
So 1:30 of game time isn't valuable for Petras but somehow is for Padilla? Again, you guys can't have it both ways.

At no point so far this season would I have given any of the QB snaps to anyone other than Petras (unless it's some plays out of the wildcat). That's just the way I see it.

What is comes down to is all you people whining for the backup QB are weak people and bad fans. You're too weak to fight for a struggling team or or player. You were too weak to bother staying for the 4th quarter of the Purdue game. Most of you were probably too weak to support the team during tough seasons when Hayden was on the way out and Kirk was on the way in. Most of you were too weak to fight for the hoopers during the Lickliter years. It's all about what the Hawks can do for you. Never about what you can do for the Hawks. Most of you never played football, and quite simply don't know what you talking about. Many of you probably never played sports. If so, it's highly unlikely that you were team players.

Stop tearing down a team that you supposedly root for. A community full of people talking crap about a bunch of kids can NEVER help the team. It can ONLY hurt the team, if anything. It isn't rocket science.

Cheer for your team, shut up, or get the hell out of my state
"Cheer for your team, shut up, or get the hell out of my state" This here, folks is strong, impressive, and extremely intimidating stuff. A better idea, actually, would be for you to get the hell off of these message boards.
So 1:30 of game time isn't valuable for Petras but somehow is for Padilla? Again, you guys can't have it both ways.

At no point so far this season would I have given any of the QB snaps to anyone other than Petras (unless it's some plays out of the wildcat). That's just the way I see it.

What is comes down to is all you people whining for the backup QB are weak people and bad fans. You're too weak to fight for a struggling team or or player. You were too weak to bother staying for the 4th quarter of the Purdue game. Most of you were probably too weak to support the team during tough seasons when Hayden was on the way out and Kirk was on the way in. Most of you were too weak to fight for the hoopers during the Lickliter years. It's all about what the Hawks can do for you. Never about what you can do for the Hawks. Most of you never played football, and quite simply don't know what you talking about. Many of you probably never played sports. If so, it's highly unlikely that you were team players.

Stop tearing down a team that you supposedly root for. A community full of people talking crap about a bunch of kids can NEVER help the team. It can ONLY hurt the team, if anything. It isn't rocket science.

Cheer for your team, shut up, or get the hell out of my state
I cheer for my team and all of its players. Except the ones who I just assume are only there to get into med school. Wait no, that's you.
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So 1:30 of game time isn't valuable for Petras but somehow is for Padilla? Again, you guys can't have it both ways.

At no point so far this season would I have given any of the QB snaps to anyone other than Petras (unless it's some plays out of the wildcat). That's just the way I see it.

What is comes down to is all you people whining for the backup QB are weak people and bad fans. You're too weak to fight for a struggling team or or player. You were too weak to bother staying for the 4th quarter of the Purdue game. Most of you were probably too weak to support the team during tough seasons when Hayden was on the way out and Kirk was on the way in. Most of you were too weak to fight for the hoopers during the Lickliter years. It's all about what the Hawks can do for you. Never about what you can do for the Hawks. Most of you never played football, and quite simply don't know what you talking about. Many of you probably never played sports. If so, it's highly unlikely that you were team players.

Stop tearing down a team that you supposedly root for. A community full of people talking crap about a bunch of kids can NEVER help the team. It can ONLY hurt the team, if anything. It isn't rocket science.

Cheer for your team, shut up, or get the hell out of my state
I don’t like to make fun of other posters, nor do I like to call anyone names.

Instead, I’ll just let this post stand by itself.
I’m in the camp that puts a lot of stock in KF as a good human being. I also believe Padilla or another backup should have been getting reps in game. Both can be true.
Yep and every other coach in FBS would of gone to Padilla, Labas, then the true freshman May to see who can lead this offense down the field consistently to score points. But not Ferentz, he still needs to see more the worst QB and offense in FBS to make a judgment. The man has lost it.
Heard from more than a few people that Padilla is transferring in December, KF is aware of this, and that’s the reason he isn’t playing. We will find out I guess. Even if that’s the case, then Labas or someone else should be given a shot.
Source please?
what will it take for him to get a few handoffs in a game? why is it that he can t get a few reps in mop-up duty? When does being a good team mate stop? plus what a human piece of shit is the head coach and his kid when they won't give a backup QB s a little playing time? don t the 2 backs up pay their dues showing up for practice just like everybody else?

"human piece of shit" is way off for anyone at the football complex I am almost positive
what will it take for him to get a few handoffs in a game? why is it that he can t get a few reps in mop-up duty? When does being a good team mate stop? plus what a human piece of shit is the head coach and his kid when they won't give a backup QB s a little playing time? don t the 2 backs up pay their dues showing up for practice just like everybody else?
WTF is padillia?
I cheer for my team and all of its players. Except the ones who I just assume are only there to get into med school. Wait no, that's you.
I cheer for Padilla. I just don't see any reason to tear down Petras. Again, it can NEVER help
Heard from more than a few people that Padilla is transferring in December, KF is aware of this, and that’s the reason he isn’t playing. We will find out I guess. Even if that’s the case, then Labas or someone else should be given a shot.
Why is he always listed as the no. 2 then? Labas should be listed in the 2 deeps. I guess they don’t mean $hit anyway though…
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Source please?
You won't be getting a source. This is what I've heard from someone very close to the team.

You can believe what you want. But if you believe Padilla to be the answer, you know very little about football. He wasn't the answer last year and he wouldn't be this season either.

Cheer for and support your team. Trust me, it's a fine thing to do
So 1:30 of game time isn't valuable for Petras but somehow is for Padilla? Again, you guys can't have it both ways.

At no point so far this season would I have given any of the QB snaps to anyone other than Petras (unless it's some plays out of the wildcat). That's just the way I see it.

What is comes down to is all you people whining for the backup QB are weak people and bad fans. You're too weak to fight for a struggling team or or player. You were too weak to bother staying for the 4th quarter of the Purdue game. Most of you were probably too weak to support the team during tough seasons when Hayden was on the way out and Kirk was on the way in. Most of you were too weak to fight for the hoopers during the Lickliter years. It's all about what the Hawks can do for you. Never about what you can do for the Hawks. Most of you never played football, and quite simply don't know what you talking about. Many of you probably never played sports. If so, it's highly unlikely that you were team players.

Stop tearing down a team that you supposedly root for. A community full of people talking crap about a bunch of kids can NEVER help the team. It can ONLY hurt the team, if anything. It isn't rocket science.

Cheer for your team, shut up, or get the hell out of my state
Weak post
You won't be getting a source. This is what I've heard from someone very close to the team.

You can believe what you want. But if you believe Padilla to be the answer, you know very little about football. He wasn't the answer last year and he wouldn't be this season either.

Cheer for and support your team. Trust me, it's a fine thing to do
Lol, and Petras is? Duh.
This is not new with Ferentz... look at 2012. He loves giving us fans the middle finger but the joke is on him because he is nationally lampooned for being incompetent. Oh well he got his money.
He can’t afford another Charlie Jones “Egg on Your Face” issue
Padilla hasn't shown that he's a world beater in his admittedly small sample size. But certainly shown enough to warrant some series. He's not necessarily the answer though. A significant problem is the apparent importance of how a qb looks in the artificial and completely controlled environment of practice vs how he looks in actual game play. I haven't heard another coach commenting about a qb with 20+ starts using practice performance to justify continuing to give his poorly performing qb every snap.
Let’s give him the same opportunity as Petras. Your basing a judgement on a apples to oranges comparison. He deserves the opportunity to show us how good or bad he is. All I know, he is 3-0 as a starter with a 17.6 drop rate. Was playing outstanding at NW until they closed the playbook on him in the second half.
What a complete load of horsesh!t that Petras, and only Petras, should be getting all of the snaps because for some reason he needs them after 2+ years of underwhelming performance as the starter. Even at end of game time when the outcome has been determined. That makes about as much sense as judging a player with that much actual game time based on how he practiced that week as opposed to how he's performed in live game action. The apparent need and line of "thought" employed to defend KF's choices is as odd, nonsensical and illogical as the choices themselves.
Wouldn't blame him. Pretty unreal how KF reserves 100% of his loyalty for one guy, who isn't very good. I fully expect to see Deuce Hogan as a Heisman candidate next year playing lights out for UK.

40% completion percentage gonna get him a heisman?
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He can’t afford another Charlie Jones “Egg on Your Face” issue

Let’s give him the same opportunity as Petras. Your basing a judgement on a apples to oranges comparison. He deserves the opportunity to show us how good or bad he is. All I know, he is 3-0 as a starter with a 17.6 drop rate. Was playing outstanding at NW until they closed the playbook on him in the second half.
I'm fine with giving Padilla an opportunity. I think he's done enough to warrant it. My point was that in his limited sample size he's not been overwhelming as to performance. I don't think he's the answer as starter next season. More importantly, though, I think there's plenty of reason to give him and Labas both some series to see what they can do. Throw May in there as well.
If Padilla isn't playing because he's "checked out" and concentrating on getting into med school, and then transferring, why hasn't he been demoted to 3rd string? Has Labas "checked out", too?

None of this makes any sense, unless Labas, too, is SO BAD that he can't stand on the sideline with a headset on and do what Padilla presently is doing as the 2nd string QB

KF's management of these QBs is so illogical, I don't even know where to begin. Did we get screwed out of a transfer QB at the last minute? I mean, what happens if Petras gets hurt--he's going to play a QB that's not fully committed to the team?

None of this makes sense, other than KF remaining utterly in denial about Petras' skills and game performances. That STILL remains the only logical conclusion
If Padilla isn't playing because he's "checked out" and concentrating on getting into med school, and then transferring, why hasn't he been demoted to 3rd string? Has Labas "checked out", too?

None of this makes any sense, unless Labas, too, is SO BAD that he can't stand on the sideline with a headset on and do what Padilla presently is doing as the 2nd string QB

KF's management of these QBs is so illogical, I don't even know where to begin. Did we get screwed out of a transfer QB at the last minute? I mean, what happens if Petras gets hurt--he's going to play a QB that's not fully committed to the team?

None of this makes sense, other than KF remaining utterly in denial about Petras' skills and game performances. That STILL remains the only logical conclusion
It's KF sending the message that he owns this program, he's untouchable, owns Barta, and he's not going to "fold" to what anyone else says. It's the only logical reason that he remains so committed to such a horrible QB. He doesn't want to admit he's gotten it wrong with our QB, again.
So 1:30 of game time isn't valuable for Petras but somehow is for Padilla? Again, you guys can't have it both ways.

At no point so far this season would I have given any of the QB snaps to anyone other than Petras (unless it's some plays out of the wildcat). That's just the way I see it.

What is comes down to is all you people whining for the backup QB are weak people and bad fans. You're too weak to fight for a struggling team or or player. You were too weak to bother staying for the 4th quarter of the Purdue game. Most of you were probably too weak to support the team during tough seasons when Hayden was on the way out and Kirk was on the way in. Most of you were too weak to fight for the hoopers during the Lickliter years. It's all about what the Hawks can do for you. Never about what you can do for the Hawks. Most of you never played football, and quite simply don't know what you talking about. Many of you probably never played sports. If so, it's highly unlikely that you were team players.

Stop tearing down a team that you supposedly root for. A community full of people talking crap about a bunch of kids can NEVER help the team. It can ONLY hurt the team, if anything. It isn't rocket science.

Cheer for your team, shut up, or get the hell out of my state
Wth?? 🤔🤔
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he’s been referred to over the years as padilla, padillo, paddy, and even patagonia. so all things considered, padillia is refreshing
What amazes me is that someone will talk about him like they know that he's so much better than Petras but then they misspell his name. FFS it's not that hard to spell it especially since he is brought up at least a dozen times a week. Poor kid.

I just wish he'd get a few starts in a row so that people would know more about him. The build up is insane. Same with Labas.
Lol, You really think Padilla doesn't watch film ever? Med school didn't stop Ferentz from trotting out Rudock for a whole season until he was almost fired because of a fan mutiny... remember the January press conference?
Padilla graduates in December and is done with Iowa football. He isn't committed.
  • Haha
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You won't be getting a source. This is what I've heard from someone very close to the team.

You can believe what you want. But if you believe Padilla to be the answer, you know very little about football. He wasn't the answer last year and he wouldn't be this season either.

Cheer for and support your team. Trust me, it's a fine thing to do
I don’t care who they try at QB. They just need to try someone else. If they need to simplify the O for that QB, so be it.
Some of you are psychos.
Really? What else would you call it... same shit as 2012. Maybe Ferentz isn't as nice of a guy he has fooled you all to think he is. He blatantly lied about their being a QB competition this off-season. I could go on and on. He has more flaws than positives and has for quite a while. I guess being honest is now being a psycho lol.
Really? What else would you call it... same shit as 2012. Maybe Ferentz isn't as nice of a guy he has fooled you all to think he is. He blatantly lied about their being a QB competition this off-season. I could go on and on. He has more flaws than positives and has for quite a while. I guess being honest is now being a psycho lol.
Na, but the inability to distinguish between there and their certainly does.
What is comes down to is all you people whining for the backup QB are weak people and bad fans. You're too weak to fight for a struggling team or or player. You were too weak to bother staying for the 4th quarter of the Purdue game.
I will have you know, sir, that I stayed for every second of the Purdue game.

Because there was cold (albeit expensive) beer to drink. And because I was LIVE-BETTING THE HELL OUT OF THAT GAME and was going to watch every damn second of Iowa paying me to see them suck that day.


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