Overheard something interesting from football players today


Sep 17, 2014
Heard some very interesting things from three football players in my class this morning.

1. Ferentz found out about the disorderly house by way of the news and wasn't pleased at all with that being the way he found out. Not sure if there will be penalty or not, they were just talking about how they thought Ferentz disliked Wadley and how that's not how Ferentz likes things done. He wants to find out from his players, not the media.

2. They were talking about who they thought would be captains, and one player said they thought Rudock would be. The other two players (both starters, well known players) said they wouldn't be voting for Jake, "no way" were their words.

Not sure what to take from the last part but I find that very interesting that two well known starters were so adamant about not voting for Jake. I didn't get a chance to hear who they would rather vote for.
I don't think they were baiting anyone into believing them although I could be wrong. There were maybe 10-15 people in the class so I don't think they were trying to give out false information to get arise out of people. Could be wrong but I highly doubt that.
Thanks for sharing what you heard. Whether they were baiting you or not (doubtful), I appreciate when people post what they hear directly or rumors that are floating around. The reader can decide if they want to believe it or not but I hope it doesn't get to the point where posters are berated so much they don't post this stuff any more.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ha! I was surprised at who the players were who made the comments. I'm not going to name anyone but they are well known and have an impact on the team so I was surprised. In addition they were talking about both QBs I just couldn't hear what the discussion was about.
Originally posted by OtayLake Hawkeye:

And now they're probably racing back to their dorms/apts. to see what gets posted and have a laugh
Ummmm, I highly doubt that.

I can't imagine some football players getting together and planning to talk about stuff so that random people hear it and then go online to post it. Then, reading the message boards to get a good laugh.

And it's not like this guy posted something that was totally unbelievable. Ferentz doesn't like players keeping things from him. You don't say.
Originally posted by 2ADream:
Heard some very interesting things from three football players in my class this morning.

1. Ferentz found out about the disorderly house by way of the news and wasn't pleased at all with that being the way he found out. Not sure if there will be penalty or not, they were just talking about how they thought Ferentz disliked Wadley and how that's not how Ferentz likes things done. He wants to find out from his players, not the media.

2. They were talking about who they thought would be captains, and one player said they thought Rudock would be. The other two players (both starters, well known players) said they wouldn't be voting for Jake, "no way" were their words.

Not sure what to take from the last part but I find that very interesting that two well known starters were so adamant about not voting for Jake. I didn't get a chance to hear who they would rather vote for.
You don't say?
Heard some very interesting things from three football players in my class this morning.

1. Ferentz found out about the disorderly house by way of the news and wasn't pleased at all with that being the way he found out. Not sure if there will be penalty or not, they were just talking about how they thought Ferentz disliked Wadley and how that's not how Ferentz likes things done. He wants to find out from his players, not the media.

2. They were talking about who they thought would be captains, and one player said they thought Rudock would be. The other two players (both starters, well known players) said they wouldn't be voting for Jake, "no way" were their words.

Not sure what to take from the last part but I find that very interesting that two well known starters were so adamant about not voting for Jake. I didn't get a chance to hear who they would rather vote for.
You don't say?
Rule #1 if you mess up fess up! Every coach has a right to demand his players keep the coach in the loop on any wrongdoing or illegal activity. Coach Ferentz has every right to be upset. That goes for missing or being late for a meeting. The first text or call better be to the Head Coach!.
It would be nice to say that not reporting the incident to KF is the dumbest thing Parker had done lately.
Unfortunately it isn't.
Originally posted by TankHawk:
It would be nice to say that not reporting the incident to KF is the dumbest thing Parker had done lately.
Unfortunately it isn't.
I shouldn't.... but.....

3rd Generation Hawk posted on 1/27/2015...
These players shared this among 10-15 people and you are concerned about naming them? That's not exactly confidential information.

I'm not concerned about naming them. Firstly I don't know how many people were paying attention or even heard.
Also I'm new to this whole thing. If people want to mock or whatever that's fine. I'm simply informing those who want to hear actual football information rather than speculation about this and that. Take it for what it is. If you don't like it, don't think it's breaking news thats fine. I was simply intrigued by what they had to say are their feelings toward their QB.
Disliked Wadley? Started him in the Bowl game? Gave him plenty of opportunities for a freshman?? Pretty sure he doesn't dislike him. His comments have been very favorable about him other than his fumbling issues. JR is liked by most, but like all players I'm sure he's seen as otherwise. Some of it might have to do that JR is seen by some as a "goody to shoe". Captains at Iowa have had a history of being the most dedicated weight room guys. QB's don't always fit that mold. My 4 guys would be:

Ott and Blythe are locks. Duzey, Smith, Lomax, Meier, Perry, Canzeri, and JR are all in the mix. My wildcard would be Adam Cox.
Originally posted by SWIowahawks:
Sheesh. You guys suck at getting tidbits of info. No matter how small, I appreciate any info, especially during the offseason.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
And do you believe everything that gets posted?
Welcome to the boards 2A thats how things go. If your looking for respect you've come to the wrong place. A lot of these jokers would throw their own mother under the bus.
Originally posted by B1G:
Originally posted by SWIowahawks:
Sheesh. You guys suck at getting tidbits of info. No matter how small, I appreciate any info, especially during the offseason.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
And do you believe everything that gets posted?
Well not if it comes from Kilroy. I can believe this. I've sat in class and listened to players talk. It was the time before posting on the Internet though.

I'm going to agree that these things put Parker and Wadley squarely in KF's doghouse. Some act like this is a minor infraction. Not reporting it to KF immediately raises the severity. It is also not the first issues for these two players. KF reported that Wadley did not receive playing time earlier in the year due to struggles in the classroom. Rumor was that Parker was involved in the jumping of a student that was taken to KF. I might be wrong on this but I also believe that Parker was involved in the altercation that lead to Nico Law being dismissed from the team.

As far as team captains go it would not surprise me if JR was named a captain. He is the only returning player to have received the Coaches Appreciation Award. I'd also agree that Ott and Blythe will be two of the captains. Adam Cox is an excellent dark horse candidate. He is well liked by players on the team and known as a hard worker.
Originally posted by SWIowahawks:
Sheesh. You guys suck at getting tidbits of info. No matter how small, I appreciate any info, especially during the offseason.

Great, so now our society is actually encouraging people to eavesdrop on others' conversations....and immediately post them publicly?

All in the name of sports?

This is pathetic.
They also said that they bought a parcel of land in the badlands of Dakota for cheap. And it is covered in gold! Gold, I tell you, gold!!!
Originally posted by SWIowahawks:
From what I've heard, the team is/was split on who should be starting. Both QBs have players on their side.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Which doesn't surprise me. Not a good thing to have if you ask me. Can't have a team divided. Hell our coaches are probably divided as well. Maybe a transfer would help the team, you never know.
Originally posted by Rocket98:
Disliked Wadley? Started him in the Bowl game? Gave him plenty of opportunities for a freshman?? Pretty sure he doesn't dislike him. His comments have been very favorable about him other than his fumbling issues. JR is liked by most, but like all players I'm sure he's seen as otherwise. Some of it might have to do that JR is seen by some as a "goody to shoe". Captains at Iowa have had a history of being the most dedicated weight room guys. QB's don't always fit that mold. My 4 guys would be:

Ott and Blythe are locks. Duzey, Smith, Lomax, Meier, Perry, Canzeri, and JR are all in the mix. My wildcard would be Adam Cox.
Oh my lordy! That's one of the better ones I've seen on this site! Not as good as "want of bees" or "be on me," but still good.
Originally posted by L. Wade Childress:
Didn't Wadley invite thousands of people to his party via Facebook? I'm guessing that did thrill KF.
The real question should be how the good was the party was? If it brought out the cops sure it had to be pretty good.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Great, so now our society is actually encouraging people to eavesdrop on others' conversations....and immediately post them publicly?

All in the name of sports?

This is pathetic.
Welcome to.......well hell I can't even think of a specific year that this has been going on since (and it has), but hey ignorance is bliss.....until it's ruined.

Or were you just kidding?
Originally posted by EvilMonkeyInTheCloset:
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Great, so now our society is actually encouraging people to eavesdrop on others' conversations....and immediately post them publicly?

All in the name of sports?

This is pathetic.
Welcome to.......well hell I can't even think of a specific year that this has been going on since (and it has), but hey ignorance is bliss.....until it's ruined.

Or were you just kidding?
Not kidding, and it has not been happening to this extent. That is more the fault of widespread social media than anything else, but it doesn't make it any less pathetic.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Great, so now our society is actually encouraging people to eavesdrop on others' conversations....and immediately post them publicly?

All in the name of sports?

This is pathetic.
Is it the immediately part that upsets you? Because the general theme of your rant is people eavesdropping on conversations and repeating them in public, which has been happening far longer than sports message boards. Go ahead and stop into your local gas station/fast food restaurant and sit next to the farmers drinking their morning coffee then get back to me.
Originally posted by SWIowahawks:
Originally posted by B1G:
Originally posted by SWIowahawks:
Sheesh. You guys suck at getting tidbits of info. No matter how small, I appreciate any info, especially during the offseason.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
And do you believe everything that gets posted?
No. What is your point? Do you not believe everything that's posted?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If SWIowahawks says he has "heard" things that seem to be info, I believe it....