Fire- no.
Ask to retire- you bet.
If he says "no"....we are stuck. Too ugly to fire a quality person who has been a great representative and kept the program clean. But I fear we are faced with a situation where KF's top priority is BF's career and setting him up. Very difficult situation.
Nitewing = BF
I cannot figure out how he can be so stupid otherwise, it is the only explanation.
have you taken a look at this seasons stats and compare them to last seasons stats to see how they have improved,
just a quick recap
Stanley thru 11 game 2146 yards 23 TD's, 6 INTs
CJ thru 13 games 1929 yards 17 TD's 10 INT's
WR Easley thru 11 games 46 catches 481 yards
WR McCarron thru 13 games 42 catches 515 yards
Wadley total yards thru 11 games 1183 yards
Wadley thru 13 games 1396 yards.
oh lest it be forgotten all the improvement for the BB both men and womens program with the additions of the new facilities and improvements to Carver.
have you taken a look at this seasons stats and compare them to last seasons stats to see how they have improved,
just a quick recap
Stanley thru 11 game 2146 yards 23 TD's, 6 INTs
CJ thru 13 games 1929 yards 17 TD's 10 INT's
WR Easley thru 11 games 46 catches 481 yards
WR McCarron thru 13 games 42 catches 515 yards
Wadley total yards thru 11 games 1183 yards
Wadley thru 13 games 1396 yards.
The numbers are better in passing yards per game by 45 yards
The numbers are worse in rushing yards per game by 45 yards
Total yards per game is the same.
Wins/Losses are different. 1 less W this season
We are actually scoring 1 more PPG this season.
In spite of the personnel changes and injuries, from year to year, the offense is always similar in terms of the stink factor. We always seem to hover around "NJ landfill" status in that category.
oh lest it be forgotten all the improvement for the BB both men and womens program with the additions of the new facilities and improvements to Carver.
Gary Barta is a high paid pan handler. That's it and that's all. A carpetbagger. You're his target. The idiot with his pocket book open and his pants down. That's you.
Gary Barta is a high paid pan handler. That's it and that's all. A carpetbagger. You're his target. The idiot with his pocket book open and his pants down. That's you.
don't contribute to Iowa as I live on 1700 a month on my SS Disability and Vetrans disability checks,
Nitewing = BF
I cannot figure out how he can be so stupid otherwise, it is the only explanation.

I've never seen a single fan on any football fan site be so purposefully blind to reality. He doesn't realize that other ADs have managed to hire good coaches, build facilities, etc., but they also fire the coaches that fail to perform up to expectations. Yesterday was worse than at Wisconsin. Incompetence at all levels of play and coaching. But he can't see that. I'm surprised he hasn't brought up the two freshman tackles--who weren't trying to cover #21 man-to-man with no safety help for six plays in a row. And those tackles seemed to be better when the Hawkeyes went to hurry-up too late in the last three minutes of the game. Why weren't they running tempo at times in the first quarter with the wind or throughout the 4th quarter with the wind and down by two scores? I don't think it's Brian. I think it's Kirk's wife.
The numbers are better in passing yards per game by 45 yards
The numbers are worse in rushing yards per game by 45 yards
Total yards per game is the same.
Wins/Losses are different. 1 less W this season
We are actually scoring 1 more PPG this season.
In spite of the personnel changes and injuries, from year to year, the offense is always similar in terms of the stink factor. We always seem to hover around "NJ landfill" status in that category.

Ohio State game is padding those stats pretty significantly. It's not like the production has been consistent at all throughout the year. The team is shellshocked right now, but there aren't any statistics for the look of confusion and fear in the players and coaches eyes so that can't actually be happening, not according to Kirk's wife, aka nitewing.
its not about msg board expectations its all about the expectation of his employers The University of Iowa
1st expectation run a clean program check
2nd graduate players check
3rd maintain a Winning Program check
4th Represent the University in a Professional manner check
these are what the school expects and there a few incentives written in that determines what and how much he gets paid for.

just because he does not win enough games to make msg board posters happy, the U of Iowa just doesn't care.

KF IS NOT GETTING FIRED PERIOD. and I have no connection to the university or the Ferentz family