier, yet still very competitive and enjoyable. It’s not ideal, but it’s the fairness that most of society wants.
Trouble is transitioning doesn’t fix them. There is so much more going on that needs fixing .
I do sympathize with folks feeling trapped in the wrong body. If transitioning helps them cope, I wish only peace, happiness, and fast healing after it’s done. Also feel for those apparently born intersexual with hybrid genetic cross-wiring. But until there are enough in these sexual states who want to compete athletically against each other, I’ll object to them opposing females in organized competition that rewards placement.
Until their numbers increase and hybrid sports become reality, perhaps they can satisfy their desires in sandlot or adult leagues where stakes are lower, friendlier, yet still very competitive and enjoyable. It’s not ideal, but it’s the fairness that most of society wants.
When you dig into this, the actual number of intersex people are a very small amount you’re talking about a few and 10,000. The rest have mental illnesses, and they somehow believe that by transitioning they will feel better. But there’s a whole gambit of psychological disorders that run a scout and sometimes they run in Fox. You could have people just with fetishes to borderline narcissistic, personality disorder, combined with other things.

It’s quite complicated but when you have an obvious biological male walling on a woman in a boxing match or some 6 foot foot plus dude winning swimming mats, there’s something wrong.

How about you, Pete your biological sex? Many of us would’ve liked to have a lot more athletic glory than we were capable of, but we don’t get the set up a new category or just go play against the girls just so we could be champions.

My friends and I would often play girls against guys in college years. The gals wanted to have gals against the guys well we wanted coed teams. We would destroy them, and our best player was the second guy after bench for a class a high school team that was a little bit above 500.

All of these girls from division three to division one basketball, one was at least 6 foot two. I could block her shots if she wasn’t careful and I’m only 5 foot seven. The physical differences between biological males and females are too fast once you get past puberty.

So these guys? Play with the lads , I don’t care what you think you are.
The French journalists called it this. It is THEIR culture. If this is what they thought, then, everyone else thinking this is justified. The gay guy doing the production knew exactly what he was doing.
There are how many people watching? Families and kids? How is this appropriate . Do it at La Cage aux Follles, not here.

Just like Rob Zombie, Marylin Manson , 2 Live Crew, and others shouldn’t be doing this opener

There’s a time and place for their stuff.
There are how many people watching? Families and kids? How is this appropriate . Do it at La Cage aux Follles, not here.

Just like Rob Zombie, Marylin Manson , 2 Live Crew, and others shouldn’t be doing this opener

There’s a time and place for their stuff.
Sounds like a Y’all Quida demand.
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My point still stands - you added to it. The fact is you would not have responded had it not affected you because of your point of view. Want it cleaned up, then don't respond.
I simply responded to someone's propaganda. You don't have a point. You have an agenda.
No Usually the ones inserting all this BS on all these sites are the other side. Seems like the ones who have the most to say and act the smartest are usually the most clueless. But anyways, I’m just excited to watch Spencer.
Me too!
I simply responded to someone's propaganda. You don't have a point. You have an agenda.
That's funny - just exactly what is my so called agenda? If it is calling out your hypocrisy of thinking it's OK to call out one side of the asile on this forum and then say it should be taken elsewherer then I guess you nailed it.
Trouble is transitioning doesn’t fix them. There is so much more going on that needs fixing .
Not looking to fix anyone. For adults making their own choice, I only hope it improved their lives. Regardless, I don’t want them competing athletically against females. Until we get The Hybrid Games, trans-fems should accept that their choice excludes them from doing just that. Intersexers who were crosswired by genetic fate, not choice, can be happy the IOC looks the other way.
There are how many people watching? Families and kids? How is this appropriate . Do it at La Cage aux Follles, not here.

Just like Rob Zombie, Marylin Manson , 2 Live Crew, and others shouldn’t be doing this opener

There’s a time and place for their stuff.
Totally agree. And while we're at it, we must remove the disgusting film Aladdin from Disney Channel. Kids can't be seeing filth like this.

There are how many people watching? Families and kids? How is this appropriate . Do it at La Cage aux Follles, not here.

Just like Rob Zombie, Marylin Manson , 2 Live Crew, and others shouldn’t be doing this opener

There’s a time and place for their stuff.
I must have missed the simulated sex in the opening ceremony. 😂
Joe Rogan?

Black Panther Avengers GIF
Listen to him? Refute what he's saying, not the source. Why did these weirdos do this at this venue during an opening ceremony watched by people around the world, including kids. People that have a problem with children watching this are often called groomers.

Also he is right, the Olympics are a scam. It not benefitting athletes, so why go? The athletes don't benefit financially like the organizers, the local really don't benefit. It's the promoters and the media, along with sponsors.

The 2022 Olympics (i.e., the Winter Games) is now down to only two applicant nations: China and Kazakhstan. This follows the withdrawal of Norway after the taxpayers of Norway balked on ponying up the cash necessary to make the Olympics a playground for the world’s richest cronies and politicians.

Theoretically, the Olympics are a private organization, but in practice, it is a corporatist organization run by plutocrats whose mission in life is apparently to squeeze as much tax revenue as possible out of the residents of the countries and cities that host the Olympics. This is done by demanding the usual brand-spanking new stadiums and facilities from the host cities that later become white elephants. But the IOC also demands countless perks for itself, such as only the finest food and drink, and special driving lanes on streets and highways. (See photos of the abandoned Olympics facilities in Athens.)

Faced with a bevy of such demands in a 7,000-page dossier from the IOC, Norway chose to withdrawal. The “diva-like demands for luxury treatment” for the IOC were outlined by the Norwegian media, including:

  • They demand to meet the king prior to the opening ceremony. Afterwards, there shall be a cocktail reception.
  • Drinks shall be paid for by the Royal Palace or the local organizing committee.
  • Separate lanes should be created on all roads where IOC members will travel, which are not to be used by regular people or public transportation.
  • A welcome greeting from the local Olympic boss and the hotel manager should be presented in IOC members’ rooms, along with fruit and cakes of the season. (Seasonal fruit in Oslo in February is a challenge…)
  • The hotel bar at their hotel should extend its hours “extra late” and the minibars must stock Coke products.
  • The IOC president shall be welcomed ceremoniously on the runway when he arrives.
  • The IOC members should have separate entrances and exits to and from the airport.
  • During the opening and closing ceremonies a fully stocked bar shall be available. During competition days, wine and beer will do at the stadium lounge.
  • IOC members shall be greeted with a smile when arriving at their hotel.
  • Meeting rooms shall be kept at exactly 20 degrees Celsius at all times.
  • The hot food offered in the lounges at venues should be replaced at regular intervals, as IOC members might “risk” having to eat several meals at the same lounge during the Olympics.
  • All furniture should be OL-shaped and have Olympic Appearance.
If this were all privately financed, there’s no reason to complain, but the IOC can hardly be described as “private sector.” The Norwegian controversy highlights that fact that, according to The National Post, “the International Olympic Committee is a notoriously ridiculous organization run by grifters and hereditary aristocrats .”

Not surprisingly, Kazakhstan and China, those great bastions of thriving free markets, continue to compete for the chance to host the 2022 games. This, of course, only lends more credence to the assertion that the Games have become an enormous exercise in international prestige and fantasies about the Keynesian multiplier in which the central planners assume that it is much better to force the people to pay for another luge track rather than just allowing them to waste their money on food, clothing, or education.

Part of the reason that Norway has pulled out is that its government is at least somewhat answerable to the taxpayers while the governments of Kazakhstan and China are not. Norway’s withdrawal follows previous withdrawals from Sweden, Poland, and Ukraine. (Sweden now says is would have stayed in if the IOC were less bureaucratic.)

The controversy, and the fact that available host cities for the IOC continue to dwindle, has forced the IOC to say that it will “review” the way it demands perks from host cities, although it’s highly unlikely that anything the IOC does will put much of a dent in the huge bill that the IOC and its pals in government send to the taxpayers every few years. Denver, Colorado, where the voters refused to approve tax dollars for Olympics facilities, remains the only city to have ever rejected the IOC after it had already been chosen as the host city. Some other cities now appear to be catching on earlier in the process.
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Funny how the lifestyle and training habits of elite wrestlers is not normal in the same sense either, but yet here people are worshipping one and despising the other.
Not normal in the same sense?? Most wrestlers “bop to their own beat’” and do train and live a different lifestyle. That would be a healthy, physically fit lifestyle and push themselves to be the best they can be. They are not going out and cutting their wiener off, dressing like the opposite sex and mocking Jesus and Christianity.

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