So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

This whole response is hypocritical.. obviously not most vets agree. There will be many on that team that do not agree to kneeling but will have to because of the radical left demonizing their thought process. That is falling in line and fascism.

Two can play this game... How about we just agree that people can have different opinions

Of course they can have different opinions. Have you played a team sport before? It’s possible not everyone agrees with the stance but they value their “brothers” and their team more than kneeling or not kneeling.

You and I or anyone don’t know this. Maybe they took a vote and it was agreed upon - like in a Democracy, like the United States is supposed to be - that majority wins.

how do you know that players in the team that disagree were not given the opportunity to do what they want for the anthem? You don’t know.

You have no idea if most vets do or do not feel this way. I have plenty of family and friends who are veterans who don’t understand why people get so worked up about kneeling since the whole point of fighting/defending America is to allow people their freedom.

It doesn’t make you radical left because you happen to think that kneeling is not an issue. That’s the current problem of why our country is in such a state of disarray. There are too many people on both sides of the aisle claiming if people don’t agree with what they think, that makes them radical and wrong.
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Of course they can have different opinions. Have you played a team sport before? It’s possible not everyone agrees with the stance but they value their “brothers” and their team more than kneeling or not kneeling.

You and I or anyone don’t know this. Maybe they took a vote and it was agreed upon - like in a Democracy, like the United States is supposed to be - that majority wins.

how do you know that players in the team that disagree were not given the opportunity to do what they want for the anthem? You don’t know.

You have no idea if most vets do or do not feel this way. I have plenty of family and friends who are veterans who don’t understand why people get so worked up about kneeling since the whole point of fighting/defending America is to allow people their freedom.

It doesn’t make you radical left because you happen to think that kneeling is not an issue. That’s the current problem of why our country is in such a state of disarray. There are too many people on both sides of the aisle claiming if people don’t agree with what they think, that makes them radical and wrong.

No idea what you're talking about... Or why you quoted me. Your post sounded good and you can pay yourself on the back.

Never said most vets agree, played sports but this is a national issue.. I doubt your team or mine ever got put in this type of political crossfire.. and yes, if you don't agree the left will call you every name in the book. So (radical) is the correct term there. Bye
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This whole thread reminds me that I need to ask you ALL to watch "The Social Dilemma " on Netflix.
It explains, easily, why the country is so divided. They admit that they can cause unrest and war in any country. ANY country. And the highest bidders get to choose when and where.... and it's all done through social media, and of course, reinforced through other media outlets.
It's just crazy. Please, watch it. If not for yourself, please watch it for your children to understand what is happening.
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Conflating Trump and the monstrous and constant personal attacks against him is silly. The Democrats, in media, education, in corporate HR offices, and politics began immediately called Trump a racist and began the most coordinated vicious personal attack in the history of American politics, before his first speech ended.

It didn't start with Trump. Nixon had the mythical "Southern Strategy" of racism. Reagan was a Klansman, an interesting irony since the Senate Majority Leader acknowledged having actually been in the Klan. Reagan had that same "Southern Strategy". Bush ran an ad with a real black murderer and was attacked as racist, although in the real world the opponent actually let the killer out of prison so he could kill someone-the point of the ad. W, forget it. Every day we heard the racist chant about W.

The Trump thing is so personal because Trump challenged the Democrats' "absolute moral authority" to set the boundaries of thought, speech and conscience. Nixon was the most liberal Republican president, and the left hated him. Which Republican doesn't matter the playbook is the same. Trump is proof you can fight back and the Democrats are in a frenzy of hatred and can only scream personal invective because facts and logical conclusions drawn from facts are no longer necessary in an alternative world of their own creation. Only belief is necessary in that world.
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What do you think of the "entire team kneels or doesn't"?

Do you think it's complete horseshit players will be forced to crap on the anthem even if they don't want to? I think it is disgusting...
I sure hope it doesn't happen, sickening!!

But you don’t have a clue if that’s the case do you? Have any of you ever played high school or college team sports?

I was on teams where I didn’t agree with everything the team agreed upon but that’s the way it goes. I could have pouted or disagreed or challenged it if I wanted to. You are assuming you have any idea what anyone on that team thinks.

You all don’t want to be “generalized” as racists or fascist or whatever because of your “extremist right-wing” beliefs but you are quick to generalize those who don’t agree with your stance on things as the radical left and disgusting and “libtards”.

If the team decides to kneel or stand or whatever, I don’t give a shit. It’s something they as a team decided and not my business. Doesn’t make me more or less of a proud American than anyone. And what they do won’t affect what I personally would do. If you don’t like it, get lost. Sit home and whine and feel sorry for yourself.
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This is the correct response. Just play the game.

Then don’t watch if it bothers yoThese players have every right to do what they want as much as you do to complain about it on a message board.

You all sound like massive whiners. Basically, you are upset because they don’t want to approach life the way that you want. Grow up.
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Derpity derp.
I'm talking about to millions of random kids, get a clue, man.

You knew that though, or you're just pretty slow.

I would argue that role models are the people closest to the kid. But that’s just me being my derpity old self. I remember what my pops did when I was a kid. I remember what athletes did of course, but didn’t effect who I am as a person. I hope you understand that.

it truly is sad that you can’t even have a conversation about it, though. I pray for your family if this is how you treat everyone 😂
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The 1st Amendment implications are cloudy. The University is both a state actor (14th and 1st Amendments apply) and an employer (1st & 14th do not apply). However, the U will not acknowledge employing the players, so its status is a public institution.

However, that is of small comfort to students on university scholarship or in a university activity. The speech rule is different for those engaging in some university activity other than a private student. There is no right to play scholarship football. It is the axiomatic example of a privilege. The U can require a student to adhere to specific speech limitations as consideration for the privilege of playing scholarship football, as they do with the ambiguously worded and more ambiguously policed citizenship conditions.
No idea what you're talking about... Or why you quoted me. Your post sounded good and you can pay yourself on the back.

Never said most vets agree, played sports but this is a national issue.. I doubt your team or mine ever got put in this type of political crossfire.. and yes, if you don't agree the left will call you every name in the book. So (radical) is the correct term there. Bye

Weird, you don’t know why I quoted you when you quoted me? Are you intentionally being obtuse?

Again, the “left” is radical but not the “right”. Did it occur to you not everyone has your beliefs? That makes them radical? Because how they approach life or what the believe doesn’t match what you believe and hold valuable?
What actions has the current administration taken to further divide the country? Not words, actions.
What the hell do you mean not words? Please point out any single leader who just leads with action....words are actions, idiot. I think the proud boys could answer this better than I can but if your head is shoved up your ass so far that all the racist rhetoric and lib hating doesn't exist in your mind I'm not going to waste too much time. But forcing this justice through instead letting the voters decide like we spent 2016 hearing about would just be the latest thing. Getting laws thrown out that a majority of Americans support is pretty divisive, shockingly
But you don’t have a clue if that’s the case do you? Have any of you ever played high school or college team sports?

I was on teams where I didn’t agree with everything the team agreed upon but that’s the way it goes. I could have pouted or disagreed or challenged it if I wanted to. You are assuming you have any idea what anyone on that team thinks.

You all don’t want to be “generalized” as racists or fascist or whatever because of your “extremist right-wing” beliefs but you are quick to generalize those who don’t agree with your stance on things as the radical left and disgusting and “libtards”.

If the team decides to kneel or stand or whatever, I don’t give a shit. It’s something they as a team decided and not my business. Doesn’t make me more or less of a proud American than anyone. And what they do won’t affect what I personally would do. If you don’t like it, get lost. Sit home and whine and feel sorry for yourself.
What's not the case? You think out if 100 players NONE of them think it's wrong to kneel during the anthem? If you truly think that, then so be it lol.

What team made you go against something you believe in? Disrspected a dead loved one of yours etc?

You're assuming just as much as me so hop off your high horse....
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Omg.. the right also is radical. Where are you going with this? There are freaking but jobs are both sides. Losers, bums, racist, and God knows what else. You are reaching and trying your hardest to sound just but I can view it however the heck I want. I'm saying I don't agree with it, I will deal with it how I chose, and the same should go for the players.

There will not be a consensus on THIS issue. Just because you high school soccer team said no drinking and no low socks does not make you an expert on their feelings as a team either.
I would argue that role models are the people closest to the kid. But that’s just me being my derpity old self. I remember what my pops did when I was a kid. I remember what athletes did of course, but didn’t effect who I am as a person. I hope you understand that.

it truly is sad that you can’t even have a conversation about it, though. I pray for your family if this is how you treat everyone 😂
Was your dad standing during the anthem one of the big moments in your childhood or something?
Do you not realize the kids that need the most guidance from folks like athletes are the kids with bad parental role models or NO good familial role models?
It's truly sad you can't see the role celebrities have on many youths lives. Pray for them....
Then don’t watch if it bothers yoThese players have every right to do what they want as much as you do to complain about it on a message board.

You all sound like massive whiners. Basically, you are upset because they don’t want to approach life the way that you want. Grow up.

So you're down with Nazis busting out some Third Reich regalia and flags while also acting as university representatives? How do you feel about maybe some Klansmen doing WFT ever it is they do, or maybe just wearing a hood during the national anthem? Kids wearing MAGA hats during the anthem? Maybe unveil a poster "Obama Sucks" written over a monkey body with an Obama face?

Now me, I'm not down with any of that speech. I think the University has the right, indeed duty, to limit the speech activities of students engaged in University sponsored activities and acting as public representatives of the University. The University is endorsing this insane concept that the United States is so racist that its national symbol requires protest and disrespect, and all the destructive "educators" teaching that jibber jabber on university campuses are disserving out country, our sense of national community and ultimately our physical safety, the riots this summer amply demonstrated. Private citizen, kneel away. University representative, do what the school tells you to do or lose your scholarship.

Oh, and everybody that abetted kneeling should probably be fired.
Would you vote republican? I'm just curious because I feel like all of this issues stemmed from democratic infested cesspools. LBJ (allegedly) said it best.. going to have them voting democratic for 200 years. Democrats separated families, instilled dependency through food stamps and social programs, and now are looking to ostracize nationalism through racism. The inner cities need so much more than a knee on the football field.

I pray for every person that thinks Trump supporters have no heart or substance to their idioligies. For instance, redlining is an absolute atrocious part of our history. There should be an onset of tax programs to help alleviate the damage done to these areas. The same should be for education, we all understand that the more your property is worth, the better your school will be. (This will not change) but school choice is a huge program that provides true support for this issue.

President Trump has and will continue to fight against those issues. We have a heart, we just use different language and tactics to get there.
Derpity, derp, derp.

Decoding Trump’s Racist ‘War on Suburbs’ Rhetoric
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What's not the case? You think out if 100 players NINE if them think it's wrong to kneel during the anthem? If you truly think that, then so be it lol.

What team made you go against something you believe in? Disrspected a dead loved one of yours etc?

You're assuming just as much as me so hop off your high horse....

I don’t know the inner workings of the team or what any one player thinks or doesn’t think.

That’s the god damn point. You all ASSUME that players don’t agree with kneeling. You have no better idea than I do.

Talk about high horse. When you assume that others agree or have your same opinions when you have no idea, that is an issue.

Again, you are assuming that everyone believes that kneeling disrespects someone that was lost during the war. I would guess for most of these kids, kneeling is not meant in any way to disrespect those that have fought for this country but as a way to peacefully protest - AS PROTECTED BY THE 1st AMENDMENT - injustices they feel they or their brothers, their FAMILY - have received from their Government, etc.

My best friend is a veteran. My dad and father-in-law are veterans. My grandpa was a POW in World War II. I’ve never heard one of them complain about kneeling. In fact my best friend and father-in-law are confused why people have a problem with it since that is the whole point of fighting for the freedoms that America provides.

Yes, I understand that is not the view of every single person that has served. But you have a choice. You can not support or not watch or whatever. But there are way too many people on here imposing their views on what they believe these kids should do. If they decide to all kneel, great. If they all stand with h Th sir hand in the heart, also great. Not for me to decide. They are all free to do what they feel is right.
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This whole thread reminds me that I need to ask you ALL to watch "The Social Dilemma " on Netflix.
It explains, easily, why the country is so divided. They admit that they can cause unrest and war in any country. ANY country. And the highest bidders get to choose when and where.... and it's all done through social media, and of course, reinforced through other media outlets.
It's just crazy. Please, watch it. If not for yourself, please watch it for your children to understand what is happening.
Yes, I have seen it. You should begin by taking some of the themes to heart yourself because it's clear by your posts that you've been brainwashed by Trump and his social media propaganda. It's why he's so butthurt now. All the social media sites aren't letting him post his hate fiction.
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I don’t know the inner workings of the team or what any one player thinks or doesn’t think.

That’s the god damn point. You all ASSUME that players don’t agree with kneeling. You have no better idea than I do.

Talk about high horse. When you assume that others agree or have your same opinions when you have no idea, that is an issue.

Again, you are assuming that everyone believes that kneeling disrespects someone that was lost during the war. I would guess for most of these kids, kneeling is not meant in any way to disrespect those that have fought for this country but as a way to peacefully protest - AS PROTECTED BY THE 1st AMENDMENT - injustices they feel they or their brothers, their FAMILY - have received from their Government, etc.

My best friend is a veteran. My dad and father-in-law are veterans. My grandpa was a POW in World War II. I’ve never heard one of them complain about kneeling. In fact my best friend and father-in-law are confused why people have a problem with it since that is the whole point of fighting for the freedoms that America provides.

Yes, I understand that is not the view of every single person that has served. But you have a choice. You can not support or not watch or whatever. But there are way too many people on here imposing their views on what they believe these kids should do. If they decide to all kneel, great. If they all stand with h Th sir hand in the heart, also great. Not for me to decide. They are all free to do what they feel is right.
I realize were talking about 100 humans, how often do 100 random humans agree on one topic? Get real dude.

Nobody said everyone is offended or every vet is, I'm not gonna repeat what's been said many times by many people already. Waste of time.
I realize were talking about 100 humans, how often do 100 random humans agree on one topic? Get real dude.

Nobody said everyone is offended or every vet is, I'm not gonna repeat what's been said many times by many people already. Waste of time.
Then stop posting. You bring nothing to the conversation. That may be harsh, but you need to hear it.
I don’t think even close to 1/4 of the fan base really even cares what they do in regards to the anthem.
Probably correct & if more people stopped caring about the anthem then those purportedly "making a stand" wouldn't get the attention they seek.
If they want to kneel, they’ll kneel. If you disagree with it, ignore it, protest it, don’t support the program.

But please don’t attempt to insert yourself into the situation and suggest you know how the team should or should not act. I’m frankly sick and tired of reading it all right here.
This whole thread reminds me that I need to ask you ALL to watch "The Social Dilemma " on Netflix.
It explains, easily, why the country is so divided. They admit that they can cause unrest and war in any country. ANY country. And the highest bidders get to choose when and where.... and it's all done through social media, and of course, reinforced through other media outlets.
It's just crazy. Please, watch it. If not for yourself, please watch it for your children to understand what is happening.

This sounds very interesting. I wish I could watch it, i don't have Netflix 😐
Lol you think I'm referencing this? Slurpity derpity doo.. you honestly don't understand that I'm for building property value and redeveloping previously red-lined communities? Stick to arguing with somebody else, you are really not worth my time.
Sigh, did you read the article, like, at all? It very clearly lays out that Trump-you know, your savior-is entirely against equality in housing.
So you're down with Nazis busting out some Third Reich regalia and flags while also acting as university representatives? How do you feel about maybe some Klansmen doing WFT ever it is they do, or maybe just wearing a hood during the national anthem? Kids wearing MAGA hats during the anthem? Maybe unveil a poster "Obama Sucks" written over a monkey body with an Obama face?

Now me, I'm not down with any of that speech. I think the University has the right, indeed duty, to limit the speech activities of students engaged in University sponsored activities and acting as public representatives of the University. The University is endorsing this insane concept that the United States is so racist that its national symbol requires protest and disrespect, and all the destructive "educators" teaching that jibber jabber on university campuses are disserving out country, our sense of national community and ultimately our physical safety, the riots this summer amply demonstrated. Private citizen, kneel away. University representative, do what the school tells you to do or lose your scholarship.

Oh, and everybody that abetted kneeling should probably be fired.

Yikes! That’s all pretty unrealistic and extreme since it seems likely this was agreed on AS A TEAM. Under you“extreme” scenarios I probably wouldn’t watch and withdraw my support. I’m not down with NAZI regalia or MAGA propaganda.

But that’s the point. If agreed upon by the team - including the coaches and administration - and if I didn’t like it, I have the choice to walk away or not watch or follow

Do you ever stop and wonder why these kids feel that they feel biased against or they don’t feel apart of the “national community” you talk about?

Would you rather they riot and fight than show peaceful protest that is provided to them by the Constitution? Maybe they don’t feel like you do? Maybe their experience is very different from yours?
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This post is a completly lie. Complete. You're right the stats don't lie and they show Blacks are arrested at higher rates than whites, are punished more severely and 26 percent of all police shootings involved black victims, compared to 13 percent of the entire U.S. population being Black.
Could that be because they are involved in more crimes? Just a thought...
Margaret Sanger’s dream has come true. Her contributions have held the black population steady for years - but even she couldn’t have predicted they would actively support keeping it going.

Right on. The welfare state, the transformation of the civil rights movement into a grievance hustling extortion and propaganda operation, the corruption of large Democrat urban governments that allows the crime, the failed schools, teen pregnancies and so many other social pathogens to eat away at their black communities. A few local plutocrats prosper but the other 95% live in conditions that would not be tolerated anywhere else.

Its tolerated because the Democrat perpetrators have successfully shifted the blame to Republicans. Now, we did a shitty job of reaching out once we realized that we could win national elections with 9% of the black vote. Trump changed that and it threatens every local oligarch in, say Baltimore, that dips their beak in the massive tax money collected to educate Baltimore youth, while a minority of their students read at grade level. Or Chicago, or St. Louis, or wherever Democrats can give teachers unions make work jobs rather than actual education. There are hundreds of sinecures that must be fed in every city, the bigger the city the beaks to moisten. Everyone that feeds off the status quo has a reason to perpetrate the dystopian urban myths of systemic racism..

The misdirection has grown into "critical racial theory." Gangsters become cultural icons and, unsurprisingly people that dress, act and talk like gangsters are feared as gangsters? So that natural reaction is labeled as racist and screamed down. Children aren't taught to read or speak correct English. Rather than identify the source of that failure and fix it, the Democrat grievance industry screams that expecting at least grade level reading and writing and speaking skills is a racist manifestation of a racist system.

The infantilization is expressed in things as simple as a driver's license. Of course black people are sufficiently competent to obtain photo IDs. The grievance hustlers claim black people cannot obtain photo ID is silly. For God's sake, every person that drives a car, attends a school, or writes a check has photo ID. That's so nutty it literally sounds like some Democrat back in the 50s and 60s filibustering the Civil Rights Act, ridiculous. So Democrats make that act of minimal social conformity sound like some special racial burden. The fundamental premise isn't just demonstrably false its as racist as Bull Connor. Hence, more anger and resentment and that anger must be endlessly stoked in the misdirection of blame and justification for failure and low expectations. This will not last forever.

Black voters are starting to realize how badly they've been robbed and disrespected and marginalized. Blexit is for young intellectual black activists right now. It will be very ugly for Democrats when Blexit matures in a young generation that believes voting for the same people for a century without any change might suggest change is never coming from that vote. Our job is to hold the line on this witches brew of authoritarian Marxism and 3rd world type critical social theories until we can get those reinforcements.
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I realize were talking about 100 humans, how often do 100 random humans agree on one topic? Get real dude.

Nobody said everyone is offended or every vet is, I'm not gonna repeat what's been said many times by many people already. Waste of time.

This is what you said.

“What team made you go against something you believe in? Disrspected a dead loved one of yours etc?”

My point is you have no idea if any player in the team feels like they are going against something they believe in or their are disrespecting a loved one.

If they do - and they don’t want to kneel - than I hope the team respects that. But it’s possible the team feels it is more important to be a United front. I don’t know!

What’s obvious is that some of you don’t like it because it doesn’t fit your agenda, so you impose your beliefs on others and disrespect those that don’t want to approach things as you would.

For the record, I would stand during the anthem, hat off,hand over heart, as I always have. But I am white male who has had it pretty easy. I don’t know what others have experienced. If I had teammates tell me their situation and it was a lot different than mine, I might act in unity with them - or I might not - I don’t know. But I wouldn’t assume that these teammates had the same experience and outlook I had. And I would expect they would respect my approach and that I would do the same for them.
Who WILL be attending a game this season?

Then don’t watch Hans if it bothers you so much. It’s your choice. Guess what, I don’t shop at Home Depot because the founder donates lots of money to Trump. I hate Trump. I think he’s a disgusting,horrible human being. I don’t tell anyone else to not shop there. That’s their choice.
This is what you said.

“What team made you go against something you believe in? Disrspected a dead loved one of yours etc?”

My point is you have no idea if any player in the team feels like they are going against something they believe in or their are disrespecting a loved one.

If they do - and they don’t want to kneel - than I hope the team respects that. But it’s possible the team feels it is more important to be a United front. I don’t know!

What’s obvious is that some of you don’t like it because it doesn’t fit your agenda, so you impose your beliefs on others and disrespect those that don’t want to approach things as you would.

For the record, I would stand during the anthem, hat off,hand over heart, as I always have. But I am white male who has had it pretty easy. I don’t know what others have experienced. If I had teammates tell me their situation and it was a lot different than mine, I might act in unity with them - or I might not - I don’t know. But I wouldn’t assume that these teammates had the same experience and outlook I had. And I would expect they would respect my approach and that I would do the same for them.
You are right I don't know any player on the team. Do you think it's a wild assumption to think at least 1 of 100 players find it offensive? Or do you think that is highly probable?
The odds make that pretty easy to answer.

And do you really think it's likely they'll feel free to say that, seeing what happens to people like brees? Doubtful!

Another one easy to answer imo.
Then don’t watch Hans if it bothers you so much. It’s your choice. Guess what, I don’t shop at Home Depot because the founder donates lots of money to Trump. I hate Trump. I think he’s a disgusting,horrible human being. I don’t tell anyone else to not shop there. That’s their choice.
Hans was making a comment about there being no fans for Big Ten play because of COVID, not that he’s staying away or is bothered