Pheasant hunting dog advice please

Maybe a beagle? They’re not “bird dogs” like spaniels and retrievers, but they can work in a pinch for pheasant. They top out at maybe 40 pounds so they aren’t huge. They are moderate shedders and while they enjoy the sounds of their own voices, they aren’t “yappy” and have some of the most pleasant dispositions of any dog.

That, or a Labrador. They’re all sorts of awesome - they shed up a storm and eat as much as 2 adult humans, but they are tons of fun for the kids. Be forewarned - many labs are fetchaholics. Mine keeps putting tennis balls in my lap.
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Have had a Weimaraner, a Vizsla, and a GSP. All great, but are best when worked out regularly, especially when young. Mine mellowed as they got older, and became couch potatoes by the age of 7-8.
I have a friend that is a huge waterfowler and he loves his pudelpointer.
Hands down the best hunting family dog on the planet. Typically has the highest average scores in NAVHDA NA test. They excel in water and field, will retreive with the best labs, LOw shedding dogs who's day in the limelight is now. There was a time it would take you 1 to 2 yrs to get one. Now the wait is generally 6months to a yr. Price is 1500 to 2500 depending on area of country you live in.

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