People listing their preferred pronouns on LinkedIn....

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
Good freaking grief. I'm doing a search for HR professionals in the Raleigh area and I keep seeing this sort of thing. "Jane Doe, PHR (she/her)".

None of the idiots doing this would be confused about the gender identity based on the photo.
I think he's saying it's a sky is blue type thing. I don't need to tell you my screen name starts with an "a", it's kind of obvious. I don't need to shake hands with a stranger and say, oh by the way I go by he/him.

A) to some people it's not that clear cut. they may outwardly look male but prefer she/her pronouns, for example.
B) to others, it's a way to be more inclusive. if everyone declares their pronouns it's less of an issue for those who feel marginalized or uncomfortable.

I do not have my preferred pronouns listed anywhere but have no issue with those who choose to.
Good freaking grief. I'm doing a search for HR professionals in the Raleigh area and I keep seeing this sort of thing. "Jane Doe, PHR (she/her)".

None of the idiots doing this would be confused about the gender identity based on the photo.

Hire them and see if it pops up on the business cards. I've yet to see that but would make for a really fun case study.
A) to some people it's not that clear cut. they may outwardly look male but prefer she/her pronouns, for example.
B) to others, it's a way to be more inclusive. if everyone declares their pronouns it's less of an issue for those who feel marginalized or uncomfortable.

I do not have my preferred pronouns listed anywhere but have no issue with those who choose to.

It's really really stupid is what it is.

Your name is female, you look like a woman, you sound like a woman, you dress like a woman. It's pretty obvious to the entire world you are a woman.

You don't need to clarify that because a fraction of 1 percent of the population thinks they are a different gender than they were born as.
I don’t have any plans to list mine at this point, but I certainly couldn’t care less about those that do. Their page. Their decisions.

Why the F would you care about this, OP?

To me they just sound freaking crazy. Not quite as crazy as people who think the government is putting micro-chips in your vaccines or thinks that Joe Biden stole the election. But getting close there.

Whole country has gone crazy. One side can't accept it when it loses and tries to manipulate the system to prevent them from losing again. The other side thinks that a woman who looks like a woman, sounds like a woman and dresses like a woman needs to clarify that she in fact wants to be considered a woman . . . all of this is because .5% of the population of women have decided that they are not really women but men and another .3% of the population has decided that they are not women or men but they are one of like 28 different genders the nuts have made up in their heads.
I have a mutual friend who lists "HB" at the end of his name. Which obviously stands for Human Being.
I don't mind if people want to list their pronouns. Do what you want. I just wish we had a singular form of "They/Them" for people who prefer that pronoun. Something that doesn't violate the rules of singular/plural for the English language. But, I'm sure if one were to be created people would complain about that too.
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It's really really stupid is what it is.

Your name is female, you look like a woman, you sound like a woman, you dress like a woman. It's pretty obvious to the entire world you are a woman.

You don't need to clarify that because a fraction of 1 percent of the population thinks they are a different gender than they were born as.

OK, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I'll be honest - I'm surprised by your take. Always thought you to be a bit more "live and let live."

But why would you possibly be upset by someone listing pronouns on a LinkedIn profile? Like @LesClaypool said above, I can't imagine caring less about this.
I don't mind if people want to list their pronouns. Do what you want. I just wish we had a singular form of "They/Them" for people who prefer that pronoun. Something that doesn't violate the rules of singular/plural for the English language. But, I'm sure if one were to be created people would complain about that too.

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If I'm allowed to be annoyed that people put ketchup on steak I can be annoyed that people now regulary specify their pronoun.
And, similarly, others, like me, would be allowed to poke fun at your being annoyed. But Trad, well, Trad's a bigot.
OK, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I'll be honest - I'm surprised by your take. Always thought you to be a bit more "live and let live."

But why would you possibly be upset by someone listing pronouns on a LinkedIn profile? Like @LesClaypool said above, I can't imagine caring less about this.

Not Hoosier and I don’t really care what others do, but I can say I’ll be counseling my kids to not put pronouns or whatever the woke flavor of the day is on their LinkedIn profiles. Why? Because you never know how someone’s going to read into it and how that might impact their view of you. And in a professional setting, that matters a hell of a lot more than a personal one.

A LOT of liberal folks see anything remotely representing conservative thought and they’ll immediately throw that person into Trumper land and file them “in the round folder” as Trad calls it.

A LOT of conservative folks see anything like pronouns and they’ll immediately throw that person into the over dramatic, pain in the ass, run to HR over every perceived slight kind of person and throw them “in the round folder.”

Politics and work don’t and shouldn’t mix. And the pronoun thing is politics whether you want to admit it or not. So, it doesn’t bother me that someone does it - I just think it’s unnecessarily bringing something into the professional process that is unnecessary and potentially divisive. That’s why I’ll tell my kids to keep it off LinkedIn and in their very private, not public FB, insta, etc.
And the pronoun thing is politics whether you want to admit it or not.
It's actually just being nice. Probably overly nice, but still - the entire intent is solely to make people feel more comfortable. I find it amusing that some people find that annoying or bad. They are literally ANGRY at people who are trying to be nice and make other people feel comfortable. That's some sociopathic shit, IMO.
It's actually just being nice. Probably overly nice, but still - the entire intent is solely to make people feel more comfortable. I find it amusing that some people find that annoying or bad. They are literally ANGRY at people who are trying to be nice and make other people feel comfortable. That's some sociopathic shit, IMO.

I don't think they're trying to make people comfortable. I think they're trying to push a social agenda.

And I'm not hiring any SJWs if I can ferret them out.
I don't think they're trying to make people comfortable. I think they're trying to push a social agenda.

And I'm not hiring any SJWs if I can ferret them out.
Yes, we know it makes you angry when others try to be inclusive and think of other people's feelings.

And that's why most people on this site think you are an asshole. It's probably that way IRL too, if I had to guess.
Yes, we know it makes you angry when others try to be inclusive and think of other people's feelings.

And that's why most people on this site think you are an asshole. It's probably that way IRL too, if I had to guess.

Maybe everyone should wear a yellow star with their preferred pronouns so that no one ever has to go through the heartbreak of being "misgendered"?
I'm going to remind everyone, once again, that OP is a human resources professional.

That means I should be a liberal pansy-ass?

You have no idea what HR actually does. We're not the "Diversity and Inclusion" department. That's two doors down the hall. Cis-gendered white men need not apply.
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I don't mind if people want to list their pronouns. Do what you want. I just wish we had a singular form of "They/Them" for people who prefer that pronoun. Something that doesn't violate the rules of singular/plural for the English language. But, I'm sure if one were to be created people would complain about that too.
This is my position as well. I have no problem with folks listing preferred pronouns even when it is obvious. That is their preference, and it does not affect me. As a matter of common courtesy, I am happy to use whichever singular pronoun a person prefers. I do have an issue with using a plural term to refer to a single person. That is confusing and just grammatically incorrect. I can't make myself do it at this age. We should develop a singular, gender-neutral pronoun.
OK, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I'll be honest - I'm surprised by your take. Always thought you to be a bit more "live and let live."

But why would you possibly be upset by someone listing pronouns on a LinkedIn profile? Like @LesClaypool said above, I can't imagine caring less about this.

I am for the most part but I'm not into playing into people's fantasies.

I mean it's there right to do it and all but I just think it's flipping nuts. Feels like the whole country has gotten that way. I mean if you add up the nutty right wingers with the nutty left wingers you are looking at probably at least half the population. Possibly closer to 2/3rds of the population.