Remember when people spoke about Nikki Haley like she could win

If Hillary did these things you say she should be in jail. Can/will you say the same thing about Trump? Also why isn’t Hillary in jail? You had the Presidency, house and senate after the election. Why not put her in jail?
What's this you shit? I didnt have a say in anything. If I did I'd impose term limits in every part of government and purge the ranks regularly enough to prevent shady people from gaining too much power.
People like Hillary and other career higher ups in govt rarely face consequences bc there are far too many skeletons in far too many closets to go there.
Haley doubles down in new book:

“Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” Haley wrote.

“It was their decisions, not the president’s, that were in the best interests of America, they said. The president didn’t know what he was doing,” Haley wrote of the views the two men held.

Tillerson also told her that people would die if Trump was unchecked, Haley wrote.
As bad as they were, we were better off with Kelly and Tillerson still there.
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Oh good grief. So you think that if the rough transcript didn't have Trump literally speaking the words "I'm withholding military aid until you dig up dirt on Biden" that he did nothing wrong?

Do you understand that Trump did, in fact, withhold military aid?

Do you understand that Trump did, in fact, ask for dirt to be dug up about Biden?

I often think Trump is dumb, but do YOU think he so dumb that he would connect all the dots in a call that might be reported on? He's not very subtle, but he's that subtle at least some of the time.
Except theres nothing but select partisan leaks pointing to anything you post to being actually 100% factual so far.
And yes, if we're going to impeach a president it should be because of something he actually did or clearly intended to do, not bc of what some hyper partisans hypothesize happened. Lets see what actually comes out.
You and yours have had enough premature ejac over everything Trunp related that maybe you should exercise a little patience before jumping to the final conclusion already.
Just again realize, theres nothing you've heard so far about this Ukraine stuff that Adam Schiff doesnt want you to.
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What's this you shit? I didnt have a say in anything. If I did I'd impose term limits in every part of government and purge the ranks regularly enough to prevent shady people from gaining too much power.
People like Hillary and other career higher ups in govt rarely face consequences bc there are far too many skeletons in far too many closets to go there.
Nice tangent. Try these straight-forward questions:

1. Are you or are you not pissed that they didn't lock her up when they owned every branch of government?

2. More important, are you or are you not pissed that the only thing they did when they had one party rule was pass a ruinous tax cut for the rich?
It also appears that Trump was ordered to release the funds so, he was holding them.
Note to @Mattski - It doesn't take much reading between the lines to see that even Trump admits he held up the funds.

My recommendation to you: stop defending him by denying what he did. If you still want to defend him for doing this - in contradiction to your earlier post - then your argument should shift to say that what he did wasn't bad enough to warrant impeachment.

I think it time to shift to "Well, maybe what he did was wrong, perhaps even illegal, but it doesn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors." You might be able to win with that argument. But you have to be willing to acknowledge that Trump effed up.
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Nice tangent. Try these straight-forward questions:

1. Are you or are you not pissed that they didn't lock her up when they owned every branch of government?
2. More important, are you or are you not pissed that the only thing they did when they had one party rule was pass a ruinous tax cut for the rich?
1. Not really. Do I think she should have faced some consequences? Yes. Jail? Not unless there's some serious crimes/bribery uncovered.
2. Not really, the tax cut has been great for my family and the employee owned company I work for. Businesses of all size have benefitted greatly but sure, keep on with your tax cut for the rich bs. Btw, what did the rates for the highest earners change to? What about the lowest 2-3 tiers? You won't answer but you'll at least have to personally acknowledge your lie.
The 2 scotus judges and some deregulation has been a win as well.
Significant Infrastructure bill would have been a win but 2nd term will likely being that.
Talking points talking points rabble rabble... good little comrade you are. Ignore everything "your side" has done bc the end justifies the means.
Here's what I'll happily share - if DT legitimately refused to give previously agreed to aid to Ukraine unless they gave dirt on Biden, he should be removed from office. Its really not that hard to just have a little integrity with what you're okay with from politicians.
What do you make of Sondland's revised statement where he said this?

"I now recall speaking individually" with a Ukrainian official and in that conversation saying "that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks."
What do you make of Sondland's revised statement where he said this?

"I now recall speaking individually" with a Ukrainian official and in that conversation saying "that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks."
Does the public anti corruption statement have anything to do with investigating the Bidens? Honest question.
Is it possible to impeach the entire Republican party? I feel like they're a lost cause at this point.

Kind of, yes. The Dems basically left the United States for political reasons. One reason was so they could own black people.
Does the public anti corruption statement have anything to do with investigating the Bidens? Honest question.
You should read Bill Taylor's opening statement. Here's just one excerpt.

Although this was the first time I had seen the details of President Trump's July 25th call with President Zelensky in which he mentioned Vice President Biden, I had come to understand well before then that "investigations" was a term Ambassadors Volker and Sondland used to mean matters related to the 2016 elections and to investigations of Burisma and the Bidens.

Reading the whole thing and it becomes clear that Trump wanted not an investigation, but a public announcement of an investigation. I'm speculating, but it seems obvious that Trump wanted that so he could use it politically to hammer Biden.

Here's a link to Taylor's opening statement. It's 16 pages long but a pretty quick read.
She probably is, but she's stuck being a Republican, and is required to validate the ignorance of their base.
If Haley has any dreams for 2024/2028... she's got to defend the WH. The GOP isn't the same as it was for Reagan.
Problem is that she hasn't run for anything in nearly a decade.

Mark my words. You libs have to be scared to death of her. How are you gonna paint her as evil, dumb, and anti immigrant? You won’t. And she’ll mop the floor with whatever elitist octogenarian millionaire you guys choose to run against her. She has the potential to have very broad bipartisan appeal. Mainly because she’s imminently likable which is a character trait that has evaded any candidate on the left thus far.
So we’re already laying the groundwork for Haley’s woodshed beatings by the left and she’s at least four years from running?

Hahahahaha. That’s funny stuff right there. Delusional, but funny.

Probably the most outrageous thing I have heard on here in awhile. That is clearly saying something.
What do you make of Sondland's revised statement where he said this?

"I now recall speaking individually" with a Ukrainian official and in that conversation saying "that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks."

Which is precisely what Biden has also admitted to doing ....
Hahahahaha. That’s funny stuff right there. Delusional, but funny.

Probably the most outrageous thing I have heard on here in awhile. That is clearly saying something.

Wow, if that’s the most outrageous thing you’ve heard on here in a while, I’ll be here all week. Stop back.
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This has happened in every administration throughout the history of administrations.

This is just another nothing burger that will be DOA in the senate. It's a dog and pony show in the house because they have the power to do so. It's purely political, and I hope it bites them in the ass.
Link to prove your point?
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Regardless of topic, that was funny.
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