So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

This post is a completly lie. Complete. You're right the stats don't lie and they show Blacks are arrested at higher rates than whites, are punished more severely and 26 of all police shootings involved black victims, compared to 13 percent of the entire U.S. population being Black.
Please research before you post. You will look much better.
Please research before you post. You will look much better.

So I used actual numbers, you linked an opinion piece.

Wanna talk about looking better?

Here is are the hard numbers, not opinion pieces like you linked (and your opinion piece makes whole argument is black homicide is a bigger issue than blacks killed by police. Which may be true, but ti doesn't mean you can't fix both problem or you ignore one because of the other)
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Citing statistics..........yes. I can post many studies. The writer is hardly a fly by night Joe. She is an expert.

and the stats cited are skewed/not relevant to prove the opinion. Anyone with a high school education sees the problems with that opinion piece
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We have a president who has run 2 campaigns and an entire administration on dividing the country but yeah, let's scapegoat some kids. Division is just fine as long as it involves trolling libs I guess. I have no interest in unity with douchebags who are triggered by kneeling, hopefully they stay away from Iowa City
The political nonsense is from your mouth. I am just tired of people speaking for all veterans in generalities. Then I made a clear observation about what is happening. I am not scapegoating the kids. If they want to kneel then so be it. I think it is disrespectful and distasteful to do it during the anthem. I think they could accomplish more for inequality and injustice with other actions. Triggered, lol, whatever....
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No wonder idiots like you think the MSM is against you. You clearly don't have the intelligence to understand what real facts are.

I mean the piece does mention the problem, but doesn't address it at all

Black people account for about 23% of those shot and killed by police; they are about 13% of the U.S. population.
This burns many ears when this fact is brought up. Interesting thing is several minorities are getting BLM fatigue and wondering why the black demographic can’t figure this thing called life out and why they need a national special education program. Other minorities aren’t buying the opinion that their life has not been filled with disadvantages.
If you look at real african americans, actually lived there and likely african born....many seem to be moving on up pretty quickly.
let me understand this- we have a president who said our war dead are suckers and losers but you're angry about the kneeling because you think it disrespects our soldiers- i have never heard the kneelers say anything disrespectable about our military.

The fact you still believe that happened really shows your ignorance. Most of the military love Trump. He’s done more for us than any president has since Reagan.
Actions, ok, well in just the past few weeks he banned federal entities and contractors from providing employees with training on issues related to race and gender discrimination, and he withheld federal aid to California for victims of wildfires because California isn't nice to him.
No, he banned Federal entities from engaging in indoctrination which does nothing but demonize white people.
Wasn't that the flag that flew over every regiment in the National Army, of whom some 500,000 died, to end slavery?

Wasn't that the flag that flew over every National army unit that fought against the KKK in the Democrats ante bellum terror campaign against free black?

Wasn't that the flag that flew over the Capitol when the every civil rights act and Constitutional Amendment passed? The 13th and 14th Amendments? The Civil Rights Act from 1865 to 1965?

This dangerous mythology of systemic racism is a product of mis and mal education married to a revolutionary movement that seeks to destroy our National heritage. It is racism to its core motivated by actual race hatred and a sense of grievance that can never be satisfied. Its advocates can only scream down their opponents, or count on some authority figures (like the editors at Facebook or a university officer) punishing the opponents of this particular dystopian mythology. Either way, its forced silence, again the opposite of American tradition.

It's especially galling when 120 entitled and privileged children express disrespect. Irony is obviously dead. Like that loathsome bacilli LeBron James lecturing some laid off restaurant worker about "white privilege". Yeah, its that demented.

But lies become truth when not confronted. Cultures that no longer wish to defend themselves, in thought, word and deed, quickly die off. These revolutionaries are real and we are in the storm. The actual leadership of the revolution know they win this election or that leadership class is going to be eviscerated. Just think of what happens if FB and Twitter are forced to choose their role, aggregator or editor? Cuz if they pick aggregator they cannot censor. That issue is the hill they will die on if Trump is reelected. Just one of many examples.

We are all addicts and expect most of us will watch. I would recommend no one turn on their TV until after kick off. The people that compute minute by minute audience share will notice no one watching their pregame shows and early broadcasts. Every donor should suspend donations until the kneeling ends.

This is your language, speak it. This is your flag, pick it up. This is your country, defend it. If you don't do these things you are going to wake up in a poly cultural and lingual, disconnected Soviet Union circa 1950, held together only by ruthless tyranny of a central government that tolerates absolutely no nonconformity. That will happen in the next 12 months if we don't stand up now.
I mean the piece does mention the problem, but doesn't address it at all

Black people account for about 23% of those shot and killed by police; they are about 13% of the U.S. population.
With all the fatherless homes in the black community, crime surges there. Co-relate the murder rate percentage of blacks and whites to see my point. They have a higher percentage because there is a higher percentage of violent offences thus giving a higher percentage of police interaction with violent people.
This thread pretty much proves kneeling for the flag is a dumb idea. It only divides people. Brings no awareness to anything. Only creates negative reactions on both sides. If you're going to stand for something then put in the work to make a change that will unite people not divide people.. Sometimes you need to sacrifice time in your life and put in the work in your communities to understand those that differ from you. Figure out ways to unite your community not divide them. Kneeling for the flag you have the right to do. However it isn't productive and it isn't uniting. People who kneel know this so now its turned into a big f you to those who don't like it. Those that like a divided America then encourage it. To think this all started from Kap a guy with so much hate in him. The exact opposite of MLKJr.
People watching can do nothing about it? Wrong. You can learn why the kneeling started. Educate yourself on the issues and then go enact change through voting, educating others, and being aware of what’s going on.
I am quite sure everyone in this Country is aware as to why people are kneeling. Nothing is going to be fixed by any one individual in Kinnick.
Cause if you protest when nobody is watching it often has little effect.

The Iowa Hawkeyes are not in the national spotlight like some of you here think it is.... Middle of the road Big Ten team it's not like this is OSU or Michigan. The rest of the US could care less what these players do....
I don’t have any problem with kneeling. But I don’t think players should feel pressured to kneel. So if the whole team is doing it, I hope that’s what they all want to do.
Ummm, every time I’ve been there or 99% of most sporting events everyone is respectful with hats off during the anthem. Where the hell do you watch the games in the tailgating parking lot? Also if you’ve ever played any sports at all during the anthem is an adrenaline rush with chills ready to kick a$$ bc once it ends its game time baby!
I attend approximately 20 cubs games a year, 3-4 Blackhawks games, and at least 1-2 Hawk games (usually one home and one away) for the last decade. I assure you, not everyone stops what they’re doing and respects the flag. ESPECIALLY in the boxes. Granted, at the Blackhawks game, they cheer through the entire thing. I think that’s disrespectful, too, and do not participate.
However, it doesn’t take away from my enjoyment of the game, and neither does people milling around. Kneeling also doesn’t have any effect on my enjoyment of the game or the love for the Hawks.
The Iowa Hawkeyes are not in the national spotlight like some of you here think it is.... Middle of the road Big Ten team it's not like this is OSU or Michigan. The rest of the US could care less what these players do....
How much less can they care, need specifics
I don’t care what they do, I’m more bothered by the people that “could care less” and can’t figure out how to use the effing phrase right. It’s like the Nebraska or SEC board on here at times. Two in row eff’d it up.
I attend approximately 20 cubs games a year, 3-4 Blackhawks games, and at least 1-2 Hawk games (usually one home and one away) for the last decade. I assure you, not everyone stops what they’re doing and respects the flag. ESPECIALLY in the boxes. Granted, at the Blackhawks game, they cheer through the entire thing. I think that’s disrespectful, too, and do not participate.
However, it doesn’t take away from my enjoyment of the game, and neither does people milling around. Kneeling also doesn’t have any effect on my enjoyment of the game or the love for the Hawks.
Those people aren't expected to be role models for kids. They also don't represent the school in the same way the players and staff do.

Apples and snickers bud
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This thread pretty much proves kneeling for the flag is a dumb idea. It only divides people. Brings no awareness to anything. Only creates negative reactions on both sides. If you're going to stand for something then put in the work to make a change that will unite people not divide people.. Sometimes you need to sacrifice time in your life and put in the work in your communities to understand those that differ from you. Figure out ways to unite your community not divide them. Kneeling for the flag you have the right to do. However it isn't productive and it isn't uniting. People who kneel know this so now its turned into a big f you to those who don't like it. Those that like a divided America then encourage it. To think this all started from Kap a guy with so much hate in him. The exact opposite of MLKJr.
Thank you.
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I’ll ask you the same thing I asked someone else and haven’t received a response yet. What actions has the current administration taken to further the divide? What actions, not words?
Lol so words can't cause divide? When the president basically says that Democrats are the enemy that's not divisive? He's alienating half the population probably more. That's divisive
Lol so words can't cause divide? When the president basically says that Democrats are the enemy that's not divisive? He's alienating half the population probably more. That's divisive
His words get taken out of context some, sometimes it’s made up and sometimes he just needs to shut up. However, his policies aren’t dividing the country. The left just wants you to believe that.
Those people aren't expected to be role models for kids. They also don't represent the school in the same way the players and staff do.

Apples and snickers bud
Got it, parents = not role models. Older siblings, not role models. Aunts, uncles, cousins, not role models. Get a grip, man.
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Got it, parents = not role models. Older siblings, not role models. Aunts, uncles, cousins, not role models. Get a grip, man.
Derpity derp.
I'm talking about to millions of random kids, get a clue, man.

You knew that though, or you're just pretty slow.
People watching can do nothing about it? Wrong. You can learn why the kneeling started. Educate yourself on the issues and then go enact change through voting, educating others, and being aware of what’s going on.

Would you vote republican? I'm just curious because I feel like all of this issues stemmed from democratic infested cesspools. LBJ (allegedly) said it best.. going to have them voting democratic for 200 years. Democrats separated families, instilled dependency through food stamps and social programs, and now are looking to ostracize nationalism through racism. The inner cities need so much more than a knee on the football field.

I pray for every person that thinks Trump supporters have no heart or substance to their idioligies. For instance, redlining is an absolute atrocious part of our history. There should be an onset of tax programs to help alleviate the damage done to these areas. The same should be for education, we all understand that the more your property is worth, the better your school will be. (This will not change) but school choice is a huge program that provides true support for this issue.

President Trump has and will continue to fight against those issues. We have a heart, we just use different language and tactics to get there.
even fake internet lawyers would not claim that. Are you impersonating a high school dropout?
When you are on company time, you have to abide by company rules. Your "freedom of speech" takes a back seat until you are on your own time. This is really about 5th grade level knowledge. Seeing your reply makes me wonder if you lasted that long. Know what you are talking about before commenting. It will save you public embarrassment.