Reynolds’ voucher program will cost Iowa taxpayers over $200 million in year two

No. It. Doesn’t. You’re wrong. I will try again. With the increased tuitions, poor people still can’t afford the private schools. That is fact. Private schools can still keep out the undesirables.
You if course have proof of this right? Because private schools also can accept students at less than the advertised tuition while also charging the wealthier families more because they have this money as well.

Stick to pumping balls in gym class.
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You if course have proof of this right? Because private schools also can accept students at less than the advertised tuition while also charging the wealthier families more because they have this money as well.

Stick to pumping balls in gym class.
How many get in for a discount?

What percentage of vouchers are going to students escaping from bad public schools vs. those who were already enrolled? What percentage of public school students will be able to take advantage of these vouchers?
How many get in for a discount?

What percentage of vouchers are going to students escaping from bad public schools vs. those who were already enrolled? What percentage of public school students will be able to take advantage of these vouchers?
No idea. It doesn't matter at all. The money follows the student and that is all that matters.

Tell me....what is the admission rate at Grinnell? What is their discounted rate? How many first generation college students do the admit? What is their endowment and how is that spent? Ever heard of the Iowa tuition grant? I assume you are outraged
No idea. It doesn't matter at all. The money follows the student and that is all that matters.

Tell me....what is the admission rate at Grinnell? What is their discounted rate? How many first generation college students do the admit? What is their endowment and how is that spent? Ever heard of the Iowa tuition grant? I assume you are outraged
This demonstrates your ignorance.

When has post secondary school been a requirement?

In the vast majority of cases the public money goes to the student who already had funding for their private education.

And it's the choice of the school, not the parents/student.
1. The private schools are just not equipped to handle them.
2. Their current public schools are the best option.

AGAIN- NEITHER are the public schools.

BUT, since they lose the $$ to the kids enrolled in private schools, they have to take money away from the "regular" kids to accommodate the special needs kids.

Which leaves less $$ per student for your 'average' kids, as it is sapped away for special needs kids from a small pool of money.

This has been explained to you many times on here and you still do not seem to "get it".
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It was a scam from the start. We all know Kim will leave office and find a way to personally cssh in on this program. She, or her husband, someone in her family will get a board seat, or some grift somehow. Jesus wants her to be rewarded for giving those kids from Dowling and Xavier a shot at a good education.
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You if course have proof of this right? Because private schools also can accept students at less than the advertised tuition while also charging the wealthier families more because they have this money as well.

How many get in for a discount?

No idea. It doesn't matter at all.

Make a baseless claim, get challenged, admit you pulled it out of your ass.

You should teach a debate class @hawkedoff
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Don't the public-school lobbyists push for increased funding each year?

And you would begrudge some small private schools the same cost increases?
You damn idiot!!!

Public schools usually get a 2-3% funding increase .. max.

Some privates are raising tuition by 20-25%.

Please tell me your post was a joke?