Perfect summary: Trump was Trump, lying and a pos but Biden was old and didn't deliver

Democrats held to impossible standards and the pitiful GOP can never do wrong. Pathetic
Come on man, I thought you were a serious die hard left and actually meant it. You just outed yourself as a fake. There is zero, I mean zero chance, you mean that statement unless you watched that on mushrooms. If you think the comments about the President of the US are because of “impossible standards” you are either slowwwwwwww or just stirring pots to stir. I don’t give too shits about Trump; but your fact you think Biden is getting shit because of standards is embarrassing,
Come on man, I thought you were a serious die hard left and actually meant it. You just outed yourself as a fake. There is zero, I mean zero chance, you mean that statement unless you watched that on mushrooms. If you think the comments about the President of the US are because of “impossible standards” you are either slowwwwwwww or just stirring pots to stir. I don’t give too shits about Trump; but your fact you think Biden is getting shit because of standards is embarrassing,
Agreed that Biden in no way fulfilled any standard last night. But Chis does have a point that Dems are held to a far higher standard. Trump is a felon, a rapist, he tried to overthrow the election, and his debate performances are just as bad as Biden's. The country isn't calling for him to step down.
Biden cannot recover from that. It was worst case scenario. He seemed sick and he was nothing like his last state of the union address. I’ve never seen him that lost. He kept completely losing his train of thought and sometimes just threw out words like at random.
Having these two men as our choices for President of the United States is a true embarrassment to our nation. Trump consistently lies and spouts nonsense, while Biden often speaks incoherently, mixing up his talking points. We need to take a long, hard look at how we select our leaders and demand better, more inspiring leadership for the future of our country.
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So why isn't everyone flipping out for him to drop out?
Because no one has been delusional about who Trump is. Most of the Dems have been lying to themselves for years about Biden’s ability to function. And you have all just been hit in the face with a 100mph fast ball of reality.

Up to the moment Biden stumbled out onto the stage, you believed Trump was “walking into a buzzsaw”. No one paying the slightest bit of attention over the last three years believed that was going to happen.
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Yes. The impossible standard of completing coherent sentences and not staring into the void like a catatonic zombie for two hours straight. Impossible for Biden for sure, apparently.
If Trump had been required to speak from a factual standpoint, he would likely have sounded lost and confused as well. His responses/rebuttals were filled with catchy one-liners that resonated with his base but often lacked any factual basis.
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If Trump had been required to speak from a factual standpoint, he would likely have sounded lost and confused as well. His responses/rebuttals were filled with catchy one-liners that resonated with his base but often lacked any factual basis.
Keep telling yourself that. It was a debate and you saw what happened. If, lol
If Trump had been required to speak from a factual standpoint, he would likely have sounded lost and confused as well. His responses/rebuttals were filled with catchy one-liners that resonated with his base but often lacked any factual basis.
And a coherent opponent would have taken advantage of that and made him look like the jackhole that he is.
Because no one has been delusional about who Trump is. Most of the Dems have been lying to themselves for years about Biden’s ability to function. And you have all just been hit in the face with a 100mph fast ball of reality.

Up to the moment Biden stumbled out onto the stage, you believed Trump was “walking into a buzzsaw”. No one paying the slightest bit of attention over the last three years believed that was going to happen.
It's a clear double standard. Trump has no idea what he's talking about either. His responses were word salad. He couldn't even answer most questions last night. So why are people accepting of this but not when it comes to Biden if not for the difference of standards?
It's a clear double standard. Trump has no idea what he's talking about either. His responses were word salad. He couldn't even answer most questions last night. So why are people accepting of this but not when it comes to Biden if not for the difference of standards?
What people? I’ve said neither option is acceptable for a long while. Other than those already voting for Trump who is saying Trump did well? The Daily Show ripped them both equally.
One would have to be a true moron to watch the debate and think Trump won ir Biden won. No one won. All Americans lost.
That was my takeaway.

Trump did nothing to instill any confidence he isn't the shithead I've always thought he was.

Joe just reinforced his best days are behind him. (putting it mildly) Maybe the press can finally stop gas lighting about how sharp he is and a viable replacement can be found. Don't see how that's really possible at this point because he named Kamala Harris as his VP and she ain't it. Bypassing her would create other issues for the Dems.

It'll be an interesting 4 months.
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Biden cannot recover from that. It was worst case scenario. He seemed sick and he was nothing like his last state of the union address. I’ve never seen him that lost. He kept completely losing his train of thought and sometimes just threw out words like at random.
I don't know how either's performance will change many minds.

Biden was weak. Democrats can try to excuse his performance by saying he has a cold but that doesn't change his reality.

Trump told the same lies he's been telling for almost 4 years. His excusing of Jan 6th will not play well with anyone outside his base. And he's still a convicted felon.

Kennedy may have had the best night of anyone.
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That was my takeaway.

Trump did nothing to instill any confidence he isn't the shithead I've always thought he was.

Joe just reinforced his best days are behind him. (putting it mildly) Maybe the press can finally stop gas lighting about how sharp he is and a viable replacement can be found. Don't see how that's really possible at this point because he named Kamala Harris as his VP and she ain't it. Bypassing her would create other issues for the Dems.

It'll be an interesting 4 months.