Seems like a classic case of biggest strongest guy where he was from, and not having to deal with guys his size on a nightly basis. I'm sure he will be fine, but believe me, all central Iowa media was talking about how great he was going to be for ISU, and that he was the savior for them going forward. IAfootballfan/undercover ISU troll is really wrong as usual. I'm not sure why he tried to pretend he's an Iowa fan, he clearly can't even control his 14 year old emotions in every post.
Some classic examples of this great "Iowa" fan :
"8 wins. We’re going to lose to either ISU or Nebby, flip a coin for which one it’ll be."
"Any waving motion by the punt returner is a dead ball - it does not have to be above the head."
"Sure- but that doesn’t change the fact the call in our game was correct and reviewable."
Both done while arguing incessantly that we didn't get screwed against Minny.
"We lost to ISU at home last year but let me guess… You think we were better than them last year though- right?"
Small penis syndrome as it's finest.