Thank Hades I'm immune. I'm trying to stanch the contagion you're spreading.And that's why you don't get any of this.
Thank Hades I'm immune. I'm trying to stanch the contagion you're spreading.And that's why you don't get any of this.
And that's why you don't get any of this.
Thank Hades I'm immune. I'm trying to stanch the contagion you're spreading.
Why don't you provide us an example of this "capitalist paradise" that has been implemented on this earth in its history to show that it can be "successful" in the way this propaganda postulates it can be. We've had so many forces pushing us in the direction of unregulated capitalism in recent years, that just has resulted in our economy and so many other things going in the tank. There are no examples of a successful "free market capitalism" that has not government that "gets in the way", because it hasn't and will never exist, other than in the minds of those who have been either paid by those at the top or who swallow the BS from those at the top to reward those at the top at our expense.
And I find your current path hopeful. Maybe you will learn something.I almost wish I could go back to being ignorant. My only other option is to go back to school and take advantage of the corruption, which is the current path that I'm on. So, don't go learning too much, I don't want the extra competition.
And I find your current path hopeful. Maybe you will learn something.
Do you really think cronyism is capitalism?
This should be a clue.I didn't give you an answer because there's never been a truly capitalistic paradise.
And no, I don't consider the Kochs capitalists, and Bob Barr ran as a libertarian too, which just goes to show that the libertarian party really isn't libertarian, which is also why I've never voted for them.
I didn't give you an answer because there's never been a truly capitalistic paradise.
And no, I don't consider the Kochs capitalists, and Bob Barr ran as a libertarian too, which just goes to show that the libertarian party really isn't libertarian, which is also why I've never voted for them.
This should be a clue.
So, is there anything other than a fantasy then that you are trying to point us towards to basically trash the one thing (a democratically elected government) that our forefathers set up to give power to the people to have some control over who runs this country. And we should throw this all away just because those saying that capitalism shouldn't have government that gets in the way of this "dream" being implemented say that it can happen, without providing a concrete example of how their solution works better?
About the closest thing that we have of a country that didn't have a government to regulate the actions of those engaged in capitalism was Somalia, and we know how that turned out!
If those are the conditions you plan requires, I think you should consider that a 2nd clue. Buy a ticket to reality please.Yeah, because the world has been one big peaceful place where no one starves to death and there are no wars.
If those are the conditions you plan requires, I think you should consider that a 2nd clue. Buy a ticket to reality please.
Of course it does. You set the stage for the baddest thug with a bank account to take over. You must own the effects of your positions too.Capitalism doesn't have militia's running around stealing from and killing people.
Yeah, because the world has been one big peaceful place where no one starves to death and there are no wars.
The root of the word reality is real. Get real. This is some hilarious hippy dippy fantasy shit.It's an easy reality. You have a small government and no standing army. You allow people to grow their own food and build their own houses. You let them help themselves instead of regulating them to the point where they spend their lives in squalor and poverty.
The root of the word reality is real. Get real. This is some hilarious hippy dippy fantasy shit.
The world has too many corrupt governments that has been exploited and screwed by capitalists only interested in their own well being and not others, which is why it is screwed the way it has been. I'll give you an example of where socialism has made its' people happier and actually has business run better as well.
Here are 9 reasons Denmark’s socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
There are other countries like Denmark who've followed similar strategies with similar results. These are real world examples and not fantasies with no examples. And we should go to some other BS system recommended by the crony capitalists in this country just because they "say" things will be better for all of us (and have been doing so for decades and haven't produced any tangible results in that direction).
Go on.You realize that's how this country was founded, right?
Oh so that was a question, you didn't have a point? You're in school, let them teach you. While you're at it, take a philosophy class and maybe one on government too.Go on...and read a history book?
First off the people have no more power. This country is run by an enormous government that is abused by bankers and other corporations. The rich keep getting richer at the expense of the poor. We're losing our liberties at an astounding pace.
And why do you guys keep bringing up Somalia? You're like a retarded broken record. Capitalism doesn't have militia's running around stealing from and killing people.
Oh so that was a question, you didn't have a point? You're in school, let them teach you. While you're at it, take a philosophy class and maybe one on government too.
You already forgot your own question? I'll help you.Teach me about what? What are you talking about? lol!
You realize that's how this country was founded, right?
And the reason for that is the right wing ideology of our Supreme Court in their rulings that support the judicial activist notions of "corporate personhood" and "money is free speech", that have permitted the crony money to take over our government instead of staying independent the way it should have to make sure that capitalism doesn't get out of control and runs effectively for all of us and not just the few. If we didn't have so many people out their believing the Koch cronyists BS propaganda about capitalism in effect being a system of governance not needing our government to control it, we might have a government that actually worked and would work the way it should. Capitalism is an economic theory, not a theory about governance of society.
Those primarily in the Republican party that voted for presidents that gave us that 5 justice majority on the supreme court that have enabled things like Citizen's United decision to put corporate cronyism on steroids in breaking down our government should be looking at themselves for who to blame for putting in place a corrupt government that no longer serves us. They shouldn't be going after us who want a strong government to regulate capitalism properly, and bring back the days before Reagan when we had one of the top economic systems in the world then when it was more properly regulated then, and our society wasn't being divided in to an unequal mess that it is now, that will lead to another depression (and probably worse with climate change hanging over us now) that it almost collapsed society with back in the last century before FDR took over and put back in a system that helped us recover from those "capitalist" mistakes. We need someone else that doesn't hold back on taking on those "economic royalists" the way that FDR did in his time.
Yeah, which is why you need smaller government. If you make the government gigantic, there's no way that its NOT going to be abused by those with money and power.
Crony capitalism is a subset of and the logical consequence of capitalism.Do you really think cronyism is capitalism?
Crony capitalism is a subset of and the logical consequence of capitalism.
You're looking at the symptoms and not the illness.
You're also a democrat shill at that. What is happening to this country is not party related.
No. No it isn't. Crony capitalism is the logical consequence of capitalism and big government. Crony capitalism can't happen without big government. Who would the banks and corporations use to facilitate their abuse of the system without government?
You realize that traditional democrat beliefs were those of small government, right?
Not that I don't disagree with much of what you said. I just have a hard time with you trying to absolve the democrats and blame this almost strictly on the republicans.
Ten percent of the poorest decile of adults in the world are in the US.
The White Hats v. Black Hats stupidity. No cure for simple minds.
Crony capitalism is what is needed to neutralize big government that exists when they control it through that avenue to do the SAME F'ING THING they'd do if they had not government in place that they currently have to spend a lot of money on to "control it". If we had no government in place, then we'd have no avenue to hopefully retake that government at some point and throw out the corrupt politicians and put in decent ones to fix the corrupt work it has done in the past and reestablish proper regulation that has been lost for such a long time now.
You ought to blame those that are running the show (the banksters and other corporate bosses that pay the government to do their bidding), not the institution that has been corrupted. If you take away the institution that should be governing and controlling the actions of banksters and other corporate oligarchs, then you take away any hope of reestablishing a true democracy again, and you'll have people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson turning over in their grave hating those that basically screwed up the American Dream they tried to provide us and the world with earlier.
You realize that traditional democrat beliefs were those of small government, right?
Not that I don't disagree with much of what you said. I just have a hard time with you trying to absolve the democrats and blame this almost strictly on the republicans.
As I noted I'm not absolving ALL Democrats as a general entity here, as there are many that have joined the already corrupted system (by things like Citizen's United, etc.) that has been set up to encourage those that will be corporate cronies to run in both parties and discourage and get in the way of candidates that won't be answerable to corporate cronyism. There are a number of pols, whether they are in districts that are gerrymandered in the Democratic Party's favor to put all of the Democrats in one district and have the rest of them spread out as minorities in other districts to give more seats to Republicans, that are trying to take on this cronyism, but they are primarily Democrats at this point. I just don't see any good and decent conscious efforts from Republicans to be analogous to the progressive caucus of Democrats to fight this cronyism.
How we define a government as being "big" or "small" is something I think you need to explain. It should be as big as necessary to do its job in serving the people's needs. Just like if business sees that it needs to be big to meet the needs of the market it serves, it will try to get bigger too, and at times there may be good reasons to do that too.
The key is whether you have those trying to drive it to be big so that they can control other businesses (and the market) in the case of business to create oligopoly, or in the case of government, build up a big enough corrupted entity to control elections to keep other voices out of government by not having a parliamentary system, instant runoff voting or other reforms that might provide us the chance to have more third party participation, and more voice of the people being a part of the government, and not an "oligopoly" of two parties that the oligarchy wants to control through crony capitalism. You make that entity of two corrupted parties too big, and you have what perhaps you are trying to describe as "big government". But that isn't an issue necessarily of it being big "sizewise", but being big enough to squash out more democratic processes of controlling it and keeping it the size it needs to be to serve voter constituents properly.
Then what medium do the banks and corporations use to facilitate their power over the common man?
1) We were never a true democracy.
2) How do you propose we remove corruptness from the government when 97% of the people vote for the same two corrupt parties?
Just for the record, I'm not talking about completely removing government, I'm talking about making government much smaller.