People listing their preferred pronouns on LinkedIn....

Good freaking grief. I'm doing a search for HR professionals in the Raleigh area and I keep seeing this sort of thing. "Jane Doe, PHR (she/her)".

None of the idiots doing this would be confused about the gender identity based on the photo.
In the email ‘signatures’ of almost all U Iowa employees under the age of 40 I see these listed. The numbers for people over 40 is dramatically lower, though. I don’t have them listed.

On another old man rant, what’s with the term “rising junior” or “rising senior”? I’ve seen/heard these terms for the last several years. Is this some sort of PC-feel good crap? What’s wrong with “gonna be a junior”?

Okay, rant is over. Crappy mood waiting in oncologist’s office with my sister-in-law.
It's actually just being nice. Probably overly nice, but still - the entire intent is solely to make people feel more comfortable. I find it amusing that some people find that annoying or bad. They are literally ANGRY at people who are trying to be nice and make other people feel comfortable. That's some sociopathic shit, IMO.

And it's fantastic that you've been able to transcend to a level of enlightenment that sees it simply as that. But the masses haven't. Pronoun-ing is considered wokeness no matter your or my personal opinions on it and therefore it's political to - I'd argue - a large swath of people that may be part of someone's professional process. Your own personal transcendence can't bring them along and I'd rather not disqualify myself or my kids based on that.

Edit to add: I am completely on record though as despising the use of they/them as noted wonderfully by someone above. My simple brain cannot wrap my head around written or spoken plural usage for a singular form. Love the idea of "one" from above.
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It's actually just being nice. Probably overly nice, but still - the entire intent is solely to make people feel more comfortable. I find it amusing that some people find that annoying or bad. They are literally ANGRY at people who are trying to be nice and make other people feel comfortable. That's some sociopathic shit, IMO.

To me it strikes me as pandering or virtue signaling.

Take the most trans-friendly point of view and it still make sense that a person who uses a woman's name, dresses like a woman and looks like a woman probably (to the point of near certainty) wants to be referred to by female pro-nouns.

To me that would be like if every time I met a black person I held my fist up and said "Black lives matter". That's pandering and virtue signaling.
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And it's fantastic that you've been able to transcend to a level of enlightenment that sees it simply as that. But the masses haven't. Pronoun-ing is considered wokeness no matter your or my personal opinions on it and therefore it's political to - I'd argue - a large swath of people that may be part of someone's professional process. Your own personal transcendence can't bring them along and I'd rather not disqualify myself or my kids based on that.
I personally think the pronoun thing is silly and do not participate myself.

That said, I don't think it requires any sort of enlightenment or transcendence to understand that those who chose to do so is out of a place of caring and respect for their fellow human beings. I was raised by the Golden Rule: treat others the way you'd like to be treated. I don't think that's radical or political, at all.
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To me it strikes me as pandering or virtue signaling.

Take the most trans-friendly point of view and it still make sense that a person who uses a woman's name, dresses like a woman and looks like a woman probably (to the point of near certainty) wants to be referred to by female pro-nouns.

To me that would be like if every time I met a black person I held my fist up and said "Black lives matter". That's pandering and virtue signaling.
OK, let's say it is.

What is the reason the person is doing it? What is their motive?
Good freaking grief. I'm doing a search for HR professionals in the Raleigh area and I keep seeing this sort of thing. "Jane Doe, PHR (she/her)".

None of the idiots doing this would be confused about the gender identity based on the photo.
Some of my colleagues now have their pronouns as part of their email signature and I was like wow.
If your pronoun matters that much to you how do you communicate it in everyday life?

meet people in public and the first wordout your your mouth is “Hi, my name is Pat and I prefer to be addressed as “them” not her, him, he, she.

business cards and LinkedIn isn’t going to help fragile people 99.99% of the time.

how often do you even identify somebody’s gender when actually communicating with them ? Don’t you just say their actual name or something like “Hey…” and start talking.

I think the people that say “triggered” are actually the ones triggered most of the time.
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I don't mind if people want to list their pronouns. Do what you want. I just wish we had a singular form of "They/Them" for people who prefer that pronoun. Something that doesn't violate the rules of singular/plural for the English language. But, I'm sure if one were to be created people would complain about that too.

English (at least American English) speakers have used they/them in reference to a single person for yeeeears.

"Did you see that person over there?"
"Yeah, I wonder where they're going."

That's still plural though. The closest I have been able to come up with is "one", like "One does not simply walk into Mordor". But the way that word can be used has issues too.
Y'all can be singular. All y'all is always plural.
I think he's saying it's a sky is blue type thing. I don't need to tell you my screen name starts with an "a", it's kind of obvious. I don't need to shake hands with a stranger and say, oh by the way I go by he/him.
Good for you?

This is an example of trying too hard to be the "middle of the road guy". Just make fun of OP and move on, bruh.
I personally think the pronoun thing is silly and do not participate myself.

That said, I don't think it requires any sort of enlightenment or transcendence to understand that those who chose to do so is out of a place of caring and respect for their fellow human beings. I was raised by the Golden Rule: treat others the way you'd like to be treated. I don't think that's radical or political, at all.

I don't disagree with a thing you're saying. It's great to live that way. It appears our difference is in not in how we personally feel about it, but the way using pronouns represents itself professionally to those you don't control (and the level of impact). We appear to be at an impasse - which is perfectly fine as I don't believe we're looking to each other for career counseling advice!
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OK, let's say it is.

What is the reason the person is doing it? What is their motive?

Pretty much as @The Tradition said. To demonstrate how "woke" they are.

I mean why does anyone virtue signal and pander on either side? (The left isn't alone in it's virtue signaling and pandering. Pretty much every right wing candidate has to pose with a gun these days.)
For some context on how OP thinks about, you know, what's important. And I'm going to take a few FIFY-type liberties, because ƒuck OP:

Tell that to the highly-qualified white coach who gets passed over because of pronouns.

The best policy is to hire "the most-qualified applicant for the job"....

Fouling that up with "pronouns" concerns is just plain stupid.
I view this as more of an issue with international correspondence than anything else. I've personally mistaken people from India or China as being the opposite sex until I get them on the phone or see them (in person or on video), simply because I am not intimately familiar with the naming structure. Somewhat similar with Mexico and having the mother's maiden name included, especially with the way some emails are structured from corporations.

I chuckled when I first saw it, but understand the meaning and benefit pretty quickly.
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Pretty much as @The Tradition said. To demonstrate how "woke" they are.

I mean why does anyone virtue signal and pander on either side? (The left isn't alone in it's virtue signaling and pandering. Pretty much every right wing candidate has to pose with a gun these days.)
That is actually a perfect metaphor to explain what I mean:

Guns can and are used to kill people.

Stating pronoun choices to signal your acceptance of people different than you is an effort to reach out and be nice to other humans.

Which is a better thing to try and "signal" to humanity at large?
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For some context on how OP thinks about, you know, what's important. And I'm going to take a few FIFY-type liberties, because ƒuck OP:

I remember when liberals used to warn job seekers against anything on your resume that might reveal a protected characteristic so that you're not discriminated against.

Don't use a "black sounding" name. Use a nickname.

Don't list the dates you attended school so people don't think you're old.

Be conservative and not flamboyant or edgy.

I guess those days are long gone.
I remember when liberals used to warn job seekers against anything on your resume that might reveal a protected characteristic so that you're not discriminated against.

Don't use a "black sounding" name. Use a nickname.

Don't list the dates you attended school so people don't think you're old.

Be conservative and not flamboyant or edgy.

I guess those days are long gone.
So you are disappointed that people can now live more authentic lives?

This is the mindset that I just will absolutely never get. You are actually upset at the world evolving and changing because it makes you mildly uncomfortable, and your response to being mildly uncomfortable is to rage and complain about shit that literally impacts you in a negligible manner.
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I remember when liberals used to warn job seekers against anything on your resume that might reveal a protected characteristic so that you're not discriminated against.

Don't use a "black sounding" name. Use a nickname.

Don't list the dates you attended school so people don't think you're old.

Be conservative and not flamboyant or edgy.

I guess those days are long gone.

Oh, depending on the industry or a particular company, those rules definitely still apply.
I don’t have any plans to list mine at this point, but I certainly couldn’t care less about those that do. Their page. Their decisions.

Why the F would you care about this, OP?

Seriously. It’s like folks form working groups and committees to try and find something to be upset about. And then, with a straight face, say something about “live and let live” and “personal liberty”.
And why would they want to do that? What value does it bring them?

Acceptance into a group.

To me that's what pandering and virtue signaling are. . . an attempt to gain acceptance in a group that the person wants to be included into.

It's not just a political thing. I see religious virtue signaling and pandering all of the time. The right wing does it.

To some extent it's probably there in all groups.
Acceptance into a group.

To me that's what pandering and virtue signaling are. . . an attempt to gain acceptance in a group that the person wants to be included into.

It's not just a political thing. I see religious virtue signaling and pandering all of the time. The right wing does it.

To some extent it's probably there in all groups.
And what works to be included and liked in a group - maybe treating members of that group in a respectful and friendly manner, including addressing them the way they prefer to be addressed?

Now, can you tell me why that is a bad thing?

Seriously. It’s like folks form working groups and committees to try and find something to be upset about. And then, with a straight face, say something about “live and let live” and “personal liberty”.

I can say it's your personal liberty and freedom to do something and also say it's flipping nuts at the same time.

It's your personal freedom and liberty to attempt to use a car muffler as a masterbation aide. It's nuts but I don't think it should be illegal (as long other people in their normal course of activities don't have to see it.)
And why would they want to do that? What value does it bring them?
It brings them the value of being able to look down upon those people who don’t partake in the pronoun Olympics. That’s what wokeness is. Being able to label anyone who doesn’t conform a redneck(already seen in this thread), a MAGAt or GQP.
So you are disappointed that people can now live more authentic lives?

This is the mindset that I just will absolutely never get. You are actually upset at the world evolving and changing because it makes you mildly uncomfortable, and your response to being mildly uncomfortable is to rage and complain about shit that literally impacts you in a negligible manner.
It's like with every word the guy utters, he reveals himself to be more bigoted. I love words, and dictionaries. Linguistics, etymology, etc. I love it when a word, or idea, is so perfectly represented.

Funny thing is, dude is reading this shit thinking, "at least I'm not woke!"


I love this thread.
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And what works to be included and liked in a group - maybe treating members of that group in a respectful and friendly manner, including addressing them the way they prefer to be addressed?

Now, can you tell me why that is a bad thing?

You can indicate how you want to be addressed simply through your gender expression (dress, hair, makeup, etc.).

Unless you're talking about the "they/them" weirdos, most people don't need to specifically display their preferred pronouns.
It brings them the value of being able to look down upon those people who don’t partake in the pronoun Olympics. That’s what wokeness is. Being able to label anyone who doesn’t conform a redneck(already seen in this thread), a MAGAt or GQP.
Lol. No it's not. That's your own insecurity talking, bruh. It's nothing more than respecting a world whose true diversity we're just starting to truly understand. As someone who has "pronoun" friends, coworkers, and associates, I can flat out tell you that your personal victimhood take on this is ill-founded.

Stop finding whatever cause possible to feel victim of this stuff. It's not directed at you personally, nor is any of this intended to judge you, personally, in any way, shape, or form.

Or, at very least, stop listening to the talking heads who are feeding this crap to you.
And what works to be included and liked in a group - maybe treating members of that group in a respectful and friendly manner, including addressing them the way they prefer to be addressed?

Now, can you tell me why that is a bad thing?

But that isn't treating members of the group in a respectful manner and addressing them how they want to be addressed. You can call a man who is pretending to be a woman "she" and that would be accomplishing that goal.

Listing off your preferred pro-nouns when they are flat out obvious to everyone is virtue signaling.

And it's even flipping weirder when you do it in mixed settings like work.
You can indicate how you want to be addressed simply through your gender expression (dress, hair, makeup, etc.).

Unless you're talking about the "they/them" weirdos, most people don't need to specifically display their preferred pronouns.
Lol. Weirdos. You're a bigot, Trad. Want me to post the definition?
So you are disappointed that people can now live more authentic lives?

This is the mindset that I just will absolutely never get. You are actually upset at the world evolving and changing because it makes you mildly uncomfortable, and your response to being mildly uncomfortable is to rage and complain about shit that literally impacts you in a negligible manner.

I don't know if toxic masculinity is still the approved term for it, but in general - that's the biggest problem IMHO. We still have very active generations that were brought up to dominate, be aggressive, show no weakness, etc. Kinder, gentler was not how you won. Nice guys finish last. Caveman level bullshit. It's literally how many people were brought up by the men in their life, experienced as they went through schooling years and competed with their peers, and was re-enforced in their careers. Stuff like this - no matter how trivial - threatens the very fiber of their being, how they've framed their worldview, and what they've been told all their lives.

Laugh it off as ridiculous and an excuse because it's predominantly a white male issue, but I'd argue it's very real and very much a problem that we need to get through to make progress.
It's a very small fraction of people in the US that want to use it or need it. It's funny to see so many progressive sorts using it for no real reason. But for to show solidarity or something?

The silly part is that it's a fad for almost everyone that uses it.

Quote me on this in a few years. The future isn't completely decoupling sex from gender identity.
But that isn't treating members of the group in a respectful manner and addressing them how they want to be addressed. You can call a man who is pretending to be a woman "she" and that would be accomplishing that goal.

Listing off your preferred pro-nouns when they are flat out obvious to everyone is virtue signaling.

And it's even flipping weirder when you do it in mixed settings like work.
Hoosier, open up to broader understanding. Yes, it can be virtue signaling, in some cases. But your postulation, or implication, that it is nothing other than virtue signaling is narrow-minded.

Funny thing is, by your broad characterization of "virtue signaling" one might consider your signature just that.


This is like how the Right branded social justice activists "social justice warriors", making it somehow pejorative to be perceived as fighting for social justice. Now, similarly, "virtue signaling" carries negative connotations for some people.

Including, apparently, you. You, with that signature on every single post you make.
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I don't know if toxic masculinity is still the approved term for it, but in general - that's the biggest problem IMHO. We still have very active generations that were brought up to dominate, be aggressive, show no weakness, etc. Kinder, gentler was not how you won. Nice guys finish last. Caveman level bullshit. It's literally how many people were brought up by the men in their life, experienced as they went through schooling years, and was re-enforced in their careers. Stuff like this - no matter how trivial - threatens the very fiber of their being, how they've framed their worldview, and what they've been told all their lives.

Laugh it off as ridiculous and an excuse, but I'd argue it's very real and very much a problem that we need to get through to make progress.
I think you are definitely on to something. Much of that mindset is probably subconcscious and baked in, too.

Oddly, my dad is a Vietnam War combat vet, avid outdoorsman/fishing/hunting guy who likes shooting guns and sports and other traditional "manly" stuff - as do I - but both of us have zero issues with other people wanting to live their lives however the hell they choose. I might raise my eyebrows at your life choices, but hey, no skin off my back.
Lol. No it's not. That's your own insecurity talking, bruh. It's nothing more than respecting a world whose true diversity we're just starting to truly understand. As someone who has "pronoun" friends, coworkers, and associates, I can flat out tell you that your personal victimhood take on this is ill-founded.

Stop finding whatever cause possible to feel victim of this stuff. It's not directed at you personally, nor is any of this intended to judge you, personally, in any way, shape, or form.

Or, at very least, stop listening to the talking heads who are feeding this crap to you.
I don't entirely agree with him but I do think a lot of this is a competition to see how can be the best most woke person in existence. This isn't about others. . . as I said in the most trans-friendly point of view, if your pro-nouns are obvious why would you need to specify?

I see this same type of behavior out of Christians when they engage in their purity competitions.

Scripture and our faith for example teaches us not to have sexual relations outside of marriage. But that simple teaching got turned into so much more. Soon you had people justifying "No kissing outside of marriage" than it became you had to refer to dating someone as "courting" . . . than you had to go everywhere with a chaperone, even if you where freaking 25 years old, than you parents had to help you decide who was a good partner for you and you had to get their approval. Than later on you were not suppose to even touch or hand hold outside of marriage. And at some point in the future I anticipate that there will be no looking outside of marriage.

Out of that paragraph you get the Duggars for example. (All of them not just the sex offender one.)