So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

You're arguing with yourself. Makes no difference what I think about it. The other poster was trying to make the point that only Trump's words have been divisive and challenged someone to give an example of a divisive action. I gave an example of his divisive action. This isn't that hard.
You have a terrible example. There is a very divisive training being pushed by radicals and trump banned it. I’d argue that action caused less division.
you know what is really causing division? The medias coverage of this administration.
You have a terrible example. There is a very divisive training being pushed by radicals and trump banned it. I’d argue that action caused less division.
you know what is really causing division? The medias coverage of this administration.
Don’t try, they only read headlines not the actual information and decision.
Calling you a clown does not make me unhinged. It makes me a person who is telling the truth.

Once you said that people who disagree with you on this issue are Nazi Goose steppers, I completely lost all respect for you. And I am sure I am not the only one.

Words matter. And you chose to use the words Nazi Goose stepper. It's sad that you lack the intellect to understand such a simple concept.
Please tell me you know that far more regimes than just Nazis goose-stepped? And that you are capable understanding analogies?
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Seriously? Thatis your response?

You used the words Nazi Goose stepper for those who disagree with you for a purpose. Everybody can see it no matter how much you now try to backtrack and deny it.
Please go find my use of the word “Nazi” in my post. Don’t take all day getting back to me. (Hint: you won’t have any luck).
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
Retired Army Green Beret Nate Boyer was the person who suggested that Kaepernick kneel. Did you forget about that?
Please go find my use of the word “Nazi” in my post. Don’t take all day getting back to me. (Hint: you won’t have any luck).
We all know what you meant when you used the words goose steppers for anyone who disagreed with you. You meant Nazi Goose steppers. Not North Korean Goose steppers. Nazi goose steppers
So they're going to kneel during the anthem and piss off a bunch of people who can do nothing about the thing they're protesting. Sounds productive....... You would think maybe more thought should go into problem solving the situation and taking real action rather than showing everyone what a lemming you can be. JMO
People watching can do nothing about it? Wrong. You can learn why the kneeling started. Educate yourself on the issues and then go enact change through voting, educating others, and being aware of what’s going on.
Asian privilege is legit! :)
This burns many ears when this fact is brought up. Interesting thing is several minorities are getting BLM fatigue and wondering why the black demographic can’t figure this thing called life out and why they need a national special education program. Other minorities aren’t buying the opinion that their life has not been filled with disadvantages.
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People watching can do nothing about it? Wrong. You can learn why the kneeling started. Educate yourself on the issues and then go enact change through voting, educating others, and being aware of what’s going on.
Yes, do a through study on it. Racial injustice is unfounded. Statistics don't lie. What they should be concerned about is black on black crime, education, and the plague of fatherless homes. That would actually accomplish something as those areas are where the real problem exists.
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
Absolutely stupid, i was hoping kf was man enough to tell them to stand the f*** up. I could care less what Merriweather says too actually. Stupid move

Turn the channel or STFU you whiney bitches.
so refreshing to see such an adult conversation. I guarantee everyone all riled up about the kneeling has been moving to their seat, in the concourse, yapping to the neighbor, etc when the anthem has been playing inside Kinnick. Isn’t that disrespectful? I better see all 70,585 standing, stationary, and silent the next time I’m in Kinnick or all of you dingbats are hypocrites.
Ummm, every time I’ve been there or 99% of most sporting events everyone is respectful with hats off during the anthem. Where the hell do you watch the games in the tailgating parking lot? Also if you’ve ever played any sports at all during the anthem is an adrenaline rush with chills ready to kick a$$ bc once it ends its game time baby!
They've obviously never had to watch a teammate step into an IED in Iraq and get their entire body absolutely disintegrated into chunks of meaty flesh.

It's this kind of thinking that is 100 percent of the problem right now
A bunch of ****ing small-minded ignorants in this thread. God damn, makes me ashamed to be an Iowan sometimes. So, the principals this country are built on are only OK if they align with your beliefs? Sounds like some third-world bullshit from the Middle East to me.
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They have a right to kneel - just not during the game or on the field. The field is owned by the University (tax payers). Can I walk out onto the field before the game and salute the flag? I don't think so. Wait, isn't that my right? Same for the players.
They can protest on a street corner.
This isn't as effective of a platform. Doesn't reach as many people.
They have a right to kneel - just not during the game or on the field. The field is owned by the University (tax payers).

So therefore the government.

The same government that can't tell people what they can say or when to protest.
Why does it matter. They are American and they have the right to free speech. Let them do it if they want to.
I agree.
And if there are job repercussions etc. Because of their actions they will need to accept that.
They have the freedom that others sacrificed to earn for them so they also get to reap whatever goes along with said actions.
Yes, do a through study on it. Racial injustice is unfounded. Statistics don't lie.

This post is a completly lie. Complete. You're right the stats don't lie and they show Blacks are arrested at higher rates than whites, are punished more severely and 26 percent of all police shootings involved black victims, compared to 13 percent of the entire U.S. population being Black.
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